New Rope Catalog Available From Samson

The world's most extensive line of braided, round plaited and inline ropes is described and illustrated in a new catalog just released by Samson Ocean Systems, Inc.

The catalog provides specifications, breaking strengths, elongation data and weights for ropes made of Duron® and Dacron Polyester, Nylon, Polypropylene and Kevlar aramid fibers. In addition, there is information on four types of Samthane™ Coatings and extra cover chafe sleeves used for abrasion protection and identification; heavy duty thimbles and shackles; and the new Samson line of Nylite ™ rope connectors, clevis hooks and snatch blocks.

For a free copy of Samson's catalog, Circle 86 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from May 1984 issue


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