VIRGINIA BEACH — MAY 26-27 The third in a series of international symposia on ship propellers that have been attracting wide attention in the marine engineering community in recent years will be presented on May 26- 27, 1981, at the Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va. Titled Propellers '81, the meeting is being presented by the Technical and Research Program of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers in cooperation with the Hampton Roads Section.
A total of 24 papers on various aspects of marine propellers and related p r o p u l s i o n components are scheduled for delivery at the symposium, the authors representing a cross section of expertise from the United States and Europe.
Propellers '81 is intended to: • Encourage vitally needed research efforts through the presentation and publication of the most recent developments in hydrodynamic theories of propeller design and wake interaction, and present the most up-to-date information available on the problem of propeller wake-induced vibration.
• Provide a forum for the discussion of the special problems associated with the operation of fixed- and variable-pitch propellers in ice, with an in-depth study of Ice Class Rules as they pertain to propeller design parameters.
• Disseminate propeller design information for a wide range of small craft.
• Give an opportunity for a free exchange of views between members of the marine community as to the present state of p r o p e l l e r design, performance, maintenance procedures, and the economic gains resulting from them.
Robert P. Giblon, chairman of the Ships' Machinery Committee, is general chairman of Propellers '81; Andrew A. Szvpula is chairman of the Technical Committee, which is made up of the members of Panel M-16 (Modernization of Propulsion S h a f t Systems) of SNAME.
A banquet will be held on Tuesday, May 26, at 7:00 pm. The principal speaker will be John J.
Nachtsheim (FL '54), 33rd president of the Society, 1981-82. At the time of his election, he was assistant administrator for shipbuilding and ship operations, Maritime Administration. In December 1980 Mr. Nachtsheim assumed the position of executive director, Maritime T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Research Board of the National Academy of Sciences.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM TUESDAY, MAY 26 Session 1A — Hydrodynamics.
Presiding: John G. Hill; assisting: Brendt Hansen.
9:45 am The Flowfield near the Propeller of a Self-Propelled Slender Body with Appendages: J.A.
Schetz and H.P. Stottmeister.
10:50 am Semi-Submerged Propellers for Monohull Displacement Ships: D.A. Rains.
11:35 am The Pinnate Propeller: P. Simonsson.
Session IB — Ice. P r e s i d i n g: Frank Zaher; assisting: Watt V.
9:45 am A Study of Ice Class Rules for Propellers: P.G. Noble and V. Bulat.
10:50 am Design of Baltic Ferries for the Eighties — Propeller and Aft End Vibrations: R. Salminen and M. Kanerva.
11:35 am Full Scale Icebreaking Stresses on Propellers of the Polar Star: G. Antonides, A. Hagen, and I). Langrock.
Session 2A — Small Boats. Presiding: Robert A. Levine; assisting: Robert A. Giuffra.
2:15 pm Sizing Segmental Section— C o m m e r c i a l l y Available Propellers for Small Craft: D.L.
Blount and E.N. Hubble.
3:00 pm Simplified Plotting of Nondimensional Propeller Parameters and its Application to a Propeller Series for High-Speed Small Craft: H.F. Hillman.
4:05 pm Propulsion Systems for Slow Amphibians: J.C. Daidola, H. Hui-tzeng Ting, and E.D.
Session 2B — Vibrations. Presiding: Angelos Zaloumis; assisting: John A. Albino.
2:15 pm Investigation into Modeling and Measurement of Propeller Cavitation Source Strength at Blade Rate on Merchant Vessels : L.M. Grey.
3:00 pm Periodic Blade Loads on Propellers in Tangential and Longitudinal Wakes: R.J. Boswell, S.D. Jessup, and K.H. Kim.
4:05 pm M i n i m i z a t i o n of Unsteady Propeller Forces that Excite Vibration of the Propulsion System: N.A. Brown.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 Session 3A — Hydrodynamics.
Presiding: Francis J. Dashnaw; assisting: Robert A. Levine.
9:15 am The Influence of the Propeller on the Wake Distribution as Established in a Model Test: J. Laudan.
10:20 am On Optimum Propeller Performance: T.A. Loukakis and G. Politis.
11:05 am Prediction of Propeller H y d r o d y n a m i c Coefficients Using Unsteady Lifting Surface Theory: L. Vassilopoulos and M.
Session 3B—Vibrations. Presiding: John E. Ancarrow Jr.; assisting: Robert H. Murray.
9:15 am Added Mass and Damping Estimates for Vibrating Propellers: M.G. Parsons and W.S.
10:20 am P r o p e l l e r Induced Noise in Ships: A.C. Nilsson, B.
Persson, and N.P. Tyvand.
11:05 am Propeller Tip Vortex Cavitation Noise Inception: R.
Session 4A — H y d r o d y n a m i c s.
Presiding: George W. Morris; assisting: John G. Hill.
1:45 pm Lifting-Line Theory for a Supercavitating Unsteady Hydrofoil as a Singular Perturbation Problem: J. Pylkkanen.
2:30 pm Lifting Surface Hydrodynamics for Design of Rotating Blades: T. Brockett.
3:35 pm Propeller Design Optimization— An Integral Theoretical and Experimental Procedure: F. Bau, G. Bellone, B. Chilo, and A. Columbo.
Session 4B — Conditions. Presiding: Paul E. Speicher Jr.; assisting: Jan Karlsen.
1:45 pm Evaluation of Selected Lip Seals/Liners for Propulsion Shafts of Merchant Ships: L.W.
Winn and F.J. Dashnaw.
2:30 pm Timing of Drydocking Intervals to Most Economical Effect: F. Prochaska.
3:35 pm An Integral Prediction Method f o r Three-Dimensional Turbulent Boundary Layers on Rotating Blades: N.C. Groves.
4:25 pm Concluding remarks.
F o r f u r t h e r information on Propellers '81, contact Trevor Lewis-Jones, manager, publications and technical p r o g r a m s, SNAME, One World Trade Center, Suite 1369, New York, N.Y.
10048; (212) 432-0310.
Read PROPELLERS '81 in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of May 15, 1981 Maritime Reporter
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