Bennex Reports Early Success For N ew L i g h t w e i g h t Oil Booms

The new NOAS-series range of lightweight oil pollution control booms from Bennex A/S of Bergen, Norway, has met early success in the market with 5,000 meters already ordered for 1987 delivery.

Orders valued in excess of 10 million NOK (about $16,500,000) for the new booms, which are rated for harbor, coastal and offshore use, have included deliveries to Statoil for use at the Mongstad terminal, to Norsk Hydro for deployment from the stand-by vessel Far Scout on the Oseberg field and to Italy as part of the country's contingency plan for high seas oil pollution control.

Bennex says the NOAS-series oil booms are easier to handle than conventional designs because of their lightweight, flexible design and unique configuration which features new floatation chambers in airtight PVC-coated polyester.

The NOAS 1000-series oil boom range comprises five different model designs from the 300X for harbor use in wave heights of up to 1 meter to the 1000 N for offshore applications in 6 meter seas and heavy winds up to force 8.

For full details on these deliveries and the Bennex NOAS 1000-series oil pollution control booms, C i r c l e 3 5 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 30,  Dec 1987

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