Aqua-Chem To Move To New Location In Milwaukee, Wis.

Aqua-Chem, Inc., Milwaukee, Wis., recently announced plans to move to a new office facility in Trammell Crow's Park Place on the northwest side of the city. The glass and brick structure, now under construction, will house Aqua-Chem's corporate staff and two of its divisions, Cleaver-Brooks and Water Technologies.

The announcement was made by Bob Agnew, president and CEO of Aqua-Chem, Inc., who explained that consolidating the company's 325 Milwaukee employees in one central location will be very useful in improving communication and overall effectiveness.

Aqua-Chem has been solving tough problems with innovative technology for nearly 50 years. The company pioneered portable battlefield distilling plants to purify salt water and brackish water during World War II. It then developed the first of thousands of distilling plants for ships, offshore oil rigs, power plants and major land-based desalination systems.

For more information and free literature on products from Aqua- Chem, Circle 36 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 64,  Jan 1991

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