U.S. Yards Invited To Bid On First Maritime Prepositioning Ships
Private American shipyards have been invited to bid on the first Lwo Maritime Prepositioning Ships, a new class of cargo vessels designed to provide standby logistic support for the rapid deployment of United States Marines around the world.
The invitation was extended by the Maritime Administration (MarAd), under a joint agreement with the Department of Defense. MarAd will serve as the contracting authority for the construction of the vessels, and will turn them over to the U.S. Navy upon delivery of the shipyard (s).
The Naval Sea Systems Command will be responsible for the overall overall program, and the Navy's Military Sealift Command will operate the ships. A joint program office is being organized to administer the entire program.
Up to eight new ships in this class, designated by MarAd as C8-M-MA134j, are planned by the Navy. MarAd has invited sealed bids on the first two vessels (either one or both) on or before October 22, 1980. All bids will be publicly opened at the Commerce Department at 2:15 p.m. that day.
The ships will have an overall length of 831 feet 6 inches, a displacement of 48,800 long tons at design draft, a carrying capacity of 28,000 deadweight tons, and a service speed of 20 knots.
Interior cargo volume will exceed 2.6 million cubic feet. Four twin deck cranes will provide both standard and heavy lift-on/ lift-off access to the ship's five holds.
Vehicles will roll on and off the ship via a stern ramp. Each ship will have up to 225,000 square feet of roll-on/roll-off deck area, including cardecks, and a maximum container capacity of 1,958 t w e n t y - f o o t - e q u i v a l e n t units (TEUs).
Options thus would be provided for any combination of cargoes, ranging from heavy tanks to refrigerated containers filled with perishables.
The ship will be propelled by two medium-speed energy-efficient diesel engines generating a total of 27,000 bhp.
The design also calls for a helicopter pad on the stern, and for the installation of dehumidification systems to provide long-term preservation of the cargo.
The existing N a v y / M a r i ne Corps sealift support plan calls for the conversion of four roll-on/ roll-off ships currently in the U.S.
merchant fleet to serve with the eight new prepositioning ships.
The 12 vessels together would support three Marine Amphibious Brigades (MABs). In the event of an emergency, MAB personnel would be airlifted to a point of rendezvous with their support vessels.
Delivery of the first ship would be due 29 months after the signing of a construction contract, and the second within 34 months of the signing.
The Maritime Prepositioning Ship design grew out of MarAd's ongoing development of a multipurpose mobilization ship design known as the Security Class. The purpose of that program is to prepare the detailed design of a vessel or vessels that could be produced quickly in an emergency, as Liberty and Victory ships were in World War II.
M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc. of New York developed the contract design for the Maritime Prepositioning Ship. The firm is continuing work on the contract design of other versions of the Security Class under a contract with Mar- Ad.
Other stories from September 1980 issue
- MMS Forms Subsidiary To Serve Clients In United Kingdom/Europe page: 4
- J.M. Colonell Appointed Senior Project Engineer For Woodward-Clyde page: 4
- Wheelock Will Head New Houston Office Of Dock Express Shipping page: 6
- John J. O'Malley Founder And Publisher Of MARITIME REPORTER And Engineering News page: 6
- Third Navy Destroyer Tender Launched At NASSCO Yard page: 6
- SSI Introduces Emergency Anchor Windlass System- Literature Available page: 6
- F. Shepherd Promoted At Designers & Planners— Pramud Rawat Joins Firm page: 7
- New Crowley Salvage Vessel page: 10
- First Inshore Supply Vessels To Serve Oil And Gas Industry Certified By Coast Guard page: 10
- Canonie Forms New Subsidiary- Appoints Three New Executives page: 10
- Armco Restructures Western Steel Division Into Three Groups page: 10
- Toronto Firm Proposes Truck/Trailer RO/RO Run Across Lake Ontario page: 11
- Avondale Lays Keel For Fourth Navy Fleet Oiler page: 12
- TBW Industries Gets $5-Million Order For SMATCO Deck Equipment page: 12
- Split-Hull Hopper Dredge Launched At Avondale Yard page: 13
- Thomas Ternes Joins Guralnick Associates As Supervisory Engineer page: 13
- HUD Moves Head Office To Tsing Yi Island— Kowloon Yard Closed page: 13
- SMM 80 page: 14
- Multi-Purpose Mobilization Ship page: 14
- S/S 'United States'— A Second Life For World's Fastest Passenger Liner? page: 14
- Dixie Dredge Delivers Four Vessels To Egyptian Dredging page: 18
- Twin Disc Forms New Task Force To Market Marine Transmissions page: 18
- Quality Delivers Towing/Supply Vessel To Gulf Fleet Marine page: 18
- New Company Will Offer Underwater Vehicle Inspection Services page: 22
- Ferrous Has Proportioning Pump For Fuel Additive- Literature Available page: 22
- Joseph Quinn Named President Of Reorganized Devoe Marine Coatings page: 23
- Furuno Radar Simulator Installed At California Maritime Academy page: 23
- Boeing Jetfoil Sold To Argentine Owner—Christened Montevideo Jet page: 24
- National Supply Patents Subsea Template System —Literature Available page: 25
- Maine Maritime Given $16,000 Kummerman Grant page: 26
- R. Wilkes And J. Wylde Announce Formation Of New Shipping Agency page: 26
- Hitachi Gets Jackup Rig Orders From Danish And Netherlands Owners page: 26
- E.H. Barron Joins Overseas Enterprises As Director Of Chartering page: 26
- New Brochure On Gears And Gear Units Now Available From Farrel page: 26
- Promet Gets Repeat Orders From Two U.S. Companies page: 28
- Europort '80 Exhibition And Conferences Set For November 18-22 page: 30
- Fact Sheet Describes And Illustrates New Multiple-Size Rams page: 30
- New Jackup Drilling Rig page: 30
- AWO's Shipyard Conference Honors Renshaw For Leadership page: 30
- New Early-Warning Device Protects Electric Motors- Literature Available page: 32
- Wichita Has PTOs For Large Diesel Engines- Literature Available page: 32
- Big Turecamo Barge Launched At Bay Shipbuilding Yard page: 35
- New UPSCO Shipyard Begins Production page: 36
- Gilbert Associates Will Design Tug/Barge Unit For Sun Transport page: 37
- NKK To Build $56-Million Offshore Platform Jacket Off Australia page: 38
- Bath Saves Time-Money With New Ship Insulation —Literature Available page: 38
- Lance Melik Appointed Director Of Marketing For Twin Disc, Inc. page: 38
- Stewart & Stevenson Gets Navy Contracts Totaling $23.7 Million page: 40
- Armco Announces New Submerged Arc Weld Wire —Literature Available page: 40
- MTC '80 page: 40
- J.J. Henry And Seadrec Form Joint Venture To Serve Dredging Clients page: 41
- Furuno Offers Two New Sonars- Literature Available page: 42
- T. Yakushijin Named General Manager For NYK In San Francisco page: 42
- Rockwell Publishes New Cast Steel Valve Catalog page: 42
- MarAd Awards CDS For Mormac Conversions To Cost $4.4 Million Total page: 42
- New Brochure Explaining Combustion Catalysts Available From Ferrous page: 42
- MarAd Study Reports $9.8 Billion Needed To Expand U.S. Ports page: 43
- Marathon To Build $30-Million Jackup Rig For Chiles Offshore page: 44
- O'Boyle Firm Named U.S. Representative For Italian CNOMV page: 44
- Brons Licensed To Build And Sell M.A.N. Four-Stroke Diesels page: 45
- David Johnson Appointed A Group Manager At Michigan Wheel Division page: 45
- Three Appointments Announced By Gulf Fleet Marine Corp. page: 45
- Omnithruster Expands Into New Office And Manufacturing Facility page: 46
- Halter Completes Supply Boat Contract With Command Marine page: 48
- Coal-Burning Bulkers Ordered From Yards In Italy And Japan page: 48
- CDI Marine Awarded Navy Design Contracts Totaling $3.2 Million page: 48
- Dreco Forms Subsidiary For Drilling Equipment- Three Executives Named page: 49
- Tacoma Boat To Build Nine USCG Cutters At Cost Of $646 Million page: 50
- Michigan Wheel Will Market Bow Thrusters —Literature Available page: 51
- U.S. Yards Invited To Bid On First Maritime Prepositioning Ships page: 51
- Dravo Lays Keel For Towboat Ordered By People's Republic Of China page: 52
- Jeffboat-Built 'Conti-Karla7 Christened At Chicago's Navy Pier page: 53
- Mid-Coast Marine Delivers Second Trawler And Tugboat page: 54
- Crowley Relocates New York Office To World Trade Center page: 57
- Jeffboat-Built Towboat 'Volunteer State' Christened page: 58
- Promet Launches First Of Kind Vessel For National Marine page: 60
- Levingston Launches Jackup Rig For Argentine Owners page: 60
- Unique Utility Vessel Delivered By HUDSHIP page: 60
- NL Rig Equipment Offers Shaffer Drilling Choke System Brochure page: 61
- James Oliver Promoted To Executive VP At Levingston Shipbuilding page: 63
- Standard Communications Has New Desalinator— Literature Available page: 63
- Latest Lloyd's Register Published In New Three-Volume Format page: 63
- ASNE Ship Systems Technical Symposium page: 64
- Two More Jackup Rigs Costing $70 Million Ordered From Bethlehem page: 68
- HNG Corporation Has Acquired Alamo Barge Group Of Companies page: 68
- Laumeister, Kroll And Arkens Appointed VPs At The Ansul Company page: 70
- Bobzien Named Chairman, Greene President At Jeffboat, Incorporated page: 70
- New Brochure Details Stainless Steel And Specialty Alloys page: 70
- Zidell Launches Another Big Grain Barge For Shaver Transportation page: 71
- David Linde Named To Head Coast Guard's N.Y. Marine Safety Division page: 71
- Navidyne Satellite Navigators Ordered By French Owner page: 71
- $3.5-Million Navy Contract Awarded To Uniflite For Special Warfare Craft page: 72
- Steve Vorenkamp Returns To Halter Marine, Inc. As Director Of Services page: 72
- GE Turbines Will Power Two Coal-Fired Ships In Australian Trade page: 73
- New Bulletin Available On Racal Airstream's Supplied-Air Systems page: 73
- MECO Has New Line Of Water Desalinators— Literature Available page: 73
- Racor Introduces In-Line Diesel Fuel Heater —Literature Available page: 75
- O'Boyle Firm Appointed Sales Representative For Esgard Of Louisiana page: 75
- Schottel Gets Contracts For Six Tractor Tugs page: 76
- Frazier Appointed Senior Vice President-Sales And Marketing At ACBL page: 77
- Halter Launches Its First Giant Catamaran Tug page: 78
- New Climax Band Saw Cuts Compound Angles- Literature Available page: 79
- Energy-Conserving Flow Meter To Be Marketed By Gems Sensors page: 79
- PSI To Furnish Steering Gear For Ogden Product Carriers At Avondale page: 80
- New Joint Venture Firm Formed By Sub-Sea Systems And John Brown page: 80
- Sea Cushion Fenders Installed At Blount Island Terminal page: 80
- Campbell Launches Another GM-Powered Superseiner page: 84
- Four Key Marketing Executives Promoted At Bath Iron Works page: 85
- Keel Laid At Sun Ship For Second Waterman RO/RO Ship page: 86
- Hargrove-Designee! Tour Boat Delivered By Hike Metal Products page: 86
- ASNE To Publish Index For Naval Engineers Journal page: 87
- Belcher Oil's Spill Control Conference To Begin September 30 page: 88
- Maxon Marine Delivers Custom-Built River Barges page: 88
- TBW Licensed To Manufacture IHI Deck Machinery page: 89