Alstom Integrated Controls For Clough Offshore

Alstom's A Series, its popular range of integrated control system, was recently purchased by Clough Offshore. The A Series was launched last spring as a new, affordable system which encompassed all of the latest technology and design features sought by customers of Alstom's Marine and Offshore division. The system is designed around an industrial power PC processor for optimum speed, and the new control systems are designed to meet the exacting requirements for a complete range of vessels.

Specifically, an ADP21 duplex Dynamic Position System (DP) will be installed on the general purpose construction barge, Java Constructor, thus upgrading it to be one of the few DP vessels operating in the Asia Pacific region. The DP capability of the vessel will be a total of 7 MW of installed power.

The enhancement allow the vessel to be classed as a self-propelled vessel with a 10-knot transit speed, and will also have a new motion suppression system installed.

Once completed, the vessel will be working in South East Asian and Australasian waters, where its primary operation will be rigid pipeline installation in S-lay mode on DP. The vessel will also be suitable for all construction support activities, including platform installation, diving operations and pipelay.

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Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 56,  Jan 2001

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