Literature Available On New Electro-Nav EN-RTAG 2-Tone Alarm Generator

Electro-Nav president Robert E. Negron a n n o u n c e d recently that his company has introduced the EN-RTAG, a new compact, low cost, a u t o m a t i c t w o - t o ne alarm signal generator which meets all pertinent IMCO and FCC requirements for radiotelephone- equipped vessels.

FCC regulation requires every U.S.-flag vessel over 300 gross tons be equipped with a two-tone alarm signal generator which can be connected to a radiotelephone transmitter for transmission of d i s t r e s s alarm signals on the 2182kHz voice frequency channel.

The EN-RTAG complies with all the r e q u i r e m e n t s of FCC DOCKET 80-87 and the new proposed IMCO specifications, including frequency and signal duration tolerances, permissible intervals between signals, and signal amplitude radios. It is fully adaptable for use with any radiotelephone transmitter approved by the FCC for transmission of distress signals on 2182kHz. The unit is also approved by Liberian Bureau of Maritime Affairs.

For additional information on Electro-Nav's new EN-RTAG and other equipment designed to meet the provisions of IMCO Resolution A.383, Write 26 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from November 1981 issue


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.