Furuno Introduces High-Power FR-1500D Series Radar

Because changing conditions at sea may require higher radar transmitter power, Furuno U.S.A., Inc. of San Francisco, Calif., has introduced the 25-kw version of its popular FR-1500D series radar, the FR- 1525D.

This radar offers 8-level quantized data on a bright, non-fading 15-inch diagonal CRT which produces a steady, accurate picture of all radar targets available. There is no fading, and highly sophisticated computer techniques, along with echo stretch and averaging, significantly improve target detection.

The FR-1525D offers a variety of operating features like dual VRMs and EBLs, audible and visual alarm zone, on-screen target plot, and Furuno's exclusive low-noise microwave integrated circuit design for long life and improved performance.

Maximum range is 96 n.m. and there is built-in provision for the new RP-1 navigation plotter. Additionally, all system functions and modes are clearly shown on the CRT.

The FR-1500Ds provide two convenient features. One is the ability to off-center the radar picture by up to 75 percent of the screen size in any direction, making it easy to check potentially threatening targets ahead, to either side, or even astern. The other feature is the 2X zoom, where any portion of the screen picture can be instantly doubled in size by merely pressing a single button.

This new Furuno FR-1525D radar, with choice of 4, 6, or 8-foot antenna, meets the needs of shipowners everywhere, as well as being appropriate for larger yachts and work vessels.

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Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 82,  Nov 1988

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