Inspection Service Founded To Meet N e w Offshore Platform Inspection Requirements

Marine and Offshore Inspection Services, Inc., a new inspection service, has been established to fill the void created when responsibility for inspection of fixed offshore structures was shifted from the U.S. Coast Guard to rig/platform owners and operators.

Peter J. Hill, president of the New Orleansbased company, said the need for the new service now exists because many companies do not have the expertise or the desire to perform the required annual inspections. He added that some companies which do have the resources such as safety and training departments, prefer a third party inspection because of the inspector's independence and liability considerations.

The company offers services meeting the new regulations to owner/operators of facilities located on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, including the Gulf and West Coasts and Alaska.

Following the inspections, the company reports its findings to the owner/operator of the rig or platform, who submits a report to the Coast Guard.

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