Free Literature Available On Marconi's New ARPA

The Marconi International Marine Co. Ltd., Chelmsford, England, has launched a new marine automatic radar plotting aid, the Marconi ARPA.

According to free literature offered by the company, the unit was designed and developed entirely by Marconi Marine's research and development team. The ARPA's key feature is the significantly reduced number of controls and readouts. This was achieved by the use of a dynamic visual display unit and softkey control system— while basic radar controls are retained in conventional form.

Just two push buttons, a joystick, and eight softkeys are used to control all primary ARPA functions.

Using automatic and/or manual acquisition, the Marconi ARPA can track up to 25 targets to a distance of 24 nautical miles. In addition to all ARPA functions and data required by IMO, the Marconi ARPA also offers true motion, ground stabilization from a reference target, and a video map facility.

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