MAN B&W Diesel Debuts the New S65ME-C

MAN B&W Diesel designed a tailormade S65ME-C engine for the latest design of Capesize modern bulk carriers.

The engine was designed to respond to present and future bulk carrier needs, and it will fit into Suezmax tankers, as well.

"We examined the market and received advice from Universal Shipbuilding Corporation in Japan, that there is an increasing need for more dedicated engines for the specialized requirements of more and more refined ship designs," said Ole Gr0ne, twostroke Vice President, Sales and Marketing, MAN B&W Diesel A/S.

MAN B&W is positioning the S65MEC as the solution for owners and operators of modern large bulk carriers and Suezmax tankers, as well as large twinengine dieselized LNG carriers. The engine presents a 7-cylinder alternative to the 6S70MC and 6S70MC-C/ME-C engines. The reference list for the ME engine range now comprises 75 engines in nearly all available engine sizes, and service experience continues to be excellent.

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Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 33,  May 2004

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