Hypertherm Enters Laser Cutting Market

FAST Laser (Flow Accelerated Screen Technology) from Hypertherm, Inc. is a new platelaser cutting technology from Hypertherm, a company that has been a leader in the advancement of plasma cutting technology for over 35 years. FAST Laser technology broadens the company's technology leadership position and product offering into the field of plate- laser cutting with a new line of laser cutting heads and controllers.

FAST Laser uses a patent-pending design to create a dual-flow zone that allows significantly higher oxygen assist-gas pressures in the tightly defined cut zone established by beam geometry. It eliminates the uncontrolled burning in the surrounding zone. FAST Laser's accelerated high-velocity oxygen flow along the beam path is designed to increase cut speed by fueling the exothermic reaction. It also reduces sensitivity to common plate fabricating conditions and variables, most notably plate chemistry and condition.

The company said that FAST Laser cutting heads deliver up to a 20 percent increase in cut speed over standard C 0 2 laser heads on plate steel.

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Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 81,  Nov 2003

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