NRC's Vikoma-Built Skimmer Proves Valuable In Oil Spill Cleanup

The Cascade oil skimmer, built for the National Response Corp. (NRC) by U.K. manufacturer Vikoma, reportedly proved its capabilities in the clean-up operations following the tank barge Morris J. Berman's spill off the Northern Puerto Rican coast in January. The vessel broke its towline and ran aground, gushing approximately 750,000 gallons of oil and fouling several miles of San Juan's prime tourist beaches.

Winds forced the oil into lagoons and shallow protected waters where it concentrated at thicknesses of up to six in. "This was the ideal proving ground for skimmer performance and reliability," according to Bob Governale, NRC's national equipment manager. "In the weir skimmer category, the Cascade's performance exceeded our expectations. It rated high marks for reliability and long term performance in the sorbentchoked, high viscous oil." The Cascade was co-developed by NRC and Vikoma early in 1994. NRC wanted a weir skimmer that could perform with a high oil/low water recovery. During the period that the Cascade was deployed, it worked for six days around the clock. Twenty-three 5,000-gallon tank trucks were continuously rotated to collect the material recovered. Sorbents and debris reportedly passed through the skimmer's positive displacement pump without a problem.

NRC's Director of Logistics John Ives said, "With its unique folding arms, it's a very efficient load — whether by road or air lift." For more information on Vikoma Circle 9 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from September 1994 issue


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