Du Pont Offers Free Brochure On New "Offshore Maintenance Painting Service' Program

E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Wilmington, Del., is offering a 12-page brochure on the company's new Offshore Maintenance Painting Service (OMPS). The publication, generously illustrated with color photos depicting different phases of the OMPS program, is divided into five sections devoted to various aspects of the program and to Du Pont's Cathodic Protection Services, designed to be integrated with OMPS for total structure protection.

The first section, titled "OMPS: An Overview," points out that offshore production facilities constitute the largest single investment of capital for most large petroleum companies, and protecting that investment by preserving painted surfaces is a complex job that must be done regularly and correctly or significant loss through surface deterioration can result. By applying a programmed approach to maintenance painting, Du Pont says they have been able to cut costs by 60 percent over the past 18 years.

Section two of the brochure discusses Du Pont's assumption of total responsibility for maintenance painting of an offshore facility, and section three is on guaranteed cost control by a step-at-a-time approach: first step, a pre-survey conference to determine the feasibility of the second step, a comprehensive in-depth on-site survey for an accurate, guaranteed cost estimate for long-term, continuous protection, with a predictable budget.

Section four mentions that in keeping with the continuing nature of offshore maintenance painting, major project planning is done a year in advance and updated to fit actual site requirements as work proceeds. On an offshore platform, project coordinators working directly for Du Pont have total responsibility for painting, scheduling, supervision and inspection. This section also contains a summary of OMPS benefits, one of the most important being stable, predictable cost control.

Du Pont offers Cathodic Protection Services for its OMPS clients. The program is designed to be integrated with OMPS for total structure protection, and the final section of the brochure lists the program steps, which include: (1) survey and analysis of existing cathodic protection systems: (2) development of a planned retrofitting program to insure optimum cathodic protection; (3) design and engineering of all anodes for retrofitting; (4) total anode installation services and know-how; and (5) continuous monitoring and inspection.

For full information and a free copy of the Offshore Maintenance Painting Service brochure from Du Pont, Circle 21 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from November 1984 issue


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