Ensolve Develops Innovative Oily Water Separator
EnSolve Biosystems has developed and is offering the PetroLiminator, a biomechanical oily water separator for the marine industry. In fact, the Raleigh, N.C., company was recently presented the Seatrade Award for countering marine and atmospheric pollution "The PetroLiminator was developed to overcome the persistent problem of bilge water treatment on seagoing ships. Conventional oily water separators have been blamed for numerous oil discharges into the marine environment, leading to large fines and even criminal prosecution for shipowners and masters. The PetroLiminator offers a reliable and cost-effective solution," said Dr. Jason Caplan, president and CEO of EnSolve Biosystems.
The PetroLiminator, introduced to the world market in 2000, is the world's tlrst biologically based oily water separator, which is designed to provide reliable, cost-effective treatment of ships' bilge water to meet international clean-water standards.
It uses safe, non-pathogenic bacteria (six to seven different species) to remove oil, grease, detergents and other hydrocarbons from bilge water so it can be safely discharged overboard into environmentally sensitive oceans and waterways.
The product has been type-approved by the U.S. Coast Guard and Canadian Department of Transport, certifying compliance with International Maritime Organization (IMO) carriage requirements.
The system should prove particularly interesting to vessel owners for more than its environmental merits.
PetroLiminator is described by its maker as "virtually maintenance free," with no filters or ceramic beads to clean or replace. It is also designed to easily remove emulsified oil and detergents EnSolve Biosystems is an early-stage biotechnology company based in the Research Triangle region of North Carolina. The company has received numerous awards and financial support from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center for research and development. EnSolve's other products for the marine market include bioenzymatic degreasers and oil-spill cleanup products.
Last year the company made two significant strides in expanding the products exposure in the marine realm, signing an order with Interlake Steamship Co. to supply two PetroLiminator 630 systems for the MV Mesabi Miner and MV Paul R. Tregurtha. Also, it signed with Bath Iron Works, a general Dynamics Co., to cooperate in introducing the system to select military and commercial markets.
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