Ohio River Company Towboat M / V Queen City Receives Nation's Highest Safety Award
On June 30, at the Banker's Club in Cincinnati, Ohio, the captain and 12 crew members of The Ohio River Company towboat M/V Queen City were awarded the nation's highest safety award for their heroism in rescuing four capsized fishermen from the swirling currents of the Ohio River. The awards were presented by the National Safety Council, Marine Section, and the American Institute of Merchant Shipping. The award marks the first time in its history that AIMS has offered its top annual award to an inland vessel.
On the late afternoon of October 11, 1976, the M/V Queen City was pushing 12 barges of coal up the Ohio River at a point near Dashield's Locks, 13 miles from Pittsburgh, Pa. At 5:40 p.m., pilot Billy Nolan spotted a capsized 18-foot motorboat. Nearby, four people were floundering helplessly in the treacherous river currents, being swept toward the oncoming barges.
Pilot Nolan immediately radioed the locks to request a rescue boat to pick up the victims. The dispatcher at the locks radioed back that there was no boat available, and urged that the crew of the M/V Queen City attempt to rescue themselves.
Armed with life preservers, the crew of the tow moved along the 12 loaded barges, which were now bearing down on the four victims in the water. Reaching the bow of the point barge, the crew was able to reach the men in the water with the preservers and pull them safely aboard.
In addition, Capt. Charles Wolf instructed his crew to right the capsized boat, pump the water out, and tie it up at the locks while the survivors were taken into a waiting ambulance. The rescue operation was complete, with none of the party suffering any ill effects, with the exception of one man who was in a state of shock.
Surviving the ordeal were the boat's owner Louis M. Krofchick of Ambridge, Pa., his father Louis Krofchick Sr., and two guests of the Krofchicks, Harry Dunn and Robert Dunn.
The National Safety Council, represented by general chairman David Walker, presented the award pennant to The Ohio River Company president Jack Geary, and vice president, operations David Martenson. James Reynolds, president of the American Institute of Merchant Shipping, presented The Ohio River Company with a permanent plaque for the M/V Queen City, plus certificates of commendation to Captain Wolf and each of the crew members.
Other stories from August 1977 issue
- U Of Michigan Adds Naval Architecture- Engineering Facilities page: 4
- Falcon Cargo Ships, Inc. Plan To Construct Five Dry-Bulk Cargo Ships page: 6
- Clarence French Named President Of NASSCO page: 6
- Waterman Plans To Build Either An $80-Million Or An $87-Million Vessel page: 7
- Micro Line Systems Apply For Title XI For Ro/Ro Containerships page: 7
- Santa Fe Completes Phase One Of Arabian $161-Million Project page: 8
- $81 -Million Tanker American Spirit To Transport Oil From Alaskan Pipeline To Panama Canal page: 10
- Newest Addition To ACBL Towboat Fleet Named For Texas Gas Transmission President page: 10
- Paul-Munroe Acquires Rucker Marine Systems page: 10
- Flume Stabilization Names Peter Maschke page: 10
- Liaison With Maritime Industry Subject Of Stevens Tech Meeting page: 12
- 11,000-Ton Drilling Rig Towed 15,000 Miles page: 13
- Dytam Establishes New York Office page: 14
- Hydra lift Skegs page: 14
- Siltemp Thermal Barrier Controls Fire Hazards page: 16
- Northwest Marine Receives Major Navy Contract page: 16
- Genstar To Purchase Gulf Of Georgia Towing page: 16
- James Dunford Named CDI Vice President page: 17
- Ryan-Walsh Names Robert Matthews VP page: 18
- Prudential Lines Names Karl Eckhardt VP And General Manager page: 18
- IACS Group Agrees To Develop Additional Safety Standards page: 19
- Icebreaker Barge With Twin Notches In Stern Leads Arctic Sealift page: 20
- Inert Gas Systems Fitted Aboard Tankers Building At NASSCO page: 20
- Rohr Industries Names Filiciotto And Walsh page: 20
- Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Converting Two Bulkers Into Ro/Ro Ships page: 21
- Biehl & Company Announces Managerial Promotions In Houston page: 21
- Eleusis Shipyards Elect New Board Of Directors page: 22
- National Supply Names World Marketing Group For Drilling Equipment page: 22
- Airfilco Engineering Names John E. Riley VP And Gen'l Manager page: 22
- Three-Day Weather Conference And Exhibit page: 22
- GT&T Announces Management Changes page: 23
- Pott Industries Inc. Becomes HNG Subsidiary page: 24
- American-Arab Chamber To Open New Orleans Office page: 25
- Steamco II, Inc. Opens Office In Jacksonville —Whitney Appointed page: 25
- Halter Marine Launches 180-Foot Vessel For Martin page: 26
- Underwater Acoustic Explorations At The University Of Rhode Island page: 29
- N.C.S. Of Cairo, Egypt Appoints Pouch Terminal page: 29
- A Salute To The American Merchant Marine Leadership In World Maritime Safety page: 30
- Henry Olson Joins Morris Guralnick Staff page: 30
- McMullen Assoc. Opens Hampton Roads Office —Joseph Bunting Named page: 30
- Charles Hurd Joins Southwest Marine, Inc. page: 30
- Howard Named Marketing Manager For G.E. Credit Leasing Component page: 31
- Marine/Offshore Rules And Regulations Topics Of Seminar page: 31
- Seaworthy Appoints Patrick J. McAllister page: 31
- Prudential Agrees To Sell South American Shipping Operations page: 31
- Seaworthy Appoints William L. McCarthy page: 32
- Deep Penetration Gas Freeing Fan Introduced By Dasic page: 32
- Ocean Engineering Under Arctic Conditions Is Subject Of Conference page: 34
- Lake Shore, Inc. Opens Houston, Texas Office— G. Curtis Gibby Named page: 34
- ABS Forms 18-Member Hong Kong Technical Committee page: 36
- Evergreen Handt Names Two In Operations page: 37
- Int'l Chamber Publishes Bridge Procedures Guide page: 37
- Twin City Barge Entering Coal Business page: 38
- Great Lakes Steamship Division Of Bethlehem Appoints Roy Dobson page: 38
- Edo Western Corp. New Deep Tow Survey System page: 38
- Crowley Maritime Corp. Orders Two 580-Foot Triple-Deck Barges page: 39
- Central Gulf Promotes Smith And Ferguson page: 39
- Modern Collision Avoidance System Subject Of Symposium page: 40
- Stewart & Stevenson Deliver Three Crewboats To Italy page: 41
- Setenave Shipyard Acquires Rights To Use Kockums System page: 43
- James Moseley Heads Port Of Jacksonville Propeller Club page: 44
- Carter Group Sees Zapata Rig At Work page: 45
- First International Symposium On Computer Aided Hull-Surface Definition page: 46
- Diving And Insurance Symposium Scheduled Nov. 14-15 In New York page: 46
- Equitable Shipyards, Inc. Ships Last Two In Series Of Five 95-Foot Tugs To Indonesia page: 49
- Electro-Nav's Fifth Annual Navigation And Communications Exhibit Held In New York page: 49
- Butterworth Systems Relocates Headquarters page: 50
- New Engine Room Simulator To Improve Supertanker Training page: 52
- Ohio River Company Towboat M / V Queen City Receives Nation's Highest Safety Award page: 53
- E.R. Remkes Named President Of C-E Crest, Tulsa Engineering Firm page: 53
- Proceedings Of First N.Y. Port Com-Nav Conference Now On Sale page: 54