Tri-Tex Introduces New Video Medcare First Responder® System

Tri-Tex Marine Inc., a subsidiary of Baldt Inc., has introduced the new Video Medcare First Responder ® System. The First Responder concept is based on the need to provide immediate medical life support to persons injured in the workplace and recreational settings.

First Responder video program provides rapid visual step-by-step instruction on injury management techniques and the use of appropriate medical supplies now available in four different sizes of medpacs, small, medium, large and extra large.

Utilizing a unique interactive video disc program, First Responder system is intended for use at work sites and recreation areas where access to established emergency services are not readily available. The interactive video program is a colorcoded system that enables the operator to select instructions for management of the injured victims. The video program will instruct the operator on specific care of the most common injuries. Similarly colorcoded prepackaged medical kits are located in each of the four new medical pacs.

The most common work-related injuries and their emergency response techniques were thoroughly analyzed. Using professional actors and makeup artists, the injuries and medical response techniques were recreated for the video disc program.

The extreme realism prepares the operator for the emotional shock generally associated with lifethreatening injuries. These medical techniques were supervised by Video Medcare's medical director, Charles L. Waite, M.D., former Deputy Surgeon General of the Navy.

This state-of-the art video laser technology is intended for both emergency response use and training.

The design concept makes initial care available where lengthy emergency response time could adversely affect the survivability of the victim or result in permanent injury. First Responder is designed as a system for those people who may be called upon to administer first aid and as a skill reinforcement for those who have previous medical training.

For more information on the new Video Medcare First Responder System, Circle 95 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from May 1986 issue


Maritime Reporter

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