11th International Tug Convention And International Marine Salvage Symposium
September 24-28, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada The 11th International Tug Convention and International Marine Salvage Symposium and Exhibition, or "The Big One" for short, will be held at the World Trade & Convention Center in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, from September 24 to 28, 1990. This will mark the first time that the two shows have been held together.
According to the show's promoters, this combined event will be the world's largest international gathering of executives involved in the tug, towage and salvage business.
It is the first time in many years that the International Tug Convention is visiting Canada and it is also the first time for several years that a major marine salvage conference has been held in North America.
The International Tug Convention has been held biennially all over the world during the past 20 years. To date, well over 3,000 delegates have attended these meetings which have been held in London, Vancouver, New Orleans, Rotterdam, Hamburg, Singapore and Sydney.
The International Marine Salvage Symposium (IMSC 88) was first held in London in 1988 and attracted delegates from 19 countries.
It broke new ground and covered all aspects of marine salvage topics, from artifact recovery through to legal, financial and contractual changes affecting the traditional salvage operation.
The combination of the two events will ensure an enlargement of the scope of the products and services in the related exhibition and will provide delegates to the conference with an opportunity to attend sessions on specific marine salvage topics, as well as the traditional tugrelated subjects. The tug-related sessions will in themselves break new ground. The ideas which have sprung from the convention series has produced significant changes in tug and towage operations and this is reflected in the program of internationally renowned speakers.
For registration information, contact: The 11th International Tug Convention Secretariat, Thomas Reed Publications Limited, 80 Coombe Road, New Maiden, Surrey KT3 4QS, England; telephone: 081- 949-7033; telex: 883526 REED G; and fax: 081-949-0530.
PROVISIONAL PROGRAM Monday, September 24 11 a.m.-5 p.m.—Delegate registration in the World Trade Center.
6-8 p.m.—Organizers welcome cocktail reception in the World Trade Center.
Tuesday, September 25 7:45 a.m.—Delegate registration 10 a.m.—Opening by Premier J. Buchanan, Nova Scotia.
10:15 a.m.—Inaugural paper presented by Professor Edgar Gold 10:30 a.m.—Coffee break 11:30 a.m.—"In the Wake of the Exxon Valdez," presented by Mark Cohen, partner in law firm Royston, Rayzor, Vickery & Williams.
11:45 a.m.—"United States Navy Versus Major Commercial Oil Spills," by Capt.
Charles A. Bartholomew. U.S. Navy, Director of Ocean Engineering, Supervisor of Salvage and Diving.
12:30 p.m.—Lunch 2 p.m.—"Heavy Salvage Operations and the Use of Tugboats," by Hector V. Pazos, president, Ocean Oil International Engineering Corporation.
2:45 p.m.—"Design for Deep Ocean Salvage Systems," by David Siviter, managing director, Perry Tritech Ltd.
3:30 p.m.—"United States Navy Synthetic Tow Hawser Pilot Program," by Robert C. Whaley, Naval Sea Systems Command's Office of the Supervisor of Salvage.
4:15 p.m.—Tea 4:30 p.m.—"Elastomeric Fenders: Materials and Specifications for Effective Design," by John E. Rector, marketing manager, Trellex Morse, USA.
5 p.m.—"The Noble Denton Towing Vessel Approvability Scheme," by Capt. John Lloyd, managing director, Noble Denton Marine Services Ltd.
5:30 p.m.—Happy hour at exhibition Wednesday, September 26 9 a.m.—"U.K. Standard Towage Conditions," by Graham Mack, chairman and managing director, The Alexandra Towing Company Ltd.
"U.K. Standard Towage Conditions: The P&l View," by James Dowson, general man- ager, Shipowners Protection Ltd.
"U.K. Standard Towage Conditions: The Legal View," by David Swaffield. soliciter and partner, Hill Dickinson Davis Campbell.
10:30 a.m.—Coffee 10:45 a.m.—"Tug and Barge: Push and Pull; That is the Question?" by Robert Sellmeijer.
project manager, Ship Powering Dept., Holland.
12:15 p.m.—"Training—The Tugmaster/ Pilot Interface," by Capt. Brian W. Lewis, Howard Smith Industries (Pty) Ltd.
1 p.m.—Lunch 3-5 p.m.—Tug demonstration and parade.
6-7:30 p.m.—Cocktail reception at the Maritime Museum.
Thursday, September 27 9 a.m.—"International Convention on Salvage, 1989, and LOF 90,' by Mike Allen, partner, William A. Crump.
9:45 a.m.—"The Enhancement of Salvage Awards," by Richard F. Olsen, partner, Stephenson Harwood.
10:30 a.m.—Coffee 10:45 a.m. — " R e f l o a t i n g from a Strand—Practical Naval Architectural Aspects," by A.R. Colquhoun, naval architect.
United Salvage Pty. Ltd.
11:30 a.m.—"Double Bottoms—A Salvor's Perspective," by Capt. William B.
Gibbs, manager, Bugsier Towage & Salvage USA.
12:15 p.m.—"The Use of Explosives in Marine Salvage," by Sidney Alford, Sidney Alford Ltd., Explosives Engineering.
1 p.m.—Lunch 2:15 p.m.—"Marine Emergency Services: Towards a New Understanding," by Klaas J. Reinigert, president, International Salvage Union.
3 p.m.—"Salvage in the Oceania Region,' by Capt. Ken Ross, United Salvage, Australia.
3:45 p.m.—Tea 4 p.m.—"Salvage Response in the United States," by Paul S. Smith, vice president, Hudson Maritime Services Ltd. USA. and Capt. George H. Reid, Harrison Reid & Associates.
4:45 p.m.—"Acoustics as an Aid to Salvage Location and Recovery," by Nigel Kelland, operations director, Sonardyne Ltd.
Friday, September 28 9:30 a.m.—"Tug Barge Systems into the 1990s," by Christopher Wright, president, The Mariport Group Ltd.
10:15 a.m.—"A Tale of Five Tugboats," by Robert G. Allan, president, Robert Allan Ltd.
11 a.m.—Coffee 11:30 a.m.—"Ocean Search and Recovery— A 'Dog & Pony' Show," by Commander Robert E. Kutzleb, Kutzleb Marine Services, USA.
12:15 p.m.—Closing paper.
1 p.m.—Lunch 4 p.m.—Exhibition closes.
Read 11th International Tug Convention And International Marine Salvage Symposium in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of August 1990 Maritime Reporter
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