Campbell Chain Develops New Process To Extend Chain Life

Campbell Chain, a division of CooperTools, formulated a new galvanizing process that reportedly will increase chain life by more than 60 percent.

Used in galvanized Campbell chain, the new cold particle process substitutes for the traditional, difficult- to-control, hot molten metal process, and reportedly produces twice the resistance to corrosion compared to the older method.

In the new cold, mechanical galvanizing method, chain tumbles in a slurry of tiny glass beads and zinc particles. The beads "hammer" the particles into the metal surface, producing an even distribution of zinc on the chain.

In the traditional "hot dip" process, workers immersed chain in a bath of molten zinc, producing a chemical reaction with iron to form a series of zinc-iron intermetallic compounds. But small differences in coating bath composition, temperature, and base steel composition can produce significant changes in appearance and coating thickness.

Based on extensive testing, Campbell believes the new mechanical galvanizing technique is superior to the hot dip process.

For free literature detailing the new Campbell chain process, Circle 151 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 20,  Aug 1990

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