Long Maritime Reporter 1990 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1990Serving The U.S. Inland And Coastal Waterways Vessels: Since the focus of the Annual National Waterways Conference August issue is on the inland and coastal waterways of the U.S., MARITIME REPORTER AND ENGINEERING NEWS thought it might be interesting and informative to examine and review a
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1990A conscious decision to expand the activities of the American Waterways Shipyard Conference was made by the conference members on March 10, 1989, so that our nation's small and medium-sized shipyards could strengthen their voice in Washington. To achieve that goal, AWSC increased the size an
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1990FOCUS ON THE STEADY GROWTH IN THE SMALL SHIP, BARGE & BOATBUILDING SECTOR IMA has just completed an indepth business assessment of the entire U.S. marine market. The study looks at 38 specific segments of the U.S. marine market—from large commercial ships through small municipal craft. The
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Maritime Reporter
on August 1990September 24-28, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada The 11th International Tug Convention and International Marine Salvage Symposium and Exhibition, or "The Big One" for short, will be held at the World Trade & Convention Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, from September 24 to 28, 1990. Thi
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990Selecting the appropriate propulsion or auxiliary power system for a vessel is one of the most difficult and important tasks facing the naval architect, marine engineer and vessel owner. With so many marine diesel engines on the market—low-speed, medium-speed and high-speed units; two-stroke
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990An important turning point in the resurgent offshore oil and gas industry took place recently when the Trinity Marine Group, Gulfport, Miss, announced receipt of a contract from Oil & Gas Rental Services Inc., Morgan City, La., to build three 220-foot, all-steel offshore supply boats. The a
- Canadian Government Report And New U.S. NOAA Administrator Publish Strong Swath Endorsements page: 61
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, following extensive trials of the Swath Ocean® vessel Frederick G. Creed in the North Atlantic this past winter, has released a report which strongly endorses employing the swath vessel in hydrographic survey, economic zone patrol and oceanogr
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990U.S. Yards Could Gain $ 6 . 6 Billion In Retrofit Work The Congressional legislative battle over double-hull/double-bottom tankers appears to be drawing to a conclusion. According to reports, House and Senate conferees are currently working on compromise legislation as part of the pending o
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990California-based Willard Marine Inc., a leading manufacturer of fiberglass planing-hull and rigid inflatable boats for the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy for over 30 years, will introduce its new SOLAS- approved 18-foot Rigid Inflatable Boat, or RIB, at the New Orleans Work Boat Show in Nove
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990—Free Literature Available— Radio Holland USA, Houston, Texas, part of the Radio Holland Group, offers a full package of service and support to the shipping industry. This also means that Radio Holland helps to ensure optimal, efficient and safe navigation. With the introduction of Datamat
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990As tensions ease abroad, the U.S. Coast Guard's role in defense readiness increases in importance. In addition, the service has a central role in several of the most crucial topics facing the U.S. today—marine safety, oil spill prevention and drug smuggling. The following is an overview of t
- Our Third Century page: 34
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990Admiral J.W. Kime, Commandant, United States Coast Guard Editor's Note: Mm. John William Kime was recently named the 19th Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. He was nominated to the position while serving as Commander, Eleventh Coast Guard District, headquartered in Long Beach, Calif. Duri
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990Although formed under the Treasury Department from the Lifesaving Service and Revenue Cutter Service in 1915, the roots of the U.S. Coast Guard can be traced to August 4, 1790. It all began with a request by the Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, to Congress for the authorization
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990The trend toward upgrading output and efficiency of marine diesel engines, as well as improving their ability to burn heavy residual fuels with high sulfur content, has placed increasing demands on the petroleum industry to improve their products. The oil producers have responded by offering
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Maritime Reporter
on July 1990U.S. shipbuilder Avondale Industries, Inc., New Orleans, La., has signed an agreement with the World City Corporation, Oslo, Norway, to prepare and submit a firm offer and delivery schedule for the construction of what would be the world's largest cruise ship. The 250,000-gt, 5,600-passenger
- RORO90 page: 44
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1990The 1 Oth International Conference and Exhibition on Through Transport using Roll-on/Roll-off Methods STAZIONE MARITTIMA TRIESTE 15-17 MAY 1990 First held in 1976, the 1990 edition of R0R0, the biennial international conference and exhibition focusing on through transport using Roll-On/Roll
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1990—Free Literature Available— Offering new tank coating technology that greatly extends the operational flexibility of ship owners and operators—thereby enabling maximum flexibility of cargo carriage— International Paint is moving toward consolidating itself as a market leader in marine tank c
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1990Reportedly the world's largest train ferry, the Railship III was recently commissioned for the Railship Group. Built by Schichau Seebeckwerft in Bremerhaven, the ferry increases the Railship Group's transportation capacity on the Baltic Sea route between West Germany and Finland by 50 perce
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1990DOD Requests $100.3 Billion To Fund Navy Programs In FY91 The Department of Defense (DOD) has requested slightly more than $100 billion to fund Navy programs in FY 1991. The funding level is virtually the same as the amount approved for this year. Shipbuilding & Conversion The shipbuildin
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Maritime Reporter
on May 1990Spurred by a number of key factors— the replacement of older vessels in the world fleet, the cruise ship boom, impending double-hull and double-bottom legislation, and prospects of increased trade after 1992—the world shipbuilding orderbook reached a five-year high at the end of 1989. With