N e w Reducing Union Branch Tees C a n Connect T w o Tubing Sizes

Swagelok® Tube Fitting Reducing Union Branch Tees are now available in 316 stainless steel and carbon steel from Swagelok Co., Solon, Ohio.

The new fittings provide size reductions from 2-inch, lV2-inch and l'/4-inch tube O.D. on the tee run down to 1-inch tube O.D. on the tee branch. The design reduces the number of mechanical connections normally required for drops from large to smaller tubing. It provides a smooth flow path, without internal pockets or steps.

As with all over 1-inch Swagelok Tube Fittings, the new tees are easily installed with the aid of the Swagelok Hydraulic Swaging Unit (HSU), a portable tool which swages the ferrules onto the tubing before final assembly into the fitting body.

Applications include direct coupling between supply lines and points of use, automated painting systems, hydraulic systems, process control, and instrumentation.

For more information and free literature from Swagelok, C i r c l e 4 3 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from December 1987 issue


Maritime Reporter

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