
N a t i o n a l W a t e r w a ys C o n f e r e n c e Elects Officers A n d C o m m i t t e e M e m b e rs
Sheldon L. Morgan of Mobile, Ala., senior vice president of First Alabama Bank, was elected as chairman of the National Waterways Conference's board of directors at the organization's annual meeting this year in Little Rock, Ark.
He succeeds Rodman Kober of Chicago, vice president-transportation of Continental Grain Co., who had held the chairman's post for the last two years. Moving up as vice chairman was Berdon Lawrence of Houston, president of Hollywood Marine, Inc.
Harry N. Cook of Washington, D.C., was reelected as Conference president, a position which he has held since 1978. J. D. Laman of Houston, manager of marine transportation for Dow Chemical USA, was named as first vice president.
All other Conference officers were reelected. In addition, four new members won seats on the executive committee, and 12 new directors were elected to the 75-member board of directors. Sixteen others were reelected to new three-year terms.
More than 400 business, civic and waterway leaders attended the National Waterways Conference's recent convention and heard some 30 speakers assess opportunities for growth and expansion in America's river valleys. Deputy Labor Secretary Dennis E. Whitfield, Acting Assistant Army Secretary John S.
Doyle Jr., and Dr. Jesse L.
White Jr., of the Southern Growth Policies Board addressed luncheon sessions.
Mr. Morgan, the Conference's newly elected chairman, worked for the Alabama State Docks and the Mobile Area Chamber of Commerce before becoming a bank official in 1972. He has been president and is currently chairman of the Warrior- Tombigbee Development Association.
Reelected as vice presidents of the Conference were Vernon E.
Behrhorst of Lafayette, La., secretary of the Louisiana Intracoastal Seaway Association; Wallace A.
Gieringer of Pine Bluff, Ark., ex- ecutive director of the Pine Bluff- Jefferson County Port Authority, and Charles F. Lehman of Jeffersonville, Ind., vice president of American Commercial Barge Line Co. William J. Hull of Sea Island, Ga., was reelected as vice president and counsel.
H. Nelson Spencer III, of St.
Louis, publisher of The Waterways Journal, was named to another term as Conference secretary, and Howard D. Margraff, also of St.
Louis, was reelected as treasurer.
New members of the executive committee are Brian L. Garrity of Mundelein, 111., supervisor of water distribution systems, IMC Fertilizer, Inc.; Gary L. Mills of Minneapolis, assistant vice president of Cargill's commodity marketing division; L. E. Thompson of Pine Bluff, Ark., president, Pine Bluff Warehouse Co., and James E. Walden of Little Rock, chairman, Helena Marine Service, Inc.
Named to new one-year terms on the executive committee were: R. A. (Bobby) Guthans of Mobile, president, Tenn-Tom Towing, Inc.; Worth Hager of Washington, D.C., Washington representative, National Assn. of Dredging Contractors; Dennis L. Kirwin of Houston, vice president and general manager, Midland Marine Corp.; J. Stephen Lucas of Stamford, Conn., director, logistics/operations, Louis Dreyfus Corp.; and Jack M.
Park of Washington, D.C., vice president-government relations, Crowley Maritime Corp.
Tim Parker Jr., of Tuscaloosa, president, Parker Towing co.; James H. Phillips of Little Rock, executive director, Arkansas Waterways Commission; Robert W. Portiss of Catoosa, Okla., port director, Tulsa Port of Catoosa; George J.
Ryan of Cleveland, president, Lake Carriers' Assn.; Stanley L. Vale of Harrisburg, Pa., intermodal coordinator, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and Donald G.
Waldon of Columbus, Miss., administrator, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority.
Robert H. Hertzberg of St.
Paul, executive vice president, Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, was elected to the board of directors in the association category, and two others—Morgan D.
DuBrow of Washington, D.C., senior staff engineer, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, and T. Mark Simmons Jr., of Clarksdale, Miss., chairman of the Lower Mississippi Valley Flood Control Association's executive committee—were named to fill vacancies in the same category.
Reelected to new three-year terms were Ernest J. Corrado of Washington, D.C., president, American Institute of Merchant Shipping; Eunice Piatt of Camden, Ark., executive director, Ouachita River Valley Association; Mr Cook and Mr. Ryan.
In the carrier category, new members are P. Gene Flood of Tampa, president, Gulfcoast Transit Co., and Craig E. Philip of Nashville, vice president-marketing, Ingram Barge Co. Three others were reelected: Nicholas J. Barchie Jr., of Chickasaw, Ala., president, Warrior & Gulf Navigation Co.; John F.
Hynes of St. Louis, executive vice president, SCNO Barge Lines, Inc., and John F. McKenzie of Davenport, la., president, Alter Barge Line, Inc.
J. Ron Brinson of New Orleans, executive port director and general manager, Port of New Orleans, and Donald C. McCrory of Memphis, director, Memphis & Shelby County Port Commission, were elected to the board in the public category.
Reelected were Gary P. La- Grange of Franklin, La., executive director, West St. Mary Parish Port, Harbor and Terminal District; William S. (Sam) Masters of Jefferson City, Mo., director of waterways, Missouri Highway and Transportation Department, and Mr.
In the shipper category, Gale R.
Rhodes of Lakin, W. Va., manager, river transportation division, AEP Fuel Supply, was elected to a threeyear term, and Arthur J. Brosius of Philbro Engergy, Inc., Pittsburgh, was named to fill a vacancy.
Reelected to new terms were Russell J. Eichman of St. Paul, vice president-corporate transportation, Harvest States Cooperatives; James A. Pierce of Yazoo City, Miss., director of transportation, Mississippi Chemical Corp.; Mr.
Laman and Mr. Lucas.
Three new members were elected to the board's waterway services category: Warren H. Boren of New Orleans, executive vice president, Hall-Buck Marine Services Co.; Thomas D. Murphree Jr., of Memphis, general manager, Rivergate Terminal Co., and Douglas E.
Scholin of St. Louis, vice president and general manager-marine department, Frank B. Hall & Co. of Missouri, Inc.
Reelected were T.G. McDonald of Tulsa, chairman, Tuloma Stevedoring Co., and Mr. Kirwin.
The National Waterways Conference's 1987 annual meeting was held at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock. In 1988, the organization will meet on September 21-23 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville.
The 400-member Conference, founded in 1960, works to promote a better understanding of the public value of the American waterways system.
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