SNAME 95th Annual Meeting and 7th International Maritime Exposition
November 9-12, New York, N.Y.
One of the most important yearly events in the commercial marine industry, the 96th Annual Meeting of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) and the concurrent 7th International Maritime Exposition, will be held at the spacious New York Hilton Hotel, New York City, N.Y., from November 9 to 12, 1988.
Last year, the meeting and exposition drew more than 2,000 attendees.
With SNAME membership climbing to well over 12,000 industry leaders, the event promises once again to draw a high number of important attendees.
Besides the International Marine Exposition, the Society's Papers Committee, chaired by Jack W.
Abbott, has slated an outstanding technical program which will consist November 9-12, of 12 carefully selected papers. To be presented over a two-day period, Thursday, November 10, and Friday, November 11, the technical papers will cover the following topics: "Seakeeping and Extreme Tensions in Offshore Towing"; "Flexural Response of Foam-Cored FRP Sandwich Panels"; "Measurement of Ship Resistance, Powering and Maneuvering Coefficients from Simple Trials During a Regular Voyage"; "Statistical Analysis of Stillwater Load Effects in Ship Structures"; "The Building and Operation of Vibration- Free and Trouble-Free Propulsion Plants and Ships"; "Potential Failure of Surface Ship and Submarine Drydock Blocking Systems Due to Seismic Loadings and Recommended Design Improvements"; "Structural Analysis of the U.S. Coast Guard Island Class Patrol Boat"; "New Models for Minimal Time Ship Weather Routing"; "A Procedure for the Structural Design of Icebreakers and Other Ships Navigating in Ice"; "Performance Analysis of a Small Racing Boat in Smooth Water and Its Design Application"; "Prediction and Measurement of the Performance of Free-Flooding Ship Anti-rolling Tanks"; and "The Reconstruction of the SS Matsonia: Trailership to a Combination Container and RO/RO Ship." The annual meeting will also include the traditional President's Luncheon, Annual Banquet and Dinner Dance.
INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION At the Seventh International Maritime Exposition on the second floor of the New York Hilton, over 100 companies will display and demonstrate their marine products and services to a large cross section of the maritime industry. The exposition will offer a receptive environment in which to meet industry professionals from around the world.
The Exposition's hours will be 2-6 p.m., Wednesday, November 9; 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Thursday, November 10; and 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday, November 11.
Registration for the 1988 Annual Meeting entitles you to free admis- sion to the Exposition. If you do not register for the Society's Technical Sessions, tickets for daily admission will be available at the Exposition Desk at $7 each.
MEETING COURSES The Society's Education Committee is sponsoring two courses, "Fiber Optics Technology for Marine Engineers and Naval Architects" and "Forensic Engineering and the Expert Witness," on November 8 and 9 at the Hilton. Registraints are entitled to Annual Meeting room rates and a partial rebate on Annual Meeting registration fees.
The "Fiber Optics Technology for Marine Engineers and Naval Architects" course will provide decisionmakers with a better understanding of the capabilities of this new and growing technology, emphasizing realistic and practical marine applications.
A workshop type approach will be used for the course in "Forensic Engineering and the Expert Wit- ness," which will instruct engineering professionals on how to better present their "expert witness" testimony in civil cases.
PRESIDENT'S LUNCHEON A general reception will be held in the East Ballroom Foyer of the Hilton beginning at noon on Thursday, November 10.
Seating for the President's Luncheon will begin at 12:30 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom on the third floor.
Featured on the program will be the presentation of several important awards and an address by the Society's president, Edward J. Campbell of Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Newport News, Va.
The luncheon is open to all registraints and their guests.
ANNUAL BANQUET The Society will hold its Annual Banquet on Friday, November 11, at 7:30 p.m. The affair is open to members and guests and will be held in the Hilton's Grand Ballroom.
Featured on the banquet program will be the presentation of the Davidson, Land and Taylor Medals and a significant address by Adm.
Carlisle A.H. Trost, USN, Chief of Naval Operations.
DINNER DANCE The 96th Annual Meeting will conclude Saturday evening at 8:30 p.m., November 12, with a dinner dance and entertainment in the Grand Ballroom.
Prior to the dinner dance, at 7 p.m., a reception will be held for registraints and their guests in the Grand Ballroom Foyer.
TECHNICAL PAPERS Thursday, November 10 Trianon Ballroom 9 a.m.—Seakeeping and Extreme Tensions in Offshore Towing," by Jerome H. Milgram, Michael S. Triantafyllou, Fernando C. Frimm and George Anagnostou.
A 12-degree-of-freedom seakeeping theory is developed and used for a tug, tow and towline in the open ocean. Statistics of nonlinear extreme tensions are determined and used. The principal non-linearity is due to mechanics of the towline.
Examples are presented showing how speed and towline length can be adjusted to limit towline damage risk.
10:30 a.m.—"Measurement of Ship Resistance, Powering and Maneuvering Coefficients from Simple Trials During a Regular Voyage," by M a r t i n A. A b k o w i t z and Gengshen Liu.
Data obtained by ship instrumentation from a few simple trials of the 75,000-dwt Exxon Philadelphia dur- ing a routine voyage was analyzed using system identification techniques.
This resulted in a reliable "measurement" of the full scale resistance, wake friction, thrust deduction factor, propeller thrust and the linear and nonlinear coefficients in the maneuvering equations of motion. Comparison between these full-scale measurements and those obtained through scaled model tests indicate significant scale effect.
3 p.m.—"The Building and Operation of Vibration-Free and Trouble- Free Propulsion Plants and Ships," by G.C. Volcy, M. Baudin and C. Guinard.
Over the last 30 years, a tremendous growth in problems with propulsion plant seizures, often accompanied by steel-work and machinery troubles, has been linked to incompatibility between ship structure flexibility and stiffness of lineshaftings manifested by forced vibrations.
Simultaneous treatments of static and vibratory phenomena by use of 3-D FEM calculations has eliminated these difficulties. Several examples are presented.
Mercury Ballroom 9 a.m.—"Flexural Response of Foam-Cored FRP Sandwich Panels,' by Deborah Weissman- Berman, George L. Petrie and Mo-Hwa Wang.
The flexural response of an FRP foam-cored sandwich beam is predicted using two new closed form solutions and a finite element model.
The comparative results are very good for all predictive methods for thick-skinned composites and all have excellent correlation to test data for both "linear" and crosslinked" sandwich-core materials.
Therefore, the methods given in this paper will work well for composite structural analysis.
10:30 a.m.—"Statistical Analysis of Stillwater Load Effects in Ship Structures," by C. Guedes Soares and T. Moan.
Collecting data from the voyages of 100 vessels, this paper performs a statistical analysis of S t i l l w a t er bending moment and shear forces to establish the variations of the maximum stillwater load effects that occur during operation of oceangoing ships. Identifying the effects of vessel size, type, and loading condition in addition to providing summary statitics, regression equations are proposed along with considerations due to longitudinal distribution of vessel load.
3 p.m.—"Potential Failure of Surface Ship and Submarine Drydock Blocking Systems Due to Seismic Loadings and Recommended Design Improvements," by Richard D. Hepburn, James K.
Luchs Jr., Dale G. Karr and Ross L. Haith.
Many naval shipyards are located in regions where significant earthquakes occur. A method for analyzing the dynamic response of submarine drydock blocking systems is developed. Eleven systems are assessed for various failure modes using two site specific earthquake acceleration histories. Design improvements are recommended to significantly increase the survivability of submarine blocking systems subjected to earthquake ground motion.
Friday, November 11 Trianon Ballroom 9 a.m.—"Structural Analysis of the U.S. Coast Guard Island Class Patrol Boat," by Edward S. Purcell, Stephen J. Allen and Richard T. Walker.
The U.S. Coast Guard recently deployed several 110-foot patrol boats of the Island Class. A structural analysis of the bottom plating of the vessel was conducted, including traditional calculations, finite element modeling, reliability analysis, tank testing, field testing and pressure calculations. Recommendations for structural improvements are made and data processing techniques are discussed.
10:30 a.m.—"A Procedure for the Structural Design of Icebreakers and Other Ships Navigating in Ice," by John C. Daidola and Rubin Sheinberg.
Reflecting the rising worldwide interest in icebreaking, this paper puts forth an original approach to the design of such vessels. Applying environmental and operational loads and the analysis of structural response, the procedure has considerable potential for structural weight savings. Additionally, an extensive reference list is included as well as comparisons to existing vessels and codes.
2:30 p.m.—"Prediction and Measurement of the Performance of Free-Flooding Ship Antirolling Tanks," by William C. Webster, John F. Dalzell and Roderick A.
During the 1986-1987 CV-41 Motions Improvement Program, passive antirolling tanks were considered for ship roll motions reduction.
Ship arrangements dictated the use of free-flooding type tanks with water "cross-over" external to the ship. This presentation addresses the primary problems faced in the engineering assessment of such tanks, the lack of quantitative performance data and of methods of predicting tank performance and tank impact on ship resistance.
Mercury Ballroom 9 a.m.—"New Models for Minimal Time Ship Weather Routing," by Anastassios Perakis and Nikiforos Papadakis.
Three models for minimal time ship weather routing are presented, for stationary, time-dependent (but known) and probabilistic weather conditions, respectively. These models allow for prohibited sailing regions (land or other constraints), intermediate destinations with time delays, and updated weather infomration (for the probabilistic case).
Mathematical techniques from the calculus of variations, dynamic programming and optimal control are used.
1 0 : 3 0 a.m.— " P e r f o r m a n ce Analysis of a Small Racing Boat in Smooth Water and its Design Application," by Atsuo Yazaki, Suketou Wakamatsu, Tetsuo Tagori, Michio Nakato, Hiroharu Kato, Hiaku Tanaka and Mitsuhiro Abe.
2:30 p.m.—"The Reconstruction of SS Matsonia: Trailership to a Combination Container and RO/RO Ship," by Ronald F. Briggs, Christopher T. Clement and Peter A. Fisher.
Originally designed as a pure trailership, the Matsonia was reconstructed as a combination container- RO/RO vessel to suit the West Coast-Hawaii trade, entering service in late 1987. This presentation traces the economic analysis, design evolution, reconstruction system, equipment reactivation and early operational experience of the ship and discusses many of its unique features.
The following section details the products and services that will be on display in company booths at the 7th International Maritime Exposition.
The descriptions are based upon responses and information received as of press time.
ACTION THREADED PRODUCTS Booth 317 Action Threaded Products, Inc., Bedford Park, 111., offers more than 30,000 items of stainless steel and noncorrosive fasteners in stock.
Besides standard sizes, Action Threaded Products can custom manufacture to a customer's needs.
The firm's quality control manual meets MIL-S-45208A.
ALLIED MARINE CRANE Booth 112 Allied Marine Crane designs, manufactures and distributes a product line of fully hydraulic marine cranes, both double tapered box boom and telescopic boom in capacities from 6 to 75 tons. These cranes are designed for applications in salt-laden atmosphere such as ships, barges, dock side, and energyrelated industry such as offshore drilling rigs, production platforms and workboats. Other products furnished to the marine industry are diesel/hydraulic electrohydraulic power packages and single-point suspension davits for RIB boats.
AMERICAN UNITED MARINE Booths 638-646 American United Marine Corporation serves as exclusive agents in the U.S., Canada and Mexico for several European and domestic manufacturers. They provide a comprehensive range of marketing, sales, engineering and technical services.
They represent Vesta, Parkway Imperial, Tank Systems a.s., A/S Skarpenord, Maritime Protections A/S, MAR-TEC, Flebu, Vimex and Fox Compactors.
AMP Booth 722 AMP Inc., one of the world's largest manufacturers of electronic and electrical interconnection devices, will be displaying the latest in connection technology associated with the marine industry. Featured will be Ampliseal Cable Entry Seals, the AMP Marine Cable Splicing Kit, and AMP Silver-Plated Navy Terminals.
APPLETON MARINE Booth 834 Appleton Marine, Inc., Appleton, Wis., is a designer and manufacturer of marine deck machinery including cranes, winches, windlasses, capstans and UNREP equipment for both military and commercial applications.
Marine cranes are available in capacities from 4,000 pounds to 200,000 pounds in box, telescoping and knuckle-boom models. Detailed specifications and data will be available at the booth.
ARCTEC OFFSHORE Booth 831 Arctec Offshore Corporation, Escondido, Calif., has been formed by the merger of Offshore Technology Corporation and Arctec Engineering, Inc. with their parent company, Arctec, Inc. The firm provides a single source of integrated engineering and technical services to support clients whose operations are conducted in hostile marine environments.
ASEA BROWN BOVERI Booths 5 0 4 & 506 ASEA Brown Boveri Turbocharger will be exhibiting two models from their extensive range of turbochargers— the type RR151 and VTR 214.
The type RR151 is a lightweight, low-cost design turbocharger, which has high efficiency. RR turbochargers are primarily used on high-speed engines with ratings between 200 to 1,500 kw (268 to 2,012 hp).
The VTR 214 turbocharger represents ABB's most extensive series, and is suitable for engines from 250 kw (335 hp) to the highest known outputs available.
BORNEMANN PUMPS Booth 810 Bornemann has been a privately owned business since 1853 and in the positive displacement rotary screw pump business since 1934.
Bornemann pumps can handle virtually any fluid with viscosities to 1,000,000 est, flows to 8,800 gpm, and temperatures to 800 degrees F.
Bornemann two screw cargo pumps are manufactured to exacting quality control standards and are offered in amultitude of materials, from cast iron to high quality Cr-Ni-steel, bronzes and others.
Bornemann is fast becoming a leading supplier of one, two and three screw pumps in the U.S.
Bornemann will offer a technical paper entitled "Modern Cargo Pumps for Tankers and Barges," by Heinrich Moller, general manager and technical director of Bornemann Pumps, Obernkirchen, West Germany, and Asmus W.
Feck, an international marine engineering consultant.
BP NORTH AMERICA Booth 804 BP North America Petroleum, Inc., will once again be present at the exhibition representing a major oil company's products and technical services. On exhibit will be literature and displays covering BP Marine Lubricants' service within the U.S. and the worldwide network.
Managers from BP's U.S. home office and regional coastlines will be on hand to answer technical and commercial aquestions. A feature of the display will be "Used Oil Analysis," which will highlight a BP oil test kit for on-board use, and the comprehensive UOA system, as well as a video on current industry topics.
CATERPILLAR Booth 736 Caterpillar Inc., Engine Division, Peoria, 111., manufactures modern marine propulsion and auxiliary engines from 60 to 6,000 hp. The firm's newest engine family is the 3600 engine series. Caterpillar marine engines deliver reliable, fuel-efficient performance and are backed by Caterpillar's extensive product support network.
CISCO/TEC Booth 214 Consolidated Industrial Skills Corporation (CISCO)/Torrech Enterprises Corporation (TEC), one of the nation's largest contractors of skilled craft support to the marine industry, can provide first class shipfitters, pipefitters, welders, turbine mechanics, boiler makers, inside and outside machinists, joiners, marine electricians, and virtually any other trade personnel to suit a customer's needs.
The firm offers complete marine subcontracting including turnkey estimating, planning, engineering, quality control, ptroject management and production on a fixed price or time and material contract basis.
CROSSFIELD PRODUCTS Booth 138 Crossfield Products Corp., Roselle Park, N.J., is celebrating its 50th anniversary as the manufacturer of Dex-O-Tex "Performance Proven" troweled composition deck coverings, underlayments and other decking specialties to the marine industry.
Dex-O-Tex decking materials are in service on every type of vessel, ranging from harbor tugs to luxury liners, drill rigs to aircraft carriers, Cummins Engine Company, Inc., Columbus, Ind., will be exhibiting literature on their complete line of marine diesel propulsion and auxiliary engines. Cummins offers a horsepower range of 30 to 9,999.
CUNNINGHAM MARINE/ TENFJORD Booth 405 Cunningham Marine/Tenfjord, Inc. offers hydraulic systems, variable displacement hydraulic pump manufacture, engineering service, sales and repair worldwide. They also offer hydraulic steering systems including rotary piston steering gears and emergency steering gears.
DEUTSCH Booths 130-134 Deutsch Metal Components, Gardena, Calif., will be displaying its Pyplok DLP series pipe fittings.
The display will feature the Pyplok Swage marine fitting system, including the new 600 DLP Series for low pressure systems. These fittings are installed using new lightweight swaging tools and eliminate flushing, gas freeing and nondestructive testing.
Pyplok fittings are also offered in 3,750 psi and 6,000 psi components including many different configurations.
Pyplok is approved by NAVSEA and the USCG, as well as many other major approval agencies.
A free, full-color catalog will be available on all Deutsch Metal products.
ENVIROVAC Booths 311 & 313 Envirovac Inc., Rockford, 111., will be exhibiting EVAC vacuum sewage systems and ORCA sewage treatment systems. Its vacuum sewage systems utilize only two pints of water per flush and feature upward flush capability, small diameter piping and noncontinuous slope requirement for piping. Its ORCA systems are Type II physical/chemical MSDs. Features include compact design, light weight and microprocessor control. Meet USCG and IMO approvals.
EXXON Booth 324 Exxon Company International will be displaying its new Exxcare® programmed marine lubricant service, which assists both ship's engineer and vessel operator with efficient care and maintenance Exxon lubricants in service. A free technical paper will be available at the booth fully detailing the features of Exxcare.
Exxcare is designed to speed testing and reporting while maintaining accuracy and reliability, provide computerized data processing and diagnosis of lubricating oil equality trends, and determine by spectrograph^ analysis any metallic elements in the lubricant, as may be required. A major feature of the service is that a computerized expert system is used to perform a comprehensive analysis of all test results and to provide specific operational advise relevant to the situation under study.
In addition, company salesmen and technical advisors will have information available on Exxon's new Exxmar line of marine lubricants for trunk piston and crosshead diesel engines.
FCS Booth 404 FCS Inc. is engaged in ceramic coating of diesel engine components exposed to the combustion gases.
They consist of those areas of the piston crown, cylinder cover and valve faces exposed to the combustion process.
FCS Inc. will be exhibiting ceramic coated piston crown, cylinder cover, various gas turbine components and valves. Literature will also be available on high energy homogenizer/ emulsifiers, lube oil and fuel oil skid-mounted filtering systems.
FURUNO USA Booths 925 & 927 Furuno USA will have a vast display of the very latest state-of-theart marine radar, navigation, and communication equipment. The product range is broad and suitable for all types of vessels. Featured will be the new FR-2000 color radar with combined nav-plot and mapping capabilities.
GOLAR METAL Booth 815 Golar Metal, Inc., Lionville, Pa., will exhibit: Golar Marine Incinerators for compliance with Annex V of Marpol 73/78; Golar Stripping Ejectors; marine aluminum preengineered helideck; accommodation ladders and gangways; A-60 Safety Windows; all types of standard ships' windows; helicopter refueling systems; and accommodation systems (wall, ceiling and door elements).
GOLTEN MARINE Booth 406 Golten Marine, Inc., Brooklyn, N.Y., more commonly known as Goltens, is one of the leading diesel repair companies in the world, with skilled engineers to repair main and auxiliary engines, overhaul valves, pumps, fuel injection equipment and precision in-situ crankshaft, main journal, crankpin reconditioning, grinding, lapping, polishing of shafting and thrust collars, as well as a full range of diesel spares.
HAGGLUNDS MARINE Booth 228 Hagglunds Marine & Offshore will exhibit their full line of cargohandling cranes, ranging in capacities from 8 to 50 tons. Additionally, literature will be available on its microprocessor-based automatic cargo-spotting system Steadyline, and Swing Defeater, which aids a crane operator's manipulation of cargo loads.
KRUPP MAK Booth 124 Krupp MaK Maschinenbau GmbH is one of the largest manufacturers of heavy fuel, mediumspeed diesel engines in the world.
The company produces engine types covering outputs from 750 to 14,000 hp.
LEISTRITZ Booth 217 The Leistritz Corporation has been manufacturing rotary screw pumps for the marine industry for more than 60 years. The company offers a wide selection of pumps with two, three and five rotors, suitable for lube oils, fuel oils and various viscous liquid cargoes, such as asphalt, crude and molasses.
LINDGREN ASSOCIATES Booth 900 Lindgren Associates, Inc., will display marine propulsion systems including the 50-2,000 hp Elliot White Gill bow and stern thrusters; Ross Hill SCR Drive Systems for main and auxiliary propulsion, high hp drive systems; ACCU microprocessor- based, CRT-displayed engine room control and monitoring by Tracor Marcon; FAST ships' marine sanitation systems and oil/water separators and monitoring systems; and Marcelco marine corrosion control.
MAN B&W DIESEL Booth 716 MAN B&W Diesel will exhibit their complete line of engines from 610 to 64,320 horsepower. In addition to the reliable and efficient MC Series, MAN B&W will have up-todate information about their latest developments, including: CAPA (Computer-Aided Performance Analysis) for MAN B&W Diesel engines; L58/64, L40/54 and the just introduced L48/60 engines; and a CODAG (Combined Diesel and Gas) genset system that the company reports produces savings of up to 50 percent in shipboard electricity production costs.
Further information can be obtained by contacting MAN B&W Diesel, 50 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10004; telephone: (212) 269- 0980.
MARCON ENGINEERING Booth 212 Marcon Engineering Inc., Baltimore, Md., will be exhibiting information on its non-ferrous pipes/ tubes and custom fabricated fittings.
The company also has heating coil specialists who design, draft, fabricate and install units.
Marcon Engineering offers a complete installation service on steering gear modifications, incinerators, C02 and halon systems. The company, in conjunction with Norclean Services, offers a shotblasting/coating/ scaffolding service at sea, including deck painting.
METRITAPE Booth 704 Metritape will be exhibiting their unique tank level indicating systems based on the proven resistance tape technology. Unique features of this system are integral temperature monitoring, complete tank top accessibility, high reliability resulting from totally nonmechanical design and all teflon construction for resistance to almost all materials.
Complete local and remote display system available.
MINDECO Booth 814 Mindeco Corporation, distributors of marine and industrial equipment, will be displaying pipe fittings and flanges produced from brass, copper-nickel, stainless steel and various other alloys. Bronze union-end and flanged valves will also be on display.
MMC Booth 118 MMC International Corporation, a leading manufacturer of electronic gauging tapes of all kinds, C-L couplings and covers and other specialty products for the marine and liquid handling fields, offers the "U" valve, a vapor control valve which is designed to fit directly on existing ullage hatches. Installation is easy, inexpensive and requires no hot work. The valve is approved by all regulatory bodies. The "U" valve is suitable for ullage, interface and temperature measurements, and also offers 1/2-liter sampling capabilities.
This results in a very accurate means of hand-gauging under inert gas conditions.
MMS Booths 310 & 312 Marine Management Systems (MMS) Inc., Stamford, Conn., will exhibit computerized maintenance management systems designed specifically for the marine industry.
Programs include Spare Parts Inventory Management (SPIM), Planned Maintenance (PMS) and Condition Monitoring (CMS) systems, all operating on MS DOS compatible personal computers. Integrated packages, including full hardware supply and support and engineering services are available.
MOBILE TELESYSTEMS Booth 837 Mobile Telesystems, Inc., Fairfax, Va., is a new company that provides mobile satellite products. The mobile business was previously part of COMSAT Corporation's product group. Microelectronics Technology, Inc. is the new parent company with COMSAT retaining a minority interest.
The mobile business includes the TCS-900 "earth station in a suitcase" and the MCS-9120 series maritime communications systems.
M. ROSENBLATT & SON Booth 104 The exhibit of M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., naval architects and ma- rine engineers, will display literature describing the firm's work in R&D, preliminary, contract and details design, plan and approval, ILS, technical manuals, construction inspection for naval and commercial vessels of the widest variety—new construction, conversions, overhaul, maintenance and repair.
NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING Booths 816, 818, 820, 917, 919 & 921 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., NewportNews, Va., a Tenneco company, will highlight the firm's extensive engineering services and its capability to design, construct, overhaul, and repair, both nuclear and conventionally powered ships, and provide marine navigational products for the U.S.
Navy and commercial customers.
Besides building Nimitz Class aircraft carriers and Los Angeles Class submarines, Newport News is the lead design yard for both the Los Angeles and the new Seawolf Class attack submarines.
NEW WAVE SYSTEMS Booth 700 New Wave Systems, Inc., James- town, R.I., will exhibit state-of-theart computer-aided engineering, design and manufacturing systems for the marine industry. Products include a microcomputer-based set of integrated programs using interactive graphics to assist naval architects and builders with hull surface definition, fairing, production, and numerous engineering analyses.
NORTHWEST MARINE SERVICES Booth 720 Northwest Marine Services Corp.
will have free literature available on Liaaen controllable-pitch propellers and thrusters, C.W.F. Hamilton wtarejet propulsion units and mechanical, pneumatic, and electtronic propulsion control systems.
PHILADELPHIA RESINS Booth 319 ITW Philadelphia Resins Corporation, Montgomeryville, Pa., lead- ers in innovative technology with resin products, will feature numerous MIL SPEC adhesives, coatings and chocking compounds available worldwide.
RACAL MARINE Booth 936 Racal Marine Inc. will be exhib- < iting its new color rasterscan ARPA and 16-inch radar, and various other color radars as well. The firm will also show its "four-in-one"navigation system, the MNS 2000, which operates off of loran, satnav, omega and decca, with GPS upgrade capability expected in early 1989.
RAYTHEON MARINE Booth 824 Raytheon Marine's SNA-91 Integrated Bridge System, an ideal companion to the Pathfinder®/ST ARPA, interfaces with ship's navigation systems to provide complete navigation route planning, automatic steer-to-waypoint operation, ETA calculation, etc. Computer-generated electronic charts, stored on floppy discs, are presented on the SNA-91 high-resolution color display, and selected chart information is transmitted to the Pathfinder/ST ARPA.
New Raystar 920 GPS receiver, Raynav 780 Loran-C, Ray 90 VHF radiotelephone, plus satcom, navtex, speed log, radar and depth sounder will be shown. Yokogawa Navitec Gyrocompass and autopilots also will be introduced.
RILEY-BEAIRD Booth 108 Riley-Beaird, Inc. will exhibit Maxim® Silencers, heat recovery equipment, evaporators and heat exchanger products. Emphasis will be placed on the firm's standard designs, capability to design and manufacture custom equipment and experience with multi-effect evaporators.
Information will be available on the company's total in-plant capability relating to fabrication of ASME code pressure vessels and other fabricated structures.
SAAB TANK CONTROL Booth 218 Saab Tank Control will introduce the Saab MaC 501 monitoring and control system to the U.S. market.
The monitoring and control system is used for cargo handling on tankers.
Also, Gunclean Fixed Tank Cleaning Machines and Ocean Motions Ship Loading Computers will be demonstrated.
SOUNDCOAT Booth 425 The Soundcoat Company will ex- hibit all their noise and vibration control materials for the marine industry.
Samples of materials used to solve accoustical problems on ships, pleasure yachts, submarines and tankers will be available along with Soundcoat's engineering staff to answer questions.
SPERRY MARINE Booths 816, 818, 820, 917, 919 & 921 Sperry Marine Inc. will exhibit the company's capability to manufacture rasterscan and conventional PPI radar systems, ARPAs, satellite communications and navigational systems, gyropilots, gyrocompasses, speed logs, ship stabilizer systems, vessel traffic systems and ruggedized marine computers and software for the marine electronics industry.
Sperry Marine Inc., a world leader in marine systems technology, is supported by a sales and service network at over 250 locations worldwide.
STEARNS Booth 113 Stearns Manufacturing Co., St.
Cloud, Minn., manufactures a full line of flotation devices, including personal flotation vests, flotation coats, anti-exposure deck coveralls, cold water immersion/survival suits, meeting USCG and Solas 83 requirements.
Additionally, the company offers a wide range of commercial rain gear and protective clothing.
TANKSYSTEMS Booth 638 Tanksystems a.s. manufacture and design Hermetic Ullage/Temperature/ Interface Detection and products and a full line of Hermetic equipment. Hermetic equipment offers dry tank detection, inert gas pressure/vacuum detection, multilevel cargo-sampling, tank overpressure alarm and part flow system.
Flow meters are also available.
TEXACO MARINE Booth 600 Texaco Marine Services, Inc.
(TMSI) is a full service ship management company specializing in tanker and OBO management. Services offered include ship operations, maintenance and repair, manning, accounting and payrolls, safety and training, insurance and claims, purchasing , chartering, layup, supervision, consultancy, new construction supervision, vessel purchase and sale, and bunkering agency.
TMSI will be demonstrating a proprietary computerized inventory and maintenance management system (TIMMS) that is being marketed to shipowners both in conjunction with ship management and as a separate service.
UNITOR SHIPS SERVICE Booth 624 Unitor Ships Service AS, a Norwegian company with more than 50 branch offices servicing the international fishing, shipping and shipbuilding industries, offers welding, air tool, gas system, refrigeration, air conditioning, fire, hospital and safety products, as well as a wide range of repair, maintenance and training services.
VESON Booth 126 Veson combines shipping knowledge with state-of-the-art technology to provide the complete marine computer solution. Developed in a joint venture with BP, Veson's distance and voyage estimating programs access the complete BP World Distance Tables. In addition, other packages include: operations, accounting, chartering, crew information/ payroll and spare parts/ maintenance.
WALPORT USA Booth 408 Walport USA, Elizabeth, N.J., a leading supplier of video entertainment to the international shipping community, will be showing the latest video movies. Walport USA personnel will be available to discuss custom leasing arrangements with shipowners.
WARTSILA DIESEL Booth 114 Wartsila Diesel, one of the world's leading manufacturers of mediumspeed diesel engines, will exhibit its new Wartsila Vasa 46 mediumspeed diesel engine as well as the new Wartsila Vasa gas-diesel engine, the Wartsila Vasa GD. Also on display will be Wartsila Diesel's new powerful medium-speed Wartsila Vasa 22/26 engine as well as the popular Wartsila Vasa 22 and 32 heavy fuel engines.
WAUKESHA BEARINGS Booth 238 Waukesha Bearing Corporation, Waukesha, Wis., offers a wide range of bearings and seals for marine propulsion systems. Some of the products offered by the firm include: sternlign and stern tube bearings, sternguard Mark II aft seals, sternguard Mark II forward seals, custom design seals, line shaft bearings and main thrust bearings.
X O M O X Booth 123 Xomox Corporation's exhibit will include a nickel aluminum bronze high performance butterfly valve to MIL-V-24624 specifications with an enclosed gear operator. Additionally, a B61 naval bronze full port sleeved plug valve (MIL-V-24509) will be on display.
Xomox manufactures valves to military specifications as well as for commercial use. Xomox valves are accepted by the U.S. Coast Guard and Lloyd's Register of Shipping.
WAUKESHA BEARINGS Booth 238 Waukesha Bearings will be showing the Sternguard line and net cutter and Pres-Vac high velocity P/V valves.
Knowledgeable personnel will be available to discuss applications for thrust, line shaft and sterntube bearings and seals; tank venting systems and the use of Pres-Vac valves; and the Sternguard net and line cutter.
Read SNAME 95th Annual Meeting and 7th International Maritime Exposition in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of November 1988 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from November 1988 issue
- Program For U.S. Shipyard Revitalization Proposed page: 5
- $135-Million Luxury Cruise Vessel Ordered From Wartsila Marine By Finnish Shipowner Birka Line page: 6
- Newport News Announces Management Restructuring page: 7
- Moss Point Marine Completes Four-Ship U.S. Army Contract page: 8
- Joint Venture Formed To Build, Operate Passenger Submarines page: 8
- Anders Wilhelmsen Buys Royal Admiral page: 9
- Gladding-Hearn, LQMoffitt Develop Bearing Flange Design Solution page: 9
- Shrimper/Crabber Built By Mid-Coast Marine page: 10
- Omnithruster Waterjets Offer Maneuverability In Polar Regions page: 11
- World Orderbook Highest In Two Years page: 14
- Westmont Receives $24-Million Contract For Five Floating Cranes page: 14
- Colonna's Shipyard Elects Owen VP And GM page: 14
- Bender Delivers Two Factory Ships—Receives Contracts For Two More page: 15
- MMC International Announces New Tape And Valve Catalog page: 15
- Cargo Ship To Undergo $19.8-Million Conversion At Bay Shipbuilding page: 15
- McDermott International Forms Executive Operating Committee page: 16
- Nichols Bros. Wins $8-Million Contract To Build Six Ferries page: 16
- Non-Ferrous Offers Free Literature On Full Range Of Fasteners page: 17
- Falk Brochure Details Concentric Shaft Reducers page: 17
- SNAME 95th Annual Meeting and 7th International Maritime Exposition page: 20
- Mobile Telesystems Begins Operations page: 46
- New 42-Page Catalog On Flanged Ball Valve From Jamesbury page: 46
- Exxon Offers Exxcare— A Cost-Cutting Computerized Solution To Maintaining/Monitoring Oil page: 48
- Crandall Railway System Again Proves Its Versatility/Dependability page: 49
- Marine Travelift Brochure Describes Benefits Of BFM Mobile Boat Hoist Design page: 49
- Warren Screw Pump Meets High Viscosity Demands page: 50
- Nalfleet, Bull And Roberts Introduces New Approach To Water Treatment page: 52
- SPD Technologies Expands Through New Acquisitions And Product Development page: 56
- CALS Conference Slated For December 8 At USMMA-Kings Point page: 58
- Free Butterworth Brochure Details Types K/Super K Tank Cleaning Machines page: 58
- TBT-Containing Antifouling Paints —The Legislative Position— page: 59
- MAN B&W Engines Continue To Make Impact page: 71
- Gladding-Hearn Announces Sale Of Its Fourth INCAT To New York City Ferry Service page: 72
- Volvo Penta Engines Stipulated For Each Of Two 'Hybrid' Ships page: 72
- Port Of Iberia Acquires 70 Adjoining Acres In Master Development Plan page: 73
- Employee Buyout Helps Seattle Yard Emerge From Bankruptcy page: 74
- Hempel's Reports Good Response To New Cargo Barriers Coatings page: 74
- Stauff-Test Pressure Check System Developed By Stauff Corporation page: 75
- Safety Lifting Clamps For Plate And Structural Steel Featured In New Brochure page: 76
- Kiene Diesel Accessories' New Injector Puller Saves Time And Money page: 77
- New ARQ Radio Telex Station Offered By Hull page: 78
- Schroder Offers Six-Pcige Color Brochure On Marine Propulsion Control Systems page: 78
- Krupp MaK Wins $21.6-Million Retrofit Contract For Canadian Icebreaker page: 79
- Navy Approves PPG Coating To Stop Cable Fires page: 79
- Modern Cargo Pumps For Tankers And Barges page: 80
- Furuno Introduces High-Power FR-1500D Series Radar page: 82
- Acurex Introduces 'AutoNet'—Its Latest Portable Software System page: 82
- 75-Page Book On How To Survive Abandoning Ship Offered By Viking page: 83
- Tidewater Marine Adds Five M a r A d Vessels To Worldwide Fleet page: 84
- MAN B&W Diesel Introduces Two More Large Bore Engines page: 85
- Cospolich Develops Refrigerators With Extraordinary Capability page: 86
- New Rules To Mandate Sealing Of Barges page: 87
- Brochures From Hagglunds Describe Computerized Cargo Handling Systems page: 89
- Nichols To Build Advanced Technology 'Wave Piercer' For Fast Passenger Service page: 90
- Custom, Design-lt-Yourself Continuous Liquid Level Indicators Introduced By Gems page: 90
- Complicated RO/RO Conversions Completed By Danyard A /S page: 91
- B&W To Build 84,000-Dwt Products Carrier page: 91
- Bird-Johnson Names Vaughn Seattle Operation's Marketing And Sales Manager page: 93
- Harris SSB Radio Has Noise Blanker page: 94
- Sulzer-Powered French Containership Is Designed For Minimum Crewing page: 94
- Advanced Fiber Technology From Allied-Signal Division Improves Marine Rope Performance page: 99
- 'Space-Age' Simulator Program At MarineSafety Prepares Officers To Handle Super Containerships page: 106
- Munson Introduces Fast, Low-Wake Boat Designed For Harbor Commuter Routes page: 106
- AESA To Build Three More Reefers For Del Monte page: 107