Armco Offers Bulletin On High Strength, Low Alloy CT Steels

Those concerned with steels for offshore platforms and drilling barges, ship hulls, pressure vessels, construction equipment, or line pipe valves and fittings, will want to add this new product data bulletin. It contains full data on Armco CT Steels, a family of high strength, low alloy, finetrained carbon-manganese-columbium grades. All these steels are available in plates. One version (Armco CT-N) can be desulfurized to maximum sulfur levels as low as 0.006 percent, and is also available for some wide-flange applications.

In eight pages this Armco CT Steels bulletin covers specifications, applications, availability, dimensions, chemical composition, m e c h a n i c a l properties, fabrication, and lists sales offices. For a free copy, Write 61 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from August 1981 issue


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