J.C. Kiersted Appointed Public Relations Manager For Texaco U.S.A.

J. Christopher Kiersted has been appointed manager of public relations for Texaco U.S.A., it was announced recently by Annon M. Card, president of Texaco U.S.A. In his new position, Mr. Kiersted will coordinate public relations activities for Texaco U.S.A. He will continue to be located in Houston.

Mr. Kiersted joined Texaco in 1951 as an employee relations trainee. He subsequently served at Texaco refineries at Port Arthur, Amarillo, and elsewhere, becoming plant supervisor for employee relations.

In 1958, Mr. Kiersted was transferred to the personnel division of the public relations and personnel department, located in New York City, and was named s u p e r v i s o r of college relations there in 1959. In 1965, he was appointed manager of the Pacific Coast area of the public relations and personnel department, located in Los Angeles. In 1975, he was named assistant to the vice president of Texaco Inc., in charge of the company's Houston offices.

Other stories from October 1980 issue


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