Navigation & Communications Equipment
— A Review — MR/EN's editors asked the major manufacturers and distributors of marine navigation and communication equipment to tell us about their latest products and their marketing plans; the following review is based on their replies.
FOR MORE INFORMATION If you wish to receive additional information on any particular products in the following review, write the corresponding reader service card number(s) on the reader service card in the back of this issue.
If you wish to receive information from all the manufacturers and suppliers of navigation and communications equipment included in this review, Circle 30 on Reader Service Card ALDEN Circle 31 on Reader Service Card Alden Electronics, Inc. of Westboro, Mass., recently introduced the Marinefax V weather chart recorder, said to be unique in that it incorporates two separate memories within its built-in radio. One memory is used to store all worldwide radio frequencies, while the other is used as a local memory to store up to 10 frequencies for single- button recall.
The radio used in the Marinefax V is solid state, and features an LED frequency display with pushbutton selection to provide easy tuning of all worldwide frequencies from 80 kHz to 29.999 MHz.
The unit is designed to meet international World Meteorological Organization recording speeds of 60, 90, and 120 scans per minute. It operates at 12, 24, or 32 volts dc or 110 or 240 volts ac. An optional 4- foot wave antenna completes the package.
The Marinefax V complements Alden's existing line of Marinefax recorders, which are among the most compact recorders of their type on the market.
Also introduced recently is the Alden/Metz Marinefax HF antenna, a compact, passive antenna designed specifically for the reception of radiofacsimile transmissions.
It provides an alternative to long wire and large passive whip antennas. Reception range tests performed by Alden have verified that the new antenna's performance is equal to existing long wire and active antennas. It is also ideally suited for use as an SWL antenna.
ANSCHUETZ Circle 32 on Reader Service Card Anschuetz, a well-known name in marine circles, is not only a leading manufacturer of gyrocompasses for all classes and sizes of ships, but also produces gyro repeater compasses, bearing sights, automatic pilot systems for seagoing ships as well as riverboats, course and rudder position recorders, electrical steering systems, computer-controlled navigation systems, combined steering stands, gyrocompass horizon systems, heave meter equipment, rateof- turn indicators, and electronic servo systems.
The newest Anschuetz products are the low-cost Gyrostar and Standard 14. These products have only recently been added to the company's family of gyrocompasses.
In addition, Anschuetz now offers a new low-cost Pilotstar autopilot in conjunction with the Gyrostar.
Also new is the low-cost, easyto- install Compilot 9 steering console— of special interest to owners of workboats, fishing vessels, and yachts. Also of interest is the new SEACOM satellite communications terminal, now marketed by Anschuetz worldwide.
Anschuetz products are now used on more than 7,000 ships. With the exception of the SEACOM, all the products mentioned above are manufactured in Kiel, West Germany.
In order to support the sales of its products worldwide, Anschuetz has developed a network of service stations, 87 of them in Europe, 44 in North and South America, 28 in Africa and the Near East, and 25 in Australia and the Far East.
In 1975, Anschuetz of America Instrument Corporation was founded to insure the quality of service in the U.S. Incorporated in New York, this firm works with more than 100 American service agents strategically located in major U.S. ports. These independent companies are staffed with trained engineers, and maintain an inventory of original Anschuetz parts to perform repairs and maintenance.
In addition to its main office in Thornwood, N.Y., Anschuetz of America has offices in New Orleans and Houston to sell and service Anschuetz equipment and train local service agents. Anschuetz is part of the worldwide Carl Zeiss Group, a leading name in precision mechanical, optical, and electronic instruments and equipment.
BOWDITCH Circle 33 on Reader Service Card Bowditch Navigation Systems of Portsmouth, N.H., offers the MK-I Automatic Visual Positioning Aid (AVPA), a unique, integrated navigation with a viewing screen that gives the navigator a real-time display of current position projected onto a standard navigational chart.
The AVPA accepts inputs from all sources, including Loran C, SatNav, Decca Navigator, and Omega, plus gyro or magnetic compass, visual bearings, radar ranges, and speed log. An integral Loran receiver is available as an option. Loran readings may be corrected for ASF errors to give extremely high position-fixing accuracy.
The navigational chart display is derived from a projection of an official Government nautical chart.
This permits the navigator to view all of the information contained on the chart, including depth contours, soundings, shoreline, topographical features, and other essential information not typically available on "electronic charts." CAI Circle 64 on Reader Service Card Communications Associates, Inc.
(CAI) of Huntington Station, N.Y., has introduced a new computercontrolled, error-correcting, directprinting teletype system. Utilizing CAI's Digiscan transceiver, the Zitor system covers a range of 1.6 to 30 MHz, with an output of 150 watts. Other features include 100 user-programmable channels, channel scanning, and computer control.
CAI Zitor systems, in addition to controlling voice and telex communications, offer users the flexibility of microcomputer capability for use in management tasks.
Word-processing software enables reports, payroll information, material requisitions, and other data to be composed and stored on convenient diskettes for later transmission via radiotelex.
The Zitor-100 modem furnished with the system is a signal-processing unit that isolates errors in printing characters due to fading and noise disturbances in the radio transmission path.
CMC COMMUNICATIONS (NAVAL SYSTEMS AB) Circle 34 on Reader Service Card CMC Communications Inc. of Tampa, Fla., is the U.S. distributor for Naval Systems AB, a Swedish company located in Malmo that has many years of experience in manufacturing equipment for broadcast reception at sea. More than 15,000 Naval aerials and some 1,200 shipboard distribution systems have been installed worldwide. With a well-established network of representatives in 30 countries with 300 depots, the Swedish company can provide fast delivery and reliable service in most ports throughout the world.
The equipment manufactured by Naval Systems, including omni-directional antenna systems that are best for TV reception at sea, is designed strictly for marine applications, and will withstand high winds, iceloading, salt water spray, and the shock and vibration that are present in the marine environment.
Naval Systems antennas are made of ABS plastic with circuitry and headamplifiers built into polyurethane foam. Mounting bases of seawater-proof special alloy, and bolts of acid-proof stainless steel insure long operational life. Special wavetraps and arresters protect the amplifiers from HF overloading and breakdown due to static charge. The aerials are tested by Det norske Veritas for the same approval as for radar equipment, and by FFA for severe wind loads.
COMSAT Circle 35 on Reader Service Card COMSAT Maritime Services of Washington, D.C., provides telephone, telex, and data services to the international maritime market through the INMARSAT system.
The firm's services are listed below.
Telephone. High-quality telephone service is fully interconnected with the worldwide telephone network. Service is fast, reliable, and private. Service features include direct-dial calling with one-minute minimum, station- to-station and person-to-person calls, collect calls, credit card calls, and conference calls.
Telex. Standard telex services (66 words per minute or 50 baud) are interconnected with the worldwide network through COMSAT's Telex Switching Center in Washington.
Any office telex machine in the U.S. or abroad has a direct link to ships and offshore facilities with ship earth stations. Service features include store and forward, multiple address, departmental billing, and other options.
Facsimile. Using a telephone circuit, both analog and digital facsimiles of manifests, drawings, daily reports, weather maps, well logs, and other graphic materials can be exchanged between compatible telecopier machines on ship and ashore.
Voiceband Data Services. Using voice channels, data communications are available typically at data speeds of 300, 1,200, and 2,400 bits per second.
High-speed Data. Data at 56 kilobits per second is available in the ship-to-shore direction. A voice channel can be used for coordination purposes. Service is provided to COMSAT coast earth stations for interconnection with customerarranged U.S. domestic links.
DANMAR Circle 36 on Reader Service Card Danish Marine Communications A/S (DANMAR) of Denmark recently introduced its RT-210 series, a new generation of HF/SSB radiotelephones that breaks away from many traditional operating and technical concepts.
One feature of the RT-210 is that all operations and adjustments are carried out from a small control unit that can be up to 160 feet from the rest of the radiotelephone station.
The RT-210 is a solid-state, 400- watt PEP, full duplex transceiver based on digital frequency synthesis.
The transmitter part covers the frequency band from 1.6 to 30 MHz in 400 programmable channels, or free frequency selection in 100-Hz steps. The receiver covers from 100 KHz to 30 MHz, tuning in 10-Hz steps.
Switch time from transmit to receive mode is 0.9 seconds (1 second maximum). Frequency selection and antenna tuning can be controlled automatically. The RT-210 is prepared for automatic radiotelex systems.
The set consists of the RT-210 control unit and the T210 compact transceiver unit with fully automatic all-band antenna tuner. The system is controlled by microprocessor.
The control unit has a built-in loudspeaker, and connection possibilities for micro-telephone, ARQ radiotelex system, and others. Operation is by a keyboard and dial controls. The operator can select transmit and receive frequencies directly by the numerical keyboard.
Exclusive distributor for DANMAR in the U.S. and Canada is Dantronics/MEMAC Company of Boca Raton, Fla.
ELECTRO-NAV C i r c l e 3 7 on Reader Service Card Electro-Nav, Inc. of Elizabeth, N.J., has introduced the Commcenter, a total shipboard communications system with satellite, simplex/duplex telex, all-mode HF transmitter, continuous tuning receiver, VHF, keyboard terminal with full data-processing capability, and an integrated failsafe power supply, all in one standard 19-inch console rack, with space remaining for additional equipment as required or desired.
"Commcenter was designed in recognition of current and pending changes by national and international regulatory agencies in accordance with proposed new radio officer manning procedures and consequence changes in marine electronic communications standards," said Electro-Nav executive vice president John M. Saez, "so it has everything a ship needs for complete, ship-to-shore, ship-toship, and internal ship communications." The center's HF and VHF transmitters have been approved by the Federal Communications Commission, and the Saturn 3 comsat has Inmarsat approval. Connections are designed to make installation simple and inexpensive. Electro- Nav considers the Commcenter so rugged and reliable that its offers a very reasonable service/maintenance arrangement.
Commcenter is equipped with Elektrisk Bureau's miniaturized Saturn 3 satcom, with its antenna autosearch, lock remote call initiation, and thorough self-diagnostics; the T204, 1,000-watt, solid state all-band SSB/AM/CW/SITOR transmitter, and synthesized T205 exciter; the new EN-R2 microprocessor- controlled marine receiver; ENTOR telex; the 2001 synthesized, fully duplexed VHF; a 24K RAM computer which, with associated keyboard terminal and VDU, uses available standard ship's business software to handle all ship and company data processing as well as text editing. With the addition of a facsimile unit, the ship will also be able to receive and transmit documents, charts, and other graphic materials without any additional interface.
Commcenter operates on ac and dc, and requires only one line from a ship's generator. A battery backup takes over in the event of a power failure.
FURUNO Circle 38 on Reader Service Card To solve the difficult problem of precision navigation in narrow waters, harbors, and coastal sailing, Furuno U.S.A. Inc. of South San Francisco introduces the RS- 1000 Navguide System. This is said to be the shipowner's "system of the future," as it presents complete navigation data on a single 20-inch raster-scan CRT, displayed in eight user-selectable colors.
All critical information from conventional navigation charts is digitized and stored in system memory. Data such as coastlines, lighthouses, buoys, sea depths, summits, restricted areas, safety zones, etc., are shown. Overlayed on this is raw video from the ship's radar. A position plot that shows ship's current position and track is also seen. Route planning information may be stored, or entered manually at sailing time and displayed on the CRT. In this way, the captain has all data for safe, efficient navigation shown on a single CRT display for easier decision- making.
The RS-1000 provides instant, accurate radar position fixing, and an alarm sounds if the ship deviates from planned route or approaches a known dangerous situation.
Track data is supplied from gyrocompass and doppler sonar inputs, as well as from Loran or SatNav. The unit also provides steering output for interfacing with the vessel's autopilot system.
Furuno also introduces the FR- 1262S, a 60-kw S-band radar with digitized electronic circuitry that is part of the well-known FR-1200 family of 12-inch CRT radars. This system is designed to interswitch with Furuno's X-band radars to provide shipowners with true allweather capability.
Furuno has also introduced the Furuno/Skanti premium quality SSB marine radiotelephones in the U.S. The first model, the TRP 8258 S, is a 250-watt, full-featured radio with microprocessor control of all functions, a universal 10.8- to 41-volt dc power supply, and all ITU channel designations built in.
Frequency selection is by either direct keyboard entry or by "punching in" the channel number of up to 76 operator-selected frequency pairs (simplex or semiduplex).
The transmitter range is 1.6 to 30 MHz, while the receiver also provides continuous tuning down to 100 kHz. This completely independent tuning system offers two significant user benefits: easy clarifier operation in 10, 100, or 1,000 Hz steps; plus general reception of services other than marine SSB, such as LSB amateur service below 10 MHz.
All TRP 8258 S functions are accessed via a sealed membrane keyboard on the compact control unit.
Two bright yellow LED displays show receive frequency and transmit frequency/time. A built-in realtime clock can be set for wakeup calls or to turn the radio on automatically for prearranged schedules.
A full 5-watt audio system and high-quality AM envelope detector provide superb sound.
The exceptionally fast-switching, microprocessor-controlled antenna coupler is a key feature of the TRP 8258 S. It automatically tunes antennas from 7 to 18 meters over the full 1.6- to 30-MHz frequency range in about one-half second. This, plus the fast-switching synthesizer, enables the radio to be used for single-antenna ARQTelex operation.
GRIFFITH MARINE (MARCONI) Circle 4 3 on Reader Service Card Griffith Marine Navigation, Inc.
of New Rochelle, N.Y., is continuing its efforts to provide the merchant shipping companies with the finest electronics available. It supports these products through proper installation and round-theclock service.
One such new product is Marconi International Marine's NAVTEX receiver. NAVTEX is a system to provide ships with printed navigation warnings via telex.
Marconi has produced the NAVTEX unit in order to provide shipowners with the means of receiving these warnings. Within the small unit is contained a fixedtuned 518-KHz receiver, a microprocessor- controlled message decoder, and a 40 character per line printer. The receiver can operate from a wire or whip antenna, from any 50-ohm antenna distribution unit, or from an active receiving antenna that can be supplied with the equipment.
The NAVTEX receiver complies fully with the requirements of IMO, CCIR, and CEPT, and has the flexibility to allow for program changes to meet future developments in the NAVTEX service.
The U.S. Coast Guard began broadcasting NAVTEX warnings from its station in Sandwich, Mass., in October 1983. Ships within 200 to 300 nautical miles of this transmitter are able to receive these broadcasts.
Griffith Marine also has available the new Marconi 1,500-watt PEP SSB ship's main radio station that meets all IMO/CEPT/MPT requirements.
This unit is presently only available for non-U.S.-flag installations.
Griffith is continuing its efforts to provide all ships with the finest radars and ARPA systems available.
In this effort, it continues to supply Raytheon equipment to shipowners requiring radar and/or ARPA systems. To meet IMO specifications, Griffith is now promoting the Raytheon/JRC model JLN doppler speed log to be integrated with both existing and proposed ARPA installations.
Griffith Marine handles a full line of navigation and communications equipment, and has a full staff of technical personnel that can service all types of nav/com systems, including steering systems and ship's gyro system repairs.
KRUPP ATLAS Circle 3 9 on Reader Service Card New, advanced navigational aids available from Krupp Atlas Elektronik GmbH of Bremen, West Germany, include the Atlas 7600- 8600 rasterscan series of big-ship radars that were shown in public for the first time at the recent Expoship North America Exhibition in New York City.
Comprising realtive motion, true motion, and two automatic radar plotting aids models, the series represents a major advance over conventional radial-scan radars by being the first to offer continuous true daylight rasterscan display on a 16-inch screen.
Each model conforms to or exceeds IMO and U.S. Coast Guard specifications. Nine ranges are available for display, from 0.3 to 72 miles. Four pulse lengths and three pulse-repetition frequencies are switched automatically, with the possibility of manual over-ride on pulse lengths. All use a CRT with more than 700 lines to obtain necessary discrimination and resolution.
The 16-inch-diameter picture has adjacent data areas where a range of navigational target and set operating data can be displayed.
A new type of target history has been incorporated. Adjustable lengths of afterglow trails can be generated to give the navigator a direct impression of the overall traffic situation. Another feature of particular significance for coastal navigation is a centered true motion display mode in which after- glow trails of other traffic correspond to their true motion.
Both RM and TM models provide for the manual acquisition of up to 10 targets as well as semiautomatic plotting with target data readout, including CPA and TCPA, while the 7600 ARPA version also provides fully automatic tracking facilities. The 8600 ARPA unit provides for manual acquisition of up to 20 targets as well as automatic tracking and data readout inclusive of CPA and TCPA. The system which may also be configured for use with integrated navigation systems, also permits selection of 40 navigation lines as well as storage of up to 80 video maps of 40 elements each.
Fifteen of the new radar series have already been ordered by Finnish, Norwegian, and West German shipowners.
Krupp Atlas Elektronik's U.S.
operations are based in Rahway, N.J.
MAGNAVOX Circle 40 on Reader Service Card Since Inmarsat took over the global maritime communications satellite system from Marisat, the trend has been for manufacturers to concentrate on applications far beyond the straightforward use of telephone and telex. Magnavox Advanced Products and Systems Company of Torrence, Calif., is a leader in this trend.
Current examples of the technology now available as options of the Magnavox MX 211A SatCom involve several types of vessel monitoring systems (VMS). The most common VMS is the shore polling type, which allows the sensor data of a vessel to be monitored from shore without shipboard assistance. The ship's position, heading, speed, and fuel status can be retrieved from multiple off-site locations.
Other types of VMS available from the Magnavox SatCom system include automatic vessel monitoring, which uses predetermined schedules for frequent updates of sensor data transmission by telex or voice channels, and multiple vessel sensor monitoring. The latter option can, for example, receive both navigation data and engine status independently, using a dual-port VMS system with separate polling and buffers capable of storing up to 2,000 characters each.
MICROLOGIC Circle 41 on Reader Service Card Micrologic of Chatsworth, Calif., has introduced the ML-5500 submersion- proof Loran C Navigator to its product line. Submersible and compact, the unit can be installed where it is needed—even on the smallest vessel. It can be made portable with one option, so it can be used without a permanent installation.
The ML-5500 features a dual 8- digit, V2-inch LCD display. A colorcoded, snap-action keyboard with embossed borders simplifies input entries. The display and keyboard are lighted for night operation.
Standard features include eight automatic functions: chain and secondary selection; acquisition of master and up to five secondaries; magnetic variation; ASF (land mass) correction; sequencing for 59 waypoints; route following for 50 legs, nine routes; envelope calibration; and computer memory test.
In addition, the ML-5500 has TD to LL and LL to TD conversion; a yacht racing timer; waypoint arrival, anchor watch, and cross track error alarms; four notch filters; range/bearing for 59 waypoints; cross track error/time-togo; speed over the bottom/course made good; elapsed distance; twopoint range and bearing, and much more.
Made portable with an optional rechargeable battery pack, the ML- 5500 can be used with a permanently fixed antenna or optional telescopic antenna.
MODAR Circle 42 on Reader Service Card Modar Electronics, Inc. of Schaumburg, 111., a subsidiary of Motorola Inc., announces the availability of the Triton 40.S SSB transceiver for mobile/fixed marine radio communications.
The Triton 40.S radio features a microprocessor-controlled, dual loop frequency synthesizer. Two versions are available: a 2 to 18 MHz, 125-watt model; and a 2 to 13.5 MHz, 150-watt unit. Up to 40 simplex or semiduplex channels can be stored in the radio's memory, and frequencies may be changed aboard the vessel at any time.
Frequency changes are simplified with an easy-to-use, plug-in programming card accessory that includes a keypad and LED display.
Other features include constant SINAD squelch for effective noise elimination between messages, electronic channel switching for operator convenience, and long-term reliability, plus a dimmer switch for easy night viewing of the channel selector. Also available is a noise blanker that effectively suppresses ignition noise interference.
The Triton 40.S transceiver is enclosed in a rugged, plated steel housing and weighs 18.5 pounds.
Measuring a compact 10 3/s by 15V4 by 4 inches, this radio can be mounted in a variety of locations, including overhead, for user convenience, and is compatible with Motorola's fully automatic, microprocessor- controlled antenna tuner.
NAV-COM Circle 44 on Reader Service Card In today's business climate, vessel owners are looking more and more at each ship as an individual profit center. And, in considering bottom-line profits, each vessel is being equipped with the latest business management tools to provide virtually unlimited communication flexibility—voice, data, and telex.
Nav-Com is the source for these systems, with a staff of electronics and communications specialists able to integrate the most up-todate hardware and software, fully integrated into a complete vessel package. Nav-Com reports it has developed, for example, two systems that can handle any shipboard communication requirement.
The first, Comnet,™ is built around a central electronic switching system that provides as many internal extensions and outside trunk lines as necessary, as well as complete data distribution for computer work stations. The system handles voice via any standard pushbutton or rotary telephone, combined voice and data with instruments such as the Northern Telecom Displayphone,® high speed facsimile, and pure data through our own Busiship™ microcomputer system. All of these functions can then be integrated with the Magna vox MX-211A Satcom for reliable, cost-effective worldwide communications.
The second new system from Nav-Com, designed for shipboard data management, is called Busiship ™. Each workstation uses a specially marinized IBM-PC/XT microcomputer with 10 megabyte hard disk and a wide range of software to handle vessel business data tasks such as position reporting, purchase requisitions, requests for medical assistance, electronic mail, data logging, word processing, and automatic accessing of subscriber data bases such as the Automatic Notice to Mariners Service from DMAHTC and the UPI news service. Other applications could include vessel inventory control, complete shipboard personnel filing, voyage planning— even cargo loading calculations.
Busiship is completely integrated into the overall ship communications system to enhance the ship/ office business operations activities.
Nav-Com communications and data systems are professionally designed, engineered and installed.
They are supported wherever ships sail by the worldwide Magnavox service network, NAVIDYNE Circle 45 on Reader Service Card Navidyne Corporation of Newport News, Va., recently introduced its ESZ-10000 Satellite Communicator, said to be the first satcom terminal to use a "phased array" antenna system in place: of the traditional parabolic dish. The result is a small, lightweight antenna unit that meets all INMARSAT requirements with no sacrifice in performance margins.
The ESZ-10000 retains all of the popular operating features of its predecessor, the ESZ-8000, packaged in a much smaller and more reliable unit. The below-decks equipment incorporates the latest advances in solid-state circuitry for maximum reliability and ease of field service. Like the ESZ-8000, the new unit has a fully integrated, CRT-based operator's console that simplifies operating procedures through menu-driven displays, leading the user step by step through all operating procedures.
The CRT also serves as a word processor for composing and editing telex messages. Options available with the ESZ-10000 include remote indicators, multiple private telephones, automatic position reporting, voice-channel data modems, expanded memory, and a high-speed data modem (56 kbps).
NEWMAR Circle 63 on Reader Service Card NEWMAR of Newport Beach, Calif., introduces the NAV-222, a new automatic digital direction finder for easy and precise navigation.
The compact unit utilizes a microprocessor in place of motors or moving parts and enables signals to be locked in from either the beacon or broadcast band by a lightweight delta loop antenna mounted permanently on the cabin top or mast.
Two digital LCD displays indicate station frequency to the nearest KHz and relative bearing of the station to the nearest degree.
The circular LED display indicates the actual bearing in azimuth to the station. A rotating azimuth bezel allows relative bearings to be converted to true bearings for simple navigation or homing.
The speaker can be remotely located for maximum audibility, while the processor unit can be tabletop-, bulkhead-, or overheadmounted.
NORCONTROL Circle 46 on Reader Service Card Norcontrol's Databridge 7 is a third-generation, automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA) that acquires and tracks up to 50 radar targets and continuously displays collision- avoidance data on the most threatening 20. It will sound a collision warning alarm whenever any of these target tracks exceed user-specified values for closest point of approach and time to closest point of approach. As a collision- avoidance system, it meets or exceeds IMO recommendations and U.S. Coast Guard and Maritime Administration standards.
The Databridge 7 is the latest of a long line of ARPAs stretching back to 1969, when a Norcontrol unit was the first collision-avoidance system ever installed on board a merchant vessel. It is manufactured by Norcontrol of Horten, Norway, a division of Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk A/S. In the U.S.
and Canada, it is marketed by Kongsberg North America Inc. of Hauppauge, N.Y.
The DB-7 acquires targets throughout the operator-designated search area—not just when a target penetrates a guard ring.
The system displays anti-collision data in the form of vectors superimposed over a daylight-viewable, 16-inch radar presentation. Operator selection of true or relative vectors and vector length provides the utmost in system flexibility.
Full trial maneuver facilities, including operator selection of timeto- maneuver, quickly and clearly show the results of maneuver alternatives.
The DB-7 warns the operator when the proposed maneuver does not satisfy his CPA and TCPA criteria, or when it will bring him into conflict with a previously non-threatening target.
Databridge-7 is much more than a simple ARPA. Channels and fairways, radar locked to fix geographical references, can also be displayed. In addition to warning the operator if the vessel strays from its intended track, this display provides the information that is vital to insure that a maneuver to avoid a collision with another ship does not result in a collision with the bottom.
Norcontrol hasn't forgotten the operator. In addition to a control panel layout designed to simplify operation and reduce fatigue, the DB-7 includes a built-in training simulator. Preprogrammed training exercises are presented to the officer to develop his ability to operate the system and effectively use all of the information it provides.
Operational problems related to new crew members or crew turnover are virtually eliminated.
Finally, Norcontrol's reputation for reliability and service is the best assurance to shipowners that the DB-7 will operate perfectly and keep on working for years to come.
Other shipboard systems from Kongsberg/Norcontrol are: DC-7 alarm and monitoring systems, AC-111 engine/bridge control systems, tank level measurement and control, and radar plotting simulator.
PUROFLOW Circle 47 on Reader Service Card Puroflow Corporation of Newport News, Va., manufactures power-line filters that provide essential protection to navigation and communications equipment.
Modern solid-state electronics are extremely vulnerable to voltage transients and spikes. Puroflow filters save shipowners large sums of money in repair and replacement costs by reducing failures and service calls while prolonging system life.
These filters react instantly when power surges occur, shunting away excess current and maintaining a constant flow of correct voltage.
They are designed to protect against both short- and long-term voltage fluctuations.
Puroflow's filters are said to be unique in the industry, in that they also contain integral noise filters to protect against noise disturbances from radio transmitters, electric motors, and other sources.
RACAL-DECCA Circle 48 on Reader Service Card Introduced in late 1983, the Racal-Decca MNS 2000 is the first ever integral, multi-sensor positioning receiver with automatic selection of Loran C, Omega, Transit, or Decca Navigator. It takes the positional data acquired and processes it into various navigational formats for display and interfacing with, for example, a compatible autopilot, ARPA radar, hard-copy printer, or automatic chart-plotting table. An associated color video plotter will be introduced shortly.
The bright-track color display has been very well received since introduction in January this year.
It has a 12-inch rectangular face with basic information written on the right side. The method of color presentation is said to be unique to Racal. Relative tracks are shown, from which courses and speeds of echos can be gauged. An important point is that the control panel can be mounted remote from the display, which itself works off the top unit of the company's 370 or 270 radars.
There is now a range af three Racal "super-adaptive" autopilots, the term given to its advanced design whereby a programmed mathematical model of the ship enables the autopilot to differentiate between the influence of the weather and that of the ship's characteristics. The former is virtually ignored to product? up to four percent savings in fuel (proved by an independent Japanese trial).
Japanese lines alone have recently ordered 30 of these units.
RADIO-HOLLAND Circle 49 on Reader Service Card Radio-Holland U.S.A. Inc. of Houston has announced FCC type acceptance of the Sailor Program 1000B SSB radiotelephone/telegraph/ telex system. This full duplex product is an extremely fiexi- ble, modular communications system appropriate for virtually any class of vessel. The 400-watt transmitter and matched receiver cover the frequency range from 1.6 to 27.5 MHz. The standard system configuration consists of receiver, transmitter, exciter, and power supply in a compact cabinet, plus autotuned antenna coupler. Frequency selection is via convenient keypad, and readout is by large LCD.
System flexibility provides even more. With the addition of either the Sailor H1240 radiotelex moden/ H1249 video display/printer package, the user has a fully automatic telex system operating in the ARQ mode in full duplex or on just one antenna on a single simplex frequency.
Radio-Holland also announces that, for compulsory ship equipment, the FCC has type approved the Sailor main/reserve 500 kHz SOLAS station. This system, based on components from the Program 1000 series, consists of a main 400-watt, 500 kHz radiotelegraph transmitter with auto alarm receiver and main receiver, operating directly from ship's mains.
Plus, a reserve system that operates from a 24-volt dc battery and consists of a 100-watt reserve transmitter, auto alarm keyer, and reserve receiver.
Both of these communications systems provide unique advantages for shipowners. They are extremely compact and simple to install.
They are also very economical, primarily because they utilize standard units from the Program 1000 series and are produced in a factory that has an annual output exceeding 20,000 maritime radiotelephone sets.
In addition to the SSB radio systems, Radio-Holland also distributes the full range of Sailor VHF sets. Both the RT144 simplex/ semiduplex and the RT146 full duplex radios are familiar to most mariners. Both sets offer digital frequency synthesis, dual watch capability, and compact design, but the RT146 features a transceiver unit that can be mounted anywhere and supports an unlimited number of full-function control stations.
In the near future, a new supercompact 25-watt VHF, the RT2047, will be available. This radio, measuring just 4V2 inches high by 8V2 inches wide by IOV2 inches deep, features full duplex operation, plus up to 60 private channels, dual watch, quick channel 16, selective calling, built-in scanning capabilities, built-in loudspeaker, and a large LCD display that shows systems functions in use.
RAYTHEON MARINE Circle 50 on Reader Service Card Among new products from Raytheon Marine Company of Manchester, N.H., the 1210 Mariners Pathfinder'1 Bright Display radar, a 12-inch unit, meets IMO dualradar requirements on ships. Like the company's 16-inch Mariners Pathfinder, said to be the industry's most popular large radar, the 1210 has Raytheon's exclusive Bright Display system that permits simultaneous viewing by several people, even in daylight.
The 1210 radar has two-level video, which helps enhance target clarity by improving differentiations between rain and sea clutter and other targets. A target "stretcher" automatically enlarges small, distant targets to make them easier to see. The unit's automatic, full-time interference rejection stores and compares signals from successive sweeps, then displays only consistently positioned signals. This feature also helps insure the alidity of Seaguard intrusion alerts. Raytheon's exclusive built-in Seaguard monitors a 360-degree safety zone from Va to 64 nautical miles, and has visual and audible target alerts.
Eleven radar ranges are provided from V4 to 64 nautical miles.
Raytheon's Raypath Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA), a lowcost unit introduced only a year ago, meets all IMO requirements for high-seas vessels. The Raypath is exceptionally compact, yet uses the same 16-inch Mariners Pathfinder radar and other high-technology features such as Raytheon's Raycas, and is currently in use on more than 1,000 vessels. The Raypath scans to 64 miles, has automatic target acquisition, and tracks up to 20 targets simultaneously at ranges from IV2 to 12 nautical miles.
Raytheon's new microprocessorcontrolled, 150-watt RAY-1285 SSB marine radiotelephone is preprogrammed for all of the 192 ITU channels, with memory capability for 44 user-programmed channels or frequencies. The unit's remote antenna-coupler provides fully automatic tuning.
Raytheon Marine is exclusive sales and service agent for JRC satellite communications equipment in the U.S., Mexico, and Scandinavian countries. Newest and most advanced among satellite communications systems is the JUE-35A INMARSAT Ship Earth Station, with larger video display, smaller antenna/radome, and increased memory. The JUE- 35A SatCom provides 24-hour global maritime communications by telephone, telex, printer facsimile, and a wide range of interfacing equipment through the INMARSAT Organization.
RAYTHEON OCEAN SYSTEMS Circle 51 on Reader Service Card Raytheon Ocean Systems Company of East Providence, R.I., is dedicated to the development of products and systems to meet the growing needs of the worldwide scientific and industrial ocean industry.
Ongoing research and development programs at the company focus on ocean- and maritimeoriented projects such as the recent development of a new digital survey Fathometer® depth sounder, the DSF-6000, which provides switch-selectable single or dual (simultaneous) operating frequencies of 24/100 kHz, 24/200 kHz, or 40/200 kHz.
Depth range of the DSF-6000 is in excess of 3,000 meters (9,842.4 feet), with automatic or manual switching among seven overlapping phases. Ranges are switchselectable in feet, meters, or fathoms.
Range, speed of sound in the water, tide and draft, and time tics are printed on the chart.
Computer-controlled output information bus and self-test capability are standard, and the controls and chart are illuminated.
The digitizer, transceiver, and recorder are in one unit, with the digitizer providing automatic or manual bottom acquisition and automatic tracking. The DSF-6000 is said to be ideal for high-resolution, quality hydrographic profiles.
Raytheon systems for deep/shallow water bathymetry and subbottom profiling are used worldwide aboard oceanographic vessels for scientific and commercial exploration, including offshore oil work. Since 1964, Raytheon Ocean Systems Company has also supplied dry paper, modular solid-state recorders for military and commercial applications on land, sea, and in the air.
RDI Circle 52 on Reader Service Card RDI Radar Devices, Inc. of San Leandro, Calif., a leading manufacturer of guard zone warning equipment, recently introduced several new navigation and communications products. These include the RDI ARPA I, M10 Collision Avoidance System, Star* Trac Satellite Navigator, and Satcom I Inmarsat Satellite Communications System.
For shipowners having to comply with the mandatory International Maritime Organization (IMO) ARPA fitting, the RDI ARPA I, M10 represents the most economical solution.
The Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS 1974, adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee in November 1981, state: "Automatic radar plotting aids fitted prior to September 1, 1984 which do not fully conform to the performance standards adopted by the Organization may, at the discretion of the Administration, be retained until January 1, 1991." In simple terms, this statement provides an opportunity for a shipowner to fit an RDI ARPA I to a 12-inch radar and comply with the spirit of the IMO regulations until 1991.
In 1982, the U.S. Coast Guard permitted an add-on ARPA solution for existing 12-inch radars.
These ARPA I/12-inch radar combinations may be retained until 1991 when the IMO ARPA specifications take full effect.
The Star* Trac satellite navigator, a commercial satnav at a competitive price, offers 64 navigation displays plus log/gyro interface for a list price of $2,495.
The new RDI Satcom I features a self-prompting keyboard to make operation simple. Designed for use with Inmarsat, the unit can be interfaced with the Star* Trac satnav to provide an automatic vessel monitoring system for less than $33,000.
REGENCY Circle 53 on Reader Service Card Regency Electronics, Inc. of Indianapolis, Ind., uses a built-in microcomputer "brain" to bring outstanding capabilities into a small, hand-held, two-way marine radio (transceiver). It features a pushbutton keyboard for fast, easy access to all available U.S. and international marine channels, plus 10 weather channels; automatic scanning of any or all channels; a special "call waiting" (programmable priority) feature to prevent interruptions during conversations conversations; a side-lighted liquid crystal display that is fully legible even in direct sunlight; and more.
The Polaris MT 1000 also offers a key lock and transmitter lock to prevent unintentional operation; a special backup battery that maintains its in-memory programming for up to two years even when its rechargeable batteries have been depleted; and a sealed rubber keypad to keep its circuitry even in inclement weather or continued salt-spray exposure.
Either of two transmit power levels (1 or 3 watts) can be selected.
The 3-watt operation offers more dependable communications over a greater range; l-watt operation helps conserve batteries. Its NiCad batteries provide up to eight hours of use on a single charge.
Regency now offers a selection from more than 15,000 frequencies in six bands in its D310 programmable scanner. It incorporates a novel memory/back up system that needs no batteries, yet maintains its programming for up to a week during power outage or storage.
The D310 requires no added crystals, yet covers six bands: low and high VHF (30-50 and 148-174 MHz); UHF (450-470 MHz); UHF "T" (470-512 MHz), and two FM "hams" bands (144-148 and 440- 450 MHz). Programming its 30 channels is simplified by plainlanguage prompts that appear on its display to identify the action in process or required next.
ROBERTSON/KONGSBERG Circle 54 on Reader Service Card Based on extensive research into microprocessor technology, Robertson/ Kongsberg of Hauppauge, N.Y., announces the new AP-9 autopilot with adaptive rudder control system for medium to large vessels of all types.
The key feature of the AP-9 is new, predictive software that computes rudder response characteristics and completely replaces the conventional dead-band principle.
Combined with a totally new rudder feedback unit, this virtually eliminates rudder overshoot, re- suiting in more precise rudder positioning and extremely accurate steering.
The AP-9 uses LCDs to give course information and confirm the status of various control parameters.
The use of touchbutton controls and the ability to take heading information from both magnetic and gyrocompass inputs makes the new unit suitable for almost any vessel. It can take heading input from most popular brands of gyrocompasses, as well as from Robertson's highly accurate SKR-82 gyrocompass.
There is also a built-in interface for any National Marine Electronics Association compatible navigation receiver. While designed primarily for larger commercial vessels and meeting all classification society requirements, the AP- 9 remains amazingly cost-effective even for large yachts.
The AP-9 has a full range of remote controls and rudder angle indicators, as well as extensive selftest features. A complete second steering station is available as an option.
Robertson also offers a complete line of professional steering levers (follow-up and non-follow-up) and rudder angle indicator systems.
The RSG Robertson Subsea Gyrocompass provides a unique solution to the problem of underwater navigation.
Always a leader in technology, the Robertson product line also includes the RMP Multipurpose Pilot, a high-performance, integrated positioning system with joystick control of rudder, thruster, and propeller force control.
SEA-TEX Circle 55 on Reader Service Card Marine navigation information obtained by a conventional radar system can now be displayed in six different colors on the CRM-1 Color Radar Monitor from SEA-TEX of Clearwater, Fla. The 360-degree presentation is continuous and never fades from view, and the color CRT allows exceptional daylight viewing, even without a hood.
The CRM-1 monitor connects to most conventional radar systems, and converts system data into a six-color display depending on the strength of the returning echo.
The strongest echos are displayed in red, medium echos are yellow, weak signals come in green, and the sea surface is displayed as blue. Variable Bearing Marker (VBM) is displayed as a white dotted line, and Variable Range Marker (VRM) appears as a white dotted circle. The plot line is black.
The plotting feature helps the operator determine relative bearing, course direction, and speed of moving targets around his vessel.
Plotting time can be selected 15 seconds (fast) or one minute (slow).
Range capability is from onehalf to 64 nautical miles, depending on capability of the master radar.
The CRM-1 can be interfaced with most conventional radars and can operate up to 50 feet away from the master radar.
An audible proximity alarm warns of a target's entry into a guard zone established by the operator.
Five zones can be selected: full 360-degree radius, 180-degree on the bow, 90-degree on the bow, 180-degree on the port, and 180- degree on the starboard. Distance of range gates can be from onehalf to 64 nautical miles from the vessel.
SIMRAD Circle 56 on Reader Service Card Simrad, Inc. of Seattle recently announced the immediate availability of the Simrad/Taiyo TDC338HS automatic direction finder.
The unit has a fully systhesized frequency range from 200 kHz to 17.999 MHz, with 100-frequency memory and 100-channel scanning.
Frequency is selectable via keyboard or rotary encoder, in 0.1 kHz steps.
Frequency, channel, and signal strength are indicated by digital LED indicators. Bearings are displayed automatically by a CRT indicator, which includes auto sense control. The TD-C338HS is one of the most advanced, state-of-theart MF/HF automatic direction finders available.
SPERRY Circle 57 on Reader Service Card Sperry Corporation of Great Neck, N.Y., one of the world's largest commercial maritime suppliers of navigation and guidance systems, has recently introduced a new line of vessel traffic surveillance (VTS) systems using a new computer-controlled console that provides full-color graphics, a touch-sensitive screen for control functions, and harbor data management capabilities.
Sperry has also developed new communications links to send and receive data from remote radar sites using low-cost, voice-quality cable or microwave hookups.
In its most recent configuration, the VTS system provides for simultaneous tracking of more than 200 targets, operation and control of up to eight remote radar sites, harbor data management information, trial maneuvering, zone monitoring, speed monitoring, anchor watch, buoy watch, and operator procedure instruction capabilities.
Sperry has also delivered and installed a number of new SRP- 2000 ship control systems, which combine both ship control and navigation functions at a single console.
The company has also become involved recently in the development, installation, and servicing of complete electronics systems for commercial ships. Sperry recently completed the design, development, and installation of a fully integrated electronics suite for the Abdul Aziz, including navigation, control, communications, medical, security, and entertainment subsystems.
The communications subsystem provides for one of the first computer-controlled communications networks ever installed aboard a non-military ship, and includes intra-ship phones, intercoms, and hand-held radios interconnected to a computer-controlled external communications network of high-powered high-frequency, low-frequency, and SSB transmitters and receivers, satellite communications equipment, and a variety of VHF and UHF systems.
STANDARD Circle 58 on Reader Service Card What are said to be the lightest, most compact 5-watt VHF and 2-watt UHF intrinsically safe, hand-held radios on the market today are now available from Standard Communications Corporation of Los Angeles. They are designed for use in hazardous locations and for bridge-to-bridge communications.
The HX500S operates in the 156-158 MHz VHF/FM marine band and includes a six-channel capability. Channels six and 16 are factory-installed. The UHF version operates at 450-512 MHz.
Measuring only 6% inches high by 29/i6 inches wide by 1% inches deep, the HX500 radio weighs just 19.4 ounces with a battery.
Power for the HX500 Series comes from a choice of twist-off battery packs rated at 500 mAH or 900 mAH.
TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Circle 59 on Reader Service Card Texas Instruments of Dallas recently introduced the TI 9900 II Loran C navigator, a complete Loran C-based navigation system with the performance, features, and accuracy of the popular TI 9900, plus an exceptional array of additional capabilities.
The TI 9900 II features 100 waypoints that can be entered as time differences or latitude/longitude coordinates. Trips of up to 50 legs can be stored, with reverse capabilities.
A unique trip planning function allows the user to compute course and distance between two waypoints without receiving a Loran signal. Additional capabilities of the system include automatic waypoint sequencing and the display of range and bearing to the next waypoint as each one is passed.
According to Gary Howe, TI's marine marketing manager, "The TI 9900 II has been designed with the user in mind. A sealed, fully backlit keyboard is provided, with oversized keys, not a membrane key pad. This makes entering information fast, sure, and easy, even with gloves on." In addition, most of the TI 9900 II's navigation functions—range to destination, course-over-bottom, cross track error, speed-over-bottom, time-to-go, ETA, velocitymade- good, magnetic variation, and many more—can be instantly displayed with only one simple keypress.
A large, clear, alphanumeric dot matrix display provides navigation information in plain, easy-to-read English, eliminating confusion caused by similar-looking letters and numbers, such as "b" and "6." Six highly advanced, electronic notch filters are built into TI 9900 II, providing precise protection from signal interference no matter where the vessel is operated.
The high-performance characteristics of the system include wider dynamic range, greater envelopecycle- distortion tolerance, and shorter acquisition time. The TI 9900 II provides standard interfaces for a LORSAT integrated navigation system, a TI 8000 integrated marine system, printers, and autopilots at no additional cost.
The feature-oriented TI 9900 II also includes three separate alarm systems for safer navigation. An arrival alarm can be programmed to sound when the vessel comes within 0.5 nautical mile of the destination waypoint. A programmable off-course alarm will sound if the course deviation exceeds the set limit, in hundredths of a nautical mile. The anchor watch alarm can be programmed to alert those on board if the anchor drags.
TRACOR Circle 60 on Reader Service Card Tracor Instruments of Austin, Texas, manufactures the Bridgestar Satellite Navigator, economically priced at $2,495. Outstanding features of this unit include a "Sleep Mode" that uses less than 3 watts of power, no-charge compass/ log interface, point-to-point route planning, and wide range power supply.
Perhaps the most unique of these features is the Sleep Mode. After each satellite pass, the unit automatically turns itself "ofF' to conserve power. Twenty minutes before the next satellite pass, the unit automatically restores all functions in order to calculate the next fix. After that fix, the unit once again "goes to sleep." During the Sleep Mode, all timing and dead reckoning functions are continued, with no loss of data. During this period, the unit can be "awakened" at any time by operator command.
Of equal importance, the Bridgestar has established a reputation for reliability said to be unmatched in marine electronics. This dependability and Tracor's outstanding service have led to a higher level of usability than is found in many other systems.
Bridgestar is also among the easiest to operate of any navigation receiver. This simplicity of use, combined with the large, easyto- read display, insures error-free, safer navigation.
Satellite navigators provide, on the average, a satellite fix every 30 to 90 minutes, depending on latitude and the number of operational Transit satellites. When combined with Omega, the ultimate worldwide navigation system is achieved.
Tracor has introduced the Global Navigation System (GNS) priced at $9,950 that combines the accurate, all-weather satellite data with the continuous navigation capability of Omega. Any inaccuracies of Omega are corrected automatically by each satellite fix. Omega position fixes are transferred every 60 seconds to enhance the dead reckoning of the SatNav.
Tracor designed the GNS as two separate units capable of navigating independently as well as together.
With this combination, the user gets total redundancy in worldwide navigation capability, and the maximum in safety.
TRIMBLE Circle 61 on Reader Service Card The Model 300 Loran computer offered by Trimble Navigation, Ltd.
of Mountain View, Calif., is the Loran that continues navigating even where no Loran signals exist.
The unit dead reckons position right through the signal interruptions that make other Lorans useless.
It provides a constantly updated estimate of position even when the Trimble's normal Loran positioning capability is unavailable.
The Model 300 will stand alone as a principal electronic aid to navigation or it may be the centerpiece of an integrated navigation system. Its dead reckoning software package assumes the chore of recording estimated positions and calculates set and drift, utilizing external inputs of speed, heading, and time from a known position.
A track mode permits automatic tracking of the last nine Loran fixes at whatever time intervals required, and the last 10 satnav fixes with its corresponding Loran fix. This function may be invaluable in knowing a precise starting position for the dead reckoning calculations or for retracing the course just traveled.
The Model 300 standalone package includes interface capabilities for satnav, wind and speed instrumentations, autopilots, CDI, plotters, RS422 for computers, external alarms, external speed and heading transducers, and the Trimble full-function remote display.
Also available is the optional Hewlett-Packard interface loop for handheld or personal computers.
This interface is like having a handheld remote controller.
II MORROW Circle 62 on Reader Service Card II Morrow Inc. of Salem, Ore., is a leading manufacturer of marine navigation equipment, specializing in the production of Loran C receivers and XY track plotters.
The Avenger III Loran C receiver is the most recent addition to the company's product line. This unit is one of the smallest and more compact Loran C receivers, providing high accuracy and great repeatability. Features offered include current L/L, current LOP, 100 waypoints in L/L and LOPs, full navigation computer with bearing to destination in degrees, speed over bottom in knots, range in nautical miles, ground track in degrees, time to destination in minutes, cross track error, and point-to-point bearing and range between any two of the 100 waypoints.
The unit also offers anchor watch, arrival alert, SRN and ECD display, magnetic variation adjustment, ASF adjustment, and five-year, non-volatile memory. It also features a universal power supply operating on any dc input from 6.5 to 48 volts.
The Avenger III comes with a full two-year warranty, one of the best in the industry, and is priced at $1,295.
II Morrow also manufactures the Mariner M-33 track plotter, which provides a permanent hardcopy record of a vessel's track on any 8V2- by 11-inch sheet of paper or chart. This unit can even draw LOP grids on any scale to produce navigation charts.
The company is also the world's largest manufacturer of airborne Loran C receivers.
Read Navigation & Communications Equipment in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of May 1984 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from May 1984 issue
- Lucian Q. Moffitt, Inc. Acquired By BFGoodrich page: 4
- Ritter Joins NMS Shipyard Division As Sales Rep page: 5
- Free Color Brochure Introduces New Stal Refrigeration Plant page: 5
- Eastern Marine Awarded Contract To Construct Auto/Passenger Ferry page: 6
- Valmet Forms Subsidiary In Houston To Serve U.S. Offshore Industry page: 6
- SNAME Philadelphia Section Annual Dinner-Dance Scheduled For June 16 page: 6
- Marinette Marine's $7.1-Million Ship Erection Building Nears Completion page: 7
- Stewart & Stevenson Inc. Appointed Distributors For M W M Series 500 Engines page: 7
- Kone To Build Multipurpose Double-Boom Crane For Port Of Jacksonville page: 7
- Nickum & Spaulding Announces New Executive Appointments — Philip Spaulding Named Chairman page: 7
- New $27.9-Million NKS Plant In Mexico Will Supply Heavy Steel Forgings And Castings To Shipyards And Industry page: 8
- Color Brochure Offered Free From HITCO page: 8
- Newport News Lays Keel For USS Newport News (SSN 750) page: 8
- Marco Seattle Signs Contract To Build All-Steel Workboat page: 10
- Double Naming Ceremony Held At Far East Levingston Shipbuilding page: 10
- Volvo Penta Duoprop Now Available For Workboat Applications page: 11
- Delta Announces Three Appointments page: 12
- Rockwood Introduces New Ball Valve Line — Literature Available page: 12
- World's Biggest Syncrolift Now In Service At Todd's San Pedro Yard page: 12
- Diversified Capabilities Offered By Port Allen Marine Service page: 12
- Harry S. Ford Promoted To Vice President At Autronica page: 14
- Blackmer Pump Offers New Full-Line Catalog page: 14
- SNAME San Diego Section Hears Paper On Sheathing Hulls With Copper-Nickel page: 14
- Marine Safe Electronics Offers Free Literature On 'Fail-Safe' Line page: 14
- Mar A d Awards Cooperative Research Contract To Seaworthy page: 15
- Prock Appointed Vice President/General Manager For Foss Alaska Line page: 15
- Moss Point Marine Launches First Of Two Utility Boats For Argosy page: 15
- POSIDO MIA 5 14 page: 16
- 1984 RTCM ASSEMBLY page: 16
- OTC Begins Study Of HP's Response To Wave Forces page: 19
- Hagglunds Cranes Ordered For Rapid Deployment Force MSC Vessels page: 20
- Isotta Fraschini S.p.A. Awarded Navy Contract page: 22
- Management Changes Announced By Hyundai page: 22
- Navigation & Communications Equipment page: 22
- Le Blanc Joins Moss Point Marine As Director Of Sales And Marketing page: 24
- Edo Awarded $11.4-Million Increase To Navy Contract For Sonar Modifications page: 24
- Ship Structure Committee Publishes Six Technical Reports page: 24
- Mueller Steam Specialty Introduces Basket Strainer — Literature Available page: 25
- Marine coatings & corrosion control page: 26
- PIMA Hosts New York Luncheon On Behalf Of British Shipbuilders page: 43
- Peter Goetz Appointed General Manager Of Electro Dynamic page: 43
- First Marathon Super 300 Jackup Now Drilling In Gulf Of Mexico page: 44
- Anixter Bros. Publishes New Buyers Guide Of Products For Business Communications page: 44
- U.S.-Based Repair Service Introduced by Cityvarvet AB page: 45
- Sternwheeler Landing Queen Delivered By Walker Marine Yard page: 46
- J.L. Konopasek Announces New Organization page: 46
- New Filter Media Offers Greater Protection Against Abrasive Wear page: 49
- New Non-Asbestos High- Temperature Valve Packing Developed By John Crane — Literature Available page: 49
- Krupp Atlas Elektronic Introduces Four New Advanced Radars page: 49
- Mueller Steam Specialty Introduces Duplex Strainers — Literature Available page: 49
- First Of Five RO/RO-Containerships Delivered To ACL By Kockums Yard page: 50
- Bulk Carrier Century Hope Delivered By Mitsui To Hong Kong Owner page: 50
- Saab Control Systems Ordered For Wilhelmsen Product Carriers page: 50
- New Emergency Marker Lights Introduced By ACR Electronics page: 52
- Seminar In New York Introduces New Heavy-Fuel M.A.N.-B&W Engine page: 53
- Hyundai Shipyard Delivers Three Barber Blue Sea Line RO/ROs page: 54
- High-Speed Catamaran Crewboat Delivered By Fjellstrand page: 55
- Omnipure Sanitation Devices Certified By Denmark — Literature Available page: 60
- Foster Wheeler Names Somerville Director-Equipment Business Development page: 61
- Four Executive Promotions Announced By Rosenblatt page: 61
- PBM Introduces New Line Of Valve Manifolds — Literature Available page: 67
- U.S. Navy Solicits Suggestions For Improving Pump Specification page: 67
- New Rope Catalog Available From Samson page: 67