Krupp Atlas Elektronic Introduces Four New Advanced Radars

Krupp Atlas Elektronik, recently announced they have four new advanced radars designed for ships of any size or class, the Atlas Rasterscan 7600/8600 Series. All represent a significant technological breakthrough in contemporary marine radar design by offering continuous true daylight rasterscan display on a 16-inch screen, resulting in a quality of presentation superior to a conventional TV picture.

Comprising RM, TM and two ARPA models, the ergonomically designed Series incorporates latest advances in signal processing techniques in addition to its revolutionary rasterscan display concept. Each conforms to, or exceeds, IMO, USCG and other leading internationally recognized specifications and is capable of operating over ranges of between 0.3 and 72nm.

Models are of compact console-type design and may be operated in either sitting or standing position via a simplified membranebased control panel and integrated display for interactive guidance.

Both RM and TM models provide for the manual acquisition of up to 10 targets as well as semi-automatic plotting with target data readout, including CPA and TCPA.

The 7600 Series ARPA version similarly permits manual acquisition of up to 10 targets while providing fully automatic tracking facilities.

The unit also allows for the checking of guard zones for automatic warning of closing targets.

These characteristics have been further extended with the 8600 Series ARPA, which is specifically designed to exceed basic IMO requirements and may also be configured for use in integrated navigation systems or stationary radar surveillance centers for the monitoring of rivers, harbors or coastal approaches.

For complete details and information on the new 7600/8600 models, Circle 65 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 49,  May 1984

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