Matson Orders Econics Fuel Optimizers—Reports 3.5% Savings In Fuel

Matson Navigation Company has ordered 11 Econics fuel optimization systems to equip all of the boilers on the major ships of the fleet. This order followed a six-month evaluation of a system that was installed on one of the two 110,000 pound hour B&W boilers of Matson's Manulani, a 27,165-dwt, 23-knot containership.

According to James J. Sweeney, manager of shipboard energy conservation for Matson Navigation, the Econics system reduced fuel consumption by 3.5 percent compared with previous boiler operation. These savings are achieved through advanced technology measurement and control of the boiler's combus- tion of residual fuel oil, maximizing the usable energy recovery from the oil.

Installation of the Econics systems is part of Matson's continuing program to achieve fuel savings through the application of newly developed technology. This program has included installation of satellite navigation systems and use of newly developed antifouling coatings in addition to the combustion systems. This program is expected to save more than 200,000 barrels of oil per year for Matson. For more information on the Econics system, Write 28 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 8,  May 15, 1981

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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.