Penco To Market Showa's Fuel Mixing System

The Penco Division of Hudson Engineering Company, Nissho- Iwai American Corporation and Showa Marine Kogyo Ltd. of Tokyo, Japan, have announced the appointment of Penco as the exclusive marketing, service and distributor of Blender Ace.

Showa has been manufacturing the Blender Ace system for a number of years with dozens of successful installations on a worldwide basis. Blender Ace is a fuel mixing system which provides a blend of marine diesel oil and heavy fuel oil designed to maximize fuel cost savings. It is easy to install and has virtually no moving parts.

Blender Ace uses a static mix ing unit which develops a perfect blend over a wide range of viscosities. The system provides a direct fuel feed to the engine and the only moving part is the heavy fuel oil booster pump.

The Blender Ace system features an adjustable diesel oilheavy oil mixing ratio. Extensive tests aboard ships have proven that fouling of pistons and valves proceed at a normal rate with mixtures of 60 percent marine diesel and 40 percent heavy fuel oil. Also no significant changes were found in the exhaust gas temperatures.

For further i n f o r m a t i o n on Blender Ace and other supplies and services provided by Penco, Write 22 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 31,  May 15, 1981

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