Cat Announces N e w 1,200 R P M 3412 M a r i n e Engine —Brochure A v a i l a b le

Caterpillar Tractor Co., Engine Division, has announced a new 1,200-rpm 3412 marine engine configuration rated 317 kw (425 hp) at 1,200 rpm continuous and 354 kw (475 hp) at 1,200 rpm medium-duty c o m m e r c i a l . This new configuration was designed to operate within the 450-1,200 rpm range.

A single turbocharger, jacket water aftercooling, and a directinjection fuel system contribute to the 3412 low-speed marine engine's excellent fuel economy.

With a best BSFC of 213 g kw h (0.350 lb hp-h), the 1,200 rpm 3412 achieves the most efficient fuel economy.

In addition to fuel economy resulting from low-speed operation, other operating costs may be low. Reduced piston and bearing speeds, low mechanical friction, and lower thermal and mechanical loads all tend to enhance engine reliability and durability.

Also, due to slower engine speed, engine noise is reduced.

Cat reports the 1,200-rpm 3412 is not merely a "turned down" 1,800-rpm or 2,000-rpm engine.

The turbocharger has been resized and injection timing modified to provide excellent fuel consumption and performance at the lower speeds. Fuel injection lines and nozzles have been downsized.

The engine coolant pump and lubrication system have been recalibrated for continuous lowspeed operation.

For further information and a copy of the brochure, Write 45 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from November 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

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