N e w Solid S t a t e I g n i t i on S y s t em F r om F a i r b a n ks M o r s e

— L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le Fairbanks Morse Engine Accessories Operation recently announced the availability of a new solid state ignition system for six- eight- and twelve-cylinder even firing engines.

The 9000RT is an easy starting ignition generator, firing at or before 50 rpm with less than 1V20 variation.

With its timing provided directly by a signal from the magnet rotor, the magneto fires only on the compression stroke, eliminating spark waste.

Offering high primary output (225 VDC) the 9000RT provides a constant voltage reserve for broader range operating conditions. A wideband variable timing range allows versatility to accommodate dual fuel engines or other applications requiring two ignition timing settings.

The minimum variable timing range for four-cycle engines is 17 crankshaft degrees. On two cycle engines, the minimum range is 13 crankshaft degrees.

With moisture resistant O-rings sealing all mating surfaces, the 9000RT offers long duration spark capability for engines requiring extended spark duration, such as lean burn, high compression engine systems and slow-speed compression engines.

The 9000RT is designed with all of its electronic components located in the end cap, so end cap replacement will not affect the engine or ignition timings.

Available in universal flange or base mount versions, all units feature a two-year warranty and are functionally tested before shipment.

Two vartime control options are available—a preset vartime control and an automatic control. The preset control automatically accommodates two different timing settings.

This capability is particularly useful in dual fuel applications. The automatic control accepts a 4-20 mA signal from an engine controller, allowing the 9000RT to automatically and continuously adjust spark timing for optimum performance.

For more information on the 9000RT, Circle 2 7 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 8,  Dec 1987

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