Teekay Foam's Discharge Pipe Repaired in Bilbao

When Teekay Foam established a water leak within the internal pipe of the scrubber overboard system, UMC was called in to provide a solution. The leak was between the sea valve and the aperture, and a concrete box had been previously installed to temporarily resolve JRC] fa Since 1915 Main Office: Maritime Sales Department 1-1 Shimorenjaku 5-chome.

Mitaka-shi. Tokyo 181-8510. Japan Telephone: 81-422-45-9552 Telefax: 81-422-45-9273 http://www.jre.co.jp/ the situation. UMC's repair squad attended the vessel upon its arrival at Bilbao equipped for two possible solutions, which had been previously discussed and agreed with Teekay Shipping.

One solution was to crop out the section of hull around the aperture and insert a new plate containing a stub pipe as per UMC's class approved permanent insert procedure. The other was to crop the pipe internally and refit a new section.

Both methods were reliant upon the fitting of a UMC cofferdam, by the diving team, externally over the scrubber overboard aperture thus rendering inboard as watertight. Once in place, the existing concrete box could be removed and diagnosis could begin. It was subsequently established that the water leak in the pipe was, in fact, inboard and that the pipe could therefore be removed and a new section reinstated using full penetration TIG root pipe welding techniques.

On completion of the welding, the internal and external walls of the 250 mm diameter pipe were also coated as per the client's specification.

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Other stories from May 2002 issue


Maritime Reporter

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