Marinette Marine Completes Yard Patrol Boat Contract

Marinette Marine Corporation recently delivered the last of 20 Yard Patrol (YP) training boats to the Naval Sea Systems Command.

Thirteen of the YPs were delivered to the Annapolis Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., and seven were delivered to the Naval Education and Training Center in Newport, R.I. The YP's mission is to supplement classroom student training by providing essential hands-on experience in ship maneuvering, communication and navigation.

The original contract for six YPs was awarded to Marinette Marine in August 1984. A modification to the contract for seven additional YPs was awarded in December 1984, and another option for seven more vessels was awarded in September 1985, bringing the total to 20.

The Yard Patrol training craft are of wood hull construction with an aluminum superstructure, overall length of 108 feet, a beam of 22 feet 9 inches, and full load draft of 5 feet 9 inches.

Marinette Marine also has under construction at its Wisconsin-based shipyard, three U.S.

Navy Mine Countermeasures (MCM) ships.

Marinette Marine Corporation, founded in 1942, is a firm of engineers and construction specialists providing commercial and government clients with the latest state-of-the-art ship design and construction.

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Other stories from January 1989 issue


Maritime Reporter

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