Dome Petroleum Signs Agreement To Export LNG For Japanese Utilities

Dome Petroleum Limited, Calgary, Canada, and NIC Resources Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Nissho-Iwai Corp., Japan, announced the signing of an agreement for the sale of 2.6 million tons per year (400 million cubic feet per day) of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Canada to four Japanese utility companies. Serving some 45 million customers, the companies are: Chubu Electric Power, Osaka Gas, Kyushu Electric Power, and Toho Gas.

The agreement provides for favorable Japanese financing for the LNG plant facility.

This recent agreement marks the first sale of LNG between Canada and Japan, and provides a major new market for surplus Canadian natural gas. The buyers have indicated that LNG from Canada will significantly assist Japanese efforts to diversify their LNG sources.

It is anticipated natural gas from western Canadian fields will be liquefied in a plant to be located on the west coast of Canada for marine shipment to Japanese receiving terminals. It is anticipated that the first deliveries will begin in late 1985.

The next steps in the project are to obtain approvals for facility construction, natural gas re- moval, and export from the relevant provincial and federal governments.

Similar approvals from Japan to import Canadian LNG already have been arranged by the Japanese utility companies.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 22,  Nov 1981

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