The f o l l o w i n g is a d i r e c t o r y of major b u y i n g off i c e s a n d l o c a t i o n s w i t h r e s p o n s i b i l i t y for proc u r i n g and purchasing machinery, products and e q u i p m e n t for U.S. Navy new construct i o n , conversion and repair projects.
Since the mid 1960s, all new U.S. naval vessels have been c o n s t r u c t e d in private commercial shipyards.
In a d d i t i o n , a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 0 percent of all Navy repair work is also a c c o m p l i s h e d in private c o m m e r c i a l shipyards.
Management, engineering, design and purc h a s i n g personnel in t h e c o m m e r c i a l yards engaged in naval work are r e s p o n s i b l e for t h e sel e c t i o n and purchase of upwards of 5 0 percent of the marine e q u i p m e n t and products used aboard U.S. naval vessels.
Marine s u p p l i e r s who desire to sell to the Navy are more t h a n f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e commerc i a l yards engaged in naval work. This list of Major Navy B u y i n g O f f i c e s is p u b l i s h e d as an added convenience t o c o m p l e t e t h e sales cont a c t p i c t u r e for all f i r m s i n t e r e s t e d in s e l l i n g to t h e Navy.
T h i s list was f i r s t p u b l i s h e d in t h e June 1, 1 9 8 3 Yearbook of M A R I T I M E REPORTER/Eng i n e e r i n g News. Because of the tremendous demand for a d d i t i o n a l copies and r e p r i n t s received by our o f f i c e , it was d e c i d e d to repeat t h i s list in t h i s issue for the convenience of m a r i n e s u p p l i e r s and m a n u f a c t u r e rs DEPARTMENT O F THE N A V Y M A J OR B U Y I N G OFFICES Within the Department of the Navy, matters relating to procurement and production are the responsibility of the Assistant Secretory of the Navy (Shipbuilding and Logistics). Matters relating to research, development, test and evaluation are under the general purview of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Engineering and Systems).
The offices of the assistant secretaries of the Navy are primarily concerned with policy matters. They do not maintain bidders lists or perform a purchasing function.
The Chief of Naval Material, under the Chief of Naval Operations, commands all activities of the Naval Material Command. The Naval Material Command includes five principal subordinate commands—Naval Air Systems Command, Naval Electronic Systems Command, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Naval Sea Systems Command, and the Naval Supply Systems Command.
Through these Commands, the chief of Naval Material is responsible for providing material support for the operating forces of the Navy and for certain Marine Corps needs. Other major organizations which have procurement responsibility under the Chief of Naval Operations are the Military Sealift Command and the Naval Automation Data Command.
The Office of Naval Research, which is concerned with basic and applied research and technology, is responsible also for assisting and coordinating the research programs of the respective commands, bureaus, offices, and other agencies of the Department of the Navy.
C O M M A N D S A N D OFFICES Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code LS) Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps Washington, D.C. 20380 Tel: 202/694-1939 Electronics equipment, specialized vehicles, and equipment peculiar to the Marine Corps.
Chief of Naval Operations Naval Department Procurement Branch (OPNAV—09B31) Room 5E587, The Pentagon Washington, D C. 20350 Tel: 202/697-3155 General procurement for the central offices, bureaus, and headquarters of the five Commands of the Department of the Navy. Procurement items include office supplies and equipment; printing equipment and specialty forms; periodicals; and office machine rental; repair and maintenance.
Commander Military Sealift Command Tamol Building, 4 2 2 8 Wisconsin Ave., N.W.
Washington, D C. 20390 Tel: 202/282-2601 Procurement of contracts for ocean shipping services, including ship chartering and ocean towage, and contracts of repair of oceangoing ships. Bids or proposals for services are solicited principally by the Commander, MSC, in Washington, D.C. Contracts for ship repair are entered into by MSC area commanders at the Military Ocean Terminal, Bayonne, New Jersey, and the Naval Supply Center. Oakland, California.
Chief of Naval Research Department of the Navy Arlington, Virginia 22217 Tel: 202/696-4601 Support of long range scientific research, applied research and exploratory development which offer potential for advancement and improvement of naval operations. Contract studies are in the areas of mathematical and physical sciences, environmental sciences, engineering sciences, life sciences and technology projects.
Commander Naval Air Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20361 Tel: 202/692 0936 202/692 0933 Material support responsibility for Navy and Marine Corps aircraft systems; air-launched weapons systems and subsystems; airborne electronics systems; air-launched underwater sound systems; airborne pyrotechnics; astronautics and spacecraft systems; airborne mine countermeasures equipment (except for explosive, explosive components and fuzing); aeronautical drones and towed target systems, including related ground control equipment and launch and control aircraft; photographic and meteorological equipment; overhaul and modification of all Naval aircraft/engines; operation and maintenance of weapons training ranges.
Commander Naval Electronic Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20360 Tel: 202/692 6091 Shore (ground) electronics; shipboard communica tions, IFF, ECM, radio-navigation; fixed underwater surveillance systems; navigation aids; landing aids and air traffic control aids, except airborne communications via satellite and space surveillance systems; shore-based strategic data systems; communication data-link systems; radiac equipment; special communications for fleet ballistic missile systems; standardized telemetry equipment and components; cryptographic equipment; expeditionary and amphibious electronic equipment; multi-platform electronic systems not otherwise assigned; antenna design and integration.
Commander Naval Facilities Engineering Command Department of the Navy 200 Stovall Street Alexandria, Virginia 22332 Tel: 202/325-8550 Cranes; powerplants; floating piledrivers; major boiler plants and electrical generators; and permanent facilities (including acquisition and disposal of real estate).
Responsible for the Navy's design and construction projects as well as station maintenance and repair, including public utilities sen/ices. (For information on contract awards see Navy Construction section.) Commander Naval Sea Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20362 Tel. 202/692-7505/7508 202/692-7712/7713 Production and research and development associated with shipboard weapons systems and components, including weapons direction equipment; fire control radars; infrared devices; computers and switchboards; guns; launchers; stowage and handling equipment integral to the launcher or gun system; ammunition, guided missiles, mines, torpedoes and all other surface and underwater ordnance expendables; air-launched mines and torpedoes, except air-borne compatibility aspects; small arms; infantry equipment; swimmer weapons; demolition materials; special equipment for explosive ordnance disposal; surface and underwater released pyrotechnic and cartridge-actuated devices; unmanned seaborne targets; mine countermeasure explosives and explosive components and fusing, safing, and arming devices integral thereto; research and exploratory development (non-system oriented) for all explosives and propellants, and related actuating technology.
Ship systems design and integration for all displacement- type ships, ground effect machine (GEM), or hydrofoil craft including construction, overhaul, modernization and conversion; propulsion; auxiliary power generating and distribution; navigational equipment; habitability and environment control features; shipmounted sonar, research, engineering, acquisition and support; shipmounted search radar; rescue and salvage systems; active and reserve ship maintenance and support; degaussing; shipboard mine-sweeping equipment including research and development needs for these items.
Commander Naval Supply Systems Command Department of the Navy Washington, D C. 20376 Tel: 202/695-5954 202/695-5952 Technical control over field purchasing activities including all of those listed except the Commands, the Marine Corps, the Military Sealift Command, Chief of Naval Research, and the Chief of Naval Operations.
PURCHASING/PROCUREMENT OFFICES Commanding Officer Naval Regional Contracting Center Washington Navy Yard, Bldg. 200 Washington, D.C. 20374 Tel: 202/433-2957 202/433-2959 Central Procurement assignment for all Navy requirements of industrial plant equipment which includes manual and numerically controlled metal working equipment; miscellaneous industrial equipment such as furnaces, welders, flame cutters (steel plate), and testing equipment (industrial); materials handling systems; power distribution equipment (shore to ship); miscellaneous laboratory equipment; ADP equipment and computer software service; engineering and technical support service; organic chemicals; rockets and missiles, both loaded and inert required for rocket and missile testing; missile machined parts and igniters as required by activities in the Washington, D.C. area.
Commanding Officer Naval Regional Contracting Center U.S. Naval Base Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112 Tel: 215/755-4017 Purchasing responsibility for Naval activities in the 1st, 3rd, 4th and 9th Naval Districts, excluding those activities supported by the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, in excess of their local purchase authority (normally $2,500). Major procurements are for research and development services associated with launching, guidance and recovery of Navy and Marine Corps aircraft weapons systems and for underwater sound systems; miscellaneous services such as mess attendant, moving and storage of household goods, laundry and dry cleaning, tugboat, incineration of used film for silver recovery; services and materials in support of Naval Intelligence Processing Systems aboard aircraft carriers and amphibious command ships; field engineering, factory training, and in-plant maintenance engineering support of aircraft weapons systems, airborne missiles and related avionics. Other procurements include requirements ground support equipment for aircraft and airborne weapons systems for the Navy and Marine Corps; armament support; avionics; propulsion and mechanical devices; components for submarine antenna systems; general supplies for base and shipboard support particularly in alterations, modifications, overhaul, and repair; technical publications, automated data processing equipment and services.
Commanding Officer Naval Regional Contracting Center Terminal Island Long Beach, California 90822 Tel: 213/547-6628 Acquisition responsibility for activities in the Southwestern Contracting Region (Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico) in excess of their local purchase authority. Major items purchased are of a technical nature including research and development requirements, and supplies and services for support of Naval research and development activities. Major Naval activities serviced include: Pacific Missile Test Center, Point Mugu; Naval Ship Weapons Engineering Station, Port Hueneme, Long Beach Naval Shipyard and all ADPE requirements for Naval Weapons Center, China Lake. Contracting requirements are related to electronic communication systems and equipment; detection systems; warheads, fusing devices and torpedo parts; computer systems and equipment; aircraft and weapons development; engineering support and technical services related to specific weapons systems; and equipment, material, and services required to support the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in the overhaul and repair of Naval vessels.
INVENTORY CONTROL POINT Commanding Officer Navy Ships Parts Control Center P.O. Box 2020 Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania 17055 Tel: 717/790-3527 Ammunition and related products and components; batteries, bombs; weapons and weapon parts; chemicals and chemical products and gas cylinders; communication equipment; electrical and mechanical assemblies; firefighting, rescue, and safety equipment; friction and nonfriction bearings, gages and thermometers; gaskets, packing materials, and assemblies; heaters; hose and hose assemblies; machine tool accessories; marine hardware and hull items; metalworking supplies (electrodes and welding rods, solders, fluxes); minesweeping gear and repair parts, motors; navigation equipment; nonferrous ingots and pigs; optical components; pipes and tubes; power distribution equipment; precision machine work; shipboard furniture; survival-at-sea equipment; transformers; valves; welding, flamecutting, and metallizing equipment and supplies. Antennas and antenna accessories; amplifiers; attenuators; batteries, bearings, cable; cable assemblies; cabinets and test benches; capacitors; cavities, circuit breakers; coils; conduit and conduit fittings; connectors; contacts; brushes and electrodes; converters; crystals and filters; fuses and fuse holders; generators; gun fire control equipment and components; hardware; handsets, indicators, insulation, jack boxes, keyers; lamps and lighting fixtures; loudspeakers; meters and measuring equipment microphones and accessories; mixers; modulators; modules and printed circuit assemblies; motors; networks; oscillators; instrument panels; receivers; recorders and components; pressure regulators; relays, contactors and solenoids; resistors; semiconductor devices; tube shields and inserts; sockets; sound recording equipment; stuffing tubes; switches; terminal boards; terminal and lugs; transformers; transmitters; electron tubes and tuners; wave guides and accessories; optical sighting and ranging equipment; torque converters and speed changers, teletype and facsimile equipment, synchros; and general purpose electronic test equipment.
SUPPLY CENTERS AND DEPOTS Commanding Officer Naval Supply Center Norfolk, Virginia 23512 Tel: 804/444-1309 General procurement for Naval activities and ships in the COMNAV Base Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea areas including miscellaneous ship and marine equipment; operating supplies and equipment; electronic, electrical, and communication equipment and components; laboratory and test equipment; updating and modification of electronic and communication items; commissary and ship stores resale items. Services purchased include laundry and dry cleaning; mortuary; rental, repair and maintenance of equipment; mess attendant; packing, crating, storage and transportation of household goods; stevedoring, disposal of radioactive waste material; marine engineering, computer programming; radiological; pipe fitting; sheetmetal work; painting, small craft overhaul repair; automated data processng equipment, word processing equipment; and keypunching services.
Commanding Officer Naval Supply Center Oakland. California 94625 Tel: 415/466-5037 General procurement for Naval activities in the 12th Naval District and Pacific Ocean area overseas ships and bases including miscellaneous ship and marine equipment; automotive parts; engine accessories; aircraft parts; communications equipment; electrical and- electronic equipment and components; pipe, tubing, hose, and fittings; cable, chain, and fittings; general supply items for West Coast ports and ships.
Services purchased include funeral, printing, laundry, equipment repair, ship design, research and development advance planning, and monitoring of shipoverhauls and various types of engineering.
Commanding Officer Naval Supply Center Charleston, South Carolina 29408 Tel: 803/743-2972 General procurement for Naval activities ashore and afloat in North Carolina (except the 16 northeastern coastal counties), South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Republic of Panama & the Bahamas. In addition, purchase support functions are provided to the Atlantic Missile Range Facilities and overseas Fleet Ballistic Missile sites including miscellaneous ship and marine equipment; engines and accessories; communication equipment; electrical and electronic equipment; valves and actuators; subsistence items; general supply items; services including laundry, dry cleaning and linen rental, printing, mortuary, mess attendant, ship design engineering, security guard, towing, stevedoring, packing and crating of household goods, calibration of test equipment, and disposal of radioactive waste.
Commanding Officer Naval Supply Center San Diego, California 92132 Tel: 714/235-3322 Procurement for activities ashore and afloat in the Southern California area of the 11th Naval District.
General procurements with unlimited contracting authority without restrictions to type of contracts or dollar value for approximately 70 activities in the greater San Diego. California area which exceed buying authority of certain local activities. Procurements include general operating supplies, such as automotive, plumbing and electrical supplies; services including repair and maintenance of equipment, tank and bilge cleaning, mess attendance, mortuary, test and evaluation, packing-crating-transporting household goods, ship habitability stevedoring, printing and laundry services. Requirement contracts include research and development support and studies.
Commanding Officer (Code 200) Naval Supply Center, Box 97 Jacksonville, Florida 32212 Tel: 904/772-2453 General procurement for Naval activities in the State of Florida east of the Apalachicola River and ships located at Mayport, Florida, including aircraft and engine parts and accessories; aircraft ground handling component parts; ship and marine equipment and parts; electrical and electronic components; laboratory and test equipment; chemicals, paints and removers; general supply items; some research, development, test and evaluation; pipe, tubing, hose, and fittings; cable, wire rope, rope and fittings; valves; diesel engines and accessories; subsistence items; nonpersonal services including laundry, dry cleaning, linen rental, dust control items rental, clean room clothing rental, mortuary; mess attendant; tug and towing; pilotage; packing and crating of household goods; clinical preceptor services, keypunch services; Flight Deck Resurfacing; and repair of aircraft engine blades and vanes.
Commanding Officer Naval Supply Center, Puget Sound Bremerton, Washington 98314 Tel: 206/476-7265 General procurement for ashore and afloat Naval activities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and Fleet Ballistic Missile site including all supplies and services; industrial requirements to support Puget Sound Naval Shipyard; and materials and services for the Naval Submarine Base, Bangor, Bremerton, Washington, and its tenant activities.
Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Supply Center Box 300 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 96860 Tel: 808/471-0705 General procurement for Naval activities in the Hawaiian Islands, and other Pacific Ocean area activities and operating forces as required, including miscellaneous ship and marine equipment; operating supplies and equipment; ADP equipment; electronic, test equipment; updating and modification of electronic and communication equipment; research, development, test and evaluation; general supply items. Services purchased include laundry and dry cleaning; rental, repair and maintenance of equipment; mess attendant; packing, crating, storage and transportation of household goods; stevedoring, disposal of radioactive waste material; marine engineering; computer programming; security guard services; and keypunching services.
Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Supply Depot Guam, Mariana Islands Tel: 339-4111 (Mail Address: FP0 San Francisco 96630) General procurement for activities ashore and afloat in the Mariana Islands, including subsistence items, miscellaneous ships and marine equipment and parts; automotive parts; building and construction materials; electrical and electronic components and parts; communication equipment and parts; and general supply items. Services purchased include overhaul and repair of office machines, appliances and equipment; lease/rental of equipment; packing and crating of household goods; laundry; stevedoring; and tug and towing.
SHIPYARDS AND REPAIR FACILITIES Commander Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo, California 94592 Tel: 708/646-3265 General procurement for the operation and maintenance of Mare Island Naval Shipyard, and for the overhaul, repair, and conversion of nuclear and nonnuclear surface ships and submarines, including associated equipment and materials and production shop support materials; valves and fittings; wire and cable; electrical and electronic components and subassemblies; anti-contamination clothing; metals, castings; pumps and motors; general hardware; chemicals and gases; pipe fittings in support of Navy-wide applications; refurbishment of major submarine systems; components, and equipment; services for laundry of contaminated wearing apparel; and services for removal and disposal of radioactive waste.
Commander Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard Box 4 00 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 96860 Tel: 808/474-9186 General procurement of materials and nonpersonal services required to support the industrial effort of the shipyard and the Naval Shore electronics Engineering Activity, Pacific, including major shipboard component equipment and supplies for surface vessels and submarines; electronic communication installation; tools; test equipment; safety equipment; and production shop materials.
Commander Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 Tel: 207 439-1000, Ext. 2233 Procurement of materials/supplies (nuclear and nonnuclear) and non-personal services required in the overhaul and repair of submarines, and operation and maintenance of the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
Procurements include pipe and tubing; valves and fittings; castings; pumps and motors; antenna system parts; electrical and electronic materials/equipment; alarm and signal systems; compressors; gauges; accumulators; fasteners; test equipment; chemicals; hardware; and equipment and materials associated with production shop support; major components and software in support of PERA(SS) and NAVSEA Navy-wide applications. Plant operation and maintenance items for Naval activities in the Northern New England area. Contracting for services include marine engineering; piping fabrication; refurbishment of major submarine systems; components and equipment; removal and disposal of radioactive waste; office machine repair and maintenance; laundry/dry cleaning services; and storage and shipment of household goods.
Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN San Francisco, CA 94135 Tel: 415/641-2295 Repairs/Services for Navy Ships. Note: This activity is authorized to purchase only under Master Ship Repair contracts from the contractors holding those contracts. All of their other requirements are sent to NSC Oakland, CA for purchase.
Supervision of Shipbuilding Conversion and Repair, USN Pascagoula, Mississippi 39567 Tel: 601/769-6495 General procurement of office supplies and equipment, ship construction material, and repair parts for equipment.
Supervisor of Shipbuilding Conversion and Repair, USN 574 Washington Street Bath, Maine 04530 Tel: 207/443-6611, Ext. 3115 Electrical and electronic equipment and parts, pump parts, hard hats, safety goggles, office equipment, rubber stamps, computer supplies and recreational equipment.
Commanding Officer Naval Submarine Base New London Groton, Connecticut 06349 Tel: 203/449-3622 Submarine equipment and supplies; hardware; electrical hardware; automotive repair parts; sandblasting supplies; shop maintenance and repair equipment; stone and gravel; plumbing supplies; lumber; prescription safety glasses.
Commander Philadelphia Naval Shipyard U.S. Naval Base Philadelphia, PA 19112 Tel: 215/755-3510/3175 General procurement of materials and non-personal services, non-nuclear, required in the overhaul and repair of surface vessels, including pipe and tubing; hoists; wire and cable; paint; tools; test equipment, valves and fittings; electronic and electrical components; pumps and motors; materials for shipyard industrial support, outfitting requirements; Shop Stores, and stock replenishment.
ORDNANCE ACTIVITIES Commanding Officer Naval Weapons Support Center Crane, Indiana 47522 Tel: 812/854-1542 Materials and services required in providing support for ships and crafts equipments; shipboard weapons systems; and assigned expendable and non-expendable ordnance items.
Commander Naval Weapons Center China Lake, California 93555 Tel: 714/939 2712/3801 RDT&E relating to air warfare and missile systems including technology-base effort in missile propulsion, warheads, fuzes, avionics and fire control, missile guidance; national range/facility for parachute test and evaluation; and participation as lead laboratory or DPM on various total-weapons system developments.
Commanding Officer Naval Ordnance Station Louisville, Kentucky 40214 Tel: 502/367-5849 Wood and metal containers; production jigs and fixtures; ferrous and nonferrous castings and forgings; bomb fins; guided missile warheads; boosters and sustainers; mine parts; solenoid and control valves; plastics; electrical and electronic equipment and supplies; dollies and handlift trucks, machine shop items; manufactured ordnance parts; research and development; technical manuals, and engineering services.
Commanding Officer Naval Ordnance Station Indian Head, Maryland 20640 Tel: 301/743-4410 Metal fabrications; nonmetallic fabrications; electrical equipment; igniters, services and repairs; organic Commanding Officer Naval Undersea Warfare Engineering Station Keyport, Washington 98345 Tel: 206/396-2324 Procurements (material and services) for research, development, test, evaluation, production and overhaul/ repair programs in support of underwater weapons, weapons systems, acoustics, tracking ranges, and associated range equipment, and other designated undersea warfare programs not in the excess of $25,000. Material includes torpedo, fire control, sonar, target, electronic, electrical, mechanical, shop equipment and service craft (boats) parts and components; associated test equipment, ADP supplies and services; office supplies and equipment, photographic supplies and equipment, industrial supplies, chemicals, ground fuels and packaged oil and lubricants, packaging and preservation supplies.
Commanding Officer Naval Coastal Systems Center Panama City, Florida 32407 Tel: 904/234-4309 Provides research and development services in support of warfare analysis, research, design, development, test and evaluation, systems integration and fleet support of mine and torpedo countermeasures systems, swimmer life support systems, underwater tools, underwater vehicles, special warfare equipment, amphibious support systems and related technical research in areas of sensors, controls, towing, diving and underwater salvage. General procurement of both technical and common use items in such categories as hardware, rope and cable, electrical wire, electrical and electronic components, instruments and laboratory equipment, batteries, transducers, semiconducters, ferrous and non-ferrous metal stock, photographic supplies, compressed gases, rigging and materials handling equipment, miscellaneous construction equipment and machine tools.
Commanding Officer Naval Weapons Station Yorktown, Virginia 23691 Tel: 804/887-4645 General base procurement includes support of an ophthalmic laboratory and the Naval Mine Engineering Facility. Principal interests include explosive loading and process development for Naval ordnance, design, development, testing and evaluation of underwater sound systems.
Commander Naval Surface Weapons Center Dahlgren, Virginia 22448 (Dahlgren Laboratory) Tel: 703/663-8391 (White Oak Laboratory) Tel: 202/394-1339 Procurement of Scientific Engineering, and Technical Services and Hardware in support of Research and Advanced Technology Development Programs in Radar, Communications, Electronics, Optics, Chemistry, Materials, Plasma Physics, Space Systems and Countermeasures. Examples are concept studies and analyses; software development and maintenance; test support and data analysis; materials studies; military specification and hardware implementation planning documentation; state of the art componentry and equipments development, and fabrication for experimental design concepts; optical coatings; computer maintenance; instrumentation; and the services, equipments and supplies necessary to support these programs.
Commanding Officer Naval Weapons Station Concord, California 94520 Tel: 415/671-5226 General procurement in the following categories: electrical and electronic equipment/supplies; hardware and plumbing supplies, paints and adhesives; chemicals; instruments and laboratory equipment; railroad, automotive, material handling equipment repair parts; paper products, general office equipment and supplies; miscellaneous non-personal services.
Commanding Officer Naval Weapons Station Charleston, South Carolina 29408 Tel: 803/743-7695/7009 General procurement in categories such as electrical supplies; electronic supplies; parts for materials handling equipment; automotive; paints and adhesives; plumbing; and general office supplies.
Commanding Officer Naval Weapons Station Earle Colts Neck, N.J. 07722 Tel: 201/462-9500 Ext. 200/238 Electrical supplies; electronic supplies, hardware supplies, plumbing supplies; office supplies, automotive supplies; heating supplies; refrigeration supplies; welding supplies; paint supplies, carpentry supplies; drafting supplies; chemical supplies; wire and cable; fire equipment; furniture; carpeting and drapes; sports equipment; books and magazines; tires and wheels; cabinets and shelving equipment; generator and compressors; fuel, gas and diesel; shoes and boots; industrial equipment; steel; aluminum; radios and TV's. Services and Repairs for laundry service; organ service; typewriter service; washer and dryer service; carpet installation; motor repairs; lawn mower repairs; computer repairs; TV repairs, copier and calculator repairs.
Commanding Officer Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach, California 90740 Tel: 213/594-7319 Responsible for acquisition of supplies and services in support of the Station and tenant activities.
OTHER ACTIVITIES Commander, Navy Resale and Services Support Office Fort Wadsworth Staten Island, New York 10305 Tel: 212/390 3934 Supplies for Navy exchanges, commissary stores, lodges, ships stores, and military sealift exchanges including retail merchandise of various types; food; vending machines items; service station supplies; air conditioners; vehicles; hotel furnishings; store fixtures; and other supplies and equipment.
Commanding Officer Naval Training Equipment Center (Code N-005) Orlando, Florida 32813 Tel: 305/646-5121/5515 Procurement of training aids, devices, equipment and material for the Navy, Marine Corps, and other DoD activities, including hardware; research and development for training devices designed to simulate actual conditions in shiphandling, communications, gunnery, fire control, operational flight training, weapons systems trainers, and human engineering; engineering services for various devices.
Commanding Officer Naval Research Laboratory Washington, D.C. 20375 Tel: 202/767-2914 Procurement of Scientific, Engineering, and Technical Services and Hardware in support of Research and Advanced Technology Development Programs in Radar, Communications, Electronics, Optics, Chemistry, Materials, Plasma Physics, Space Systems and Countermeasures. Examples are concept studies and analyses; software development and maintenance; test support and data analysis; materials studies; military specification and hardware implementation planning documentation; state of the art componentry and equipments development, and fabrication for experimental design concepts; optical coatings; computer maintenance; instrumentation; and the services, equipments and supplies necessary to support these programs.
Superintendent U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, Maryland 21402 Tel: 301/267-3498 Instruments and laboratory equipment; electronic equipment; underwater television equipment; optical equipment; small craft; repair parts for trucks, automobiles, and small craft; plumbing and heating fixtures and accessories; drafting supplies; diploma cases; janitor supplies; sails for small craft; awning material; general equipment and supplies.
Commander David Taylor Naval Ship Research & Development Center Bethesda, Maryland 20084 Tel: 202/227-1220 Procurement of research, development, test and evaluation services for Naval vehicle and logistics systems, subsystems, and components. Services support advanced concepts and development; military effectiveness; hydromechanics research; aerodynamic and hydrodynamic technology application; structure analysis; underwater acoustics and ship vibration; propulsion and auxiliary systems; materials science; pollution abatement; energy conservation; instrumentation development; computer science and information systems; logistics and operations research.
Materials and components required include anti-fouling, anti-corrosion coatings; cables; chemicals; communication and detection equipment; electronic equipment and components; instruments; laboratory equipment; lubricants; metals; photographic equipment; power distribution equipment; sonobuoys; submarine and ship seals.
Commanding Officer Naval Underwater Systems Center Newport, Rhode Island 02840 Tel: 401/841-3310 Research development, test and analytical services, materials, hardware, and instrumentation for oceanography, hydrodynamics, sonar, acoustics, mechanics, hydraulics, high-frequency communications, propulsion and battery development.
Commanding Officer Naval Oceanographic Office NSTL Station, Code 4411 Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39522 Tel: 601/688-4162 Oceanography, hydrography, geodetic, and magnetic survey equipment, studies and services; electronic and physical properties test equipment; laboratory sound recording and reproduction equipment; buoys and floats; rope, cable, chain and fittings; underwater sound equipment; radio and satellite navigation equipment; gravity and magnetic measuring devices; meteorological instruments and apparatus; mapping and survey equipment; miscellaneous ship and marine equipment; general office equipment and supplies.
Commander Naval Ocean Systems Center San Diego, California 92152 Tel: 714/225-2707 Research, development, test and evaluation supplies and services relating to command control and communications, electronic warfare, ocean surveillance, antisubmarine warfare weapon systems, submarine arctic warfare, ocean science, ocean engineering, biosystems research, and related technologies. Purchases include computer software and systems engineering services, computer equipment, electronic test instruments and miscellaneous support equipment and services.
Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Station FPO New York 09593 Tel: Overseas Operator-International Routing 160 and 531. Naval Station Ext. 8114 General procurement of material and nonpersonal services in support of commands located at the Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, including the Naval Air Station, Guantanamo Bay and fleet units as assigned.
Contracting Officer Supply Department Naval District Washington Washington, D.C. 20374 Tel: 202/433-3568 Local purchase for Naval District Washington, departments and tenant commands, and general pro- curements under $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 for certain Navy activities in the Washington area, including hardware, hand tools, mill supplies, plumbing, heating and air conditioning parts, electrical and electronic components, chemicals, paints, lumber and building supplies, hose and fittings, rope and cable, shipboard repair parts, office supplies, and other standard commercial articles.
Commanding Officer Naval Construction Battalion Center (Code 554) Gulfport, Mississippi 39501 Tel: 601/865-2312 General procurement of both technical and commonuse items in such categories as hardware, plumbing, heating and air conditioning: electrical; electronics; lumber and mill supplies, chemicals and chemical products; firefighting, rescue, and safety equipment; heavy construction equipment; weight handling equipment and other equipment to support the Navy Construction Forces (active and reserve).
Commanding Officer Naval Construction Battalion Center Davisville, Rhode Island 02854 General procurement of both technical and common use items in such categories as hardware, plumbing, heating and air conditioning; electrical; electronics; lumber and mill supplies; chemicals and chemical products; firefighting, rescue, and safety equipment, heavy construction equipment; weight handling equipment and other equipment to support the Navy Construction Forces (SEABEES) and the Navy's Antarctic mission.
Commanding Officer Naval Construction Battalion Center Port Hueneme, California 93043 Tel: 805/982-5206 Acquisition of construction materials, construction equipment, electrical generators, repair parts, supplies and services to support Naval Construction Forces and a number of tenant commands such as: Naval Support Forces Antarctica (OPERATION DEEP FREEZE), Civil Engineering Laboratory, Naval Nuclear Power Unit, Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station, and Naval Hospital.
Commanding Officer Naval Administrative Command Naval Training Center (43/200) Great Lakes, Illinois 60088 Tel: 312/688-6942 General procurement for Naval activities in the Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming areas, including general supply items, subsistence items, and electrical and plumbing supplies, services such as catering of meals, mortuary, repair and overhaul of training equipment, and repair of office machines.
Commanding Officer Naval Support Activity New Orleans, Louisiana 70142 Tel: 504/361-2514 General procurement for Naval activities in the New Orleans area. Categories of supplies are hardware; plumbing; heating and air conditioning; electrical, lumber and building; automotive repair parts; printing; office equipment and supplies; and computer supplies. Services include rental, maintenance and repair of office machines, appliances and equipment.
Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Station Bo* 3002 FPO Miami, Florida 34051 (Roosevelt Roads, PR) Tel: 809/863-2000 Ext. 4349/3086/5638 General procurement to support operations of aviation activities and units of the operating forces of the Navy and other Naval activities in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to include construction materials; air conditioners; household furniture; major appliances; diesel engines and components; and plumbing supplies.
Commanding Officer Naval Research Laboratory Under* ater Sound Reference Detachment Orlando, Florida 32806 Tel: 305/859-5120 General procurement of electrical, electronic, calibrating/ test and measurement equipment.
N A V Y C O N S T R U C T I ON Contracts for architect-engineer services, construction projects, and major station maintenance and repair are awarded by the f o l l o w i n g activities for the areas indicated: Commanding Officer Northern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Bldg. 77L Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112 Tel: 215/755-4841 Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania. Delaware. Ohio. Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.
Commanding Officer Chesapeake Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Bldg. 212 Washington Navy Yard Washington, D.C. 20390 Tel: 202/433-4151 District of Columbia, Maryland—Anne Arundel, Prince Georges, Montgomery, St. Marys. Calvert, and Charles counties; Virginia—Arlington, Fairfax, Stafford, King George, Prince William, Westmoreland counties and the city of Alexandria.
Commander Atlantic Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command U.S. Naval Base Norfolk, Virginia 23511 Tel: 804/444-7621 Maryland—excluding Severn River Naval Command and Potomac River Naval Command; Virginia excluding Arlington, Fairfax, Stafford, King George, Prince William, Westmoreland counties and the city of Alexandria; West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina- Gates, Chowan, Washington, Beaufort, Craven, Jones, Onslow, and all counties east thereof. Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, West Indies, Virgin Is- ands, Jamaica, Panama Canal Zone, other Caribbean Sea areas, eastern Atlantic, and Mediterranean area.
Commanding Officer Southern Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command P.O. Box 10068 Charlestown, South Carolina 29411 Tel: 803 743-3995 North C a r o l i n a - e x c e p t counties under Atlantic Division: South Carolina, Geo'gia, Florida, Tennessee.
Mississippi, Alabama. Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico.
Commanding Officer Western Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command P.O. Box 727 San Bruno, California 94066 Tel: 415 877-7479 Arizona, Nevada, California, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, and Aleutians.
Officer in Charge of Construction NFEC Contracts, Mediterannean Mail Address: Officer in Charge of Construction Naval Facilities Engineering Command APO New York 09285 Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy, Libya, Algeria and Morocco.
Commander Pacific Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 96860 Tel: 808 471-3957 Pacific area Commanding Officer U.S. Navy Public Wo.-ks Center Yokosuka, Japan Mail Address: Commanding Officer U.S. Navy Public Works Center NFEC Contracts, Far East FPO Seattle 98762 Japan area Officer in Charge of Construction NFEC Contracts, Southwest Pacific Mail Address: Officer in Charge of Construction NFEC Contracts, Southwest Pacific FPO San Francisco 96528 P h i l i p p i n e Islands Officer in Charge of Construction NFEC Contracts, TRIDENT Naval Submarine Support Base Kings Bay, Georgia 31547 Design, construction and maintenance of the Naval Submarine Support Facility at Kings Bay, Georgia.
Following: is the most recent list of "Small and Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Specialists of the Department of the Navy": The responsibility of the individuals listed below is to administer Government cont r a c t s and to aid and assist businessmen who may be interested in subcontracting opportunities.
CALIFORNIA Burbank Loretta C. Laird Billee B. Hubbard (213) 847-4577 NAVPLANTREPO Lockheed-California Company P.O. Box 551 Burbank, CA 91520 Long Beach Herbert Winslow (213) 832-3361 Ext 4683 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN Long Beach Naval Shipyard (Code 1400B) Bldg. 300-2 Long Beach, CA 90822 Pasadena Meade R. Larson (213) 577-7112, Ext 62 Office of Naval Research 1030 East Green St.
Pasadena, CA 91160 Pomona Joseph Stehlik (714) 620-7511, Ext 8918 NAVPLANTREPO (Code COA-3) 1675 West Mission Blvd.
P.O. Box 2505 Pomona, CA 91766 San Diego W.D. Hoff (Code 425) B. Evans (Code 415) (619) 233-9136 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN Naval Station Box 119 San Diego, CA 92136 San Francisco Louie H. Mar (415) 641-2295 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 430) San Francisco, CA 94135 Sunnyvale Michael A. Tyson (408) 742-6120 NAVPLANTREPO (SSPO) Lockheed Missile & Space Company Inc. (Code SPL-501) P.O. Box 504 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 CONNECTICUT Groton Everett J. Kagan (203) 446-2728 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 424) Groton, CT 06340 Stratford James A. Donnelly (203) 386-4493 NAVPLANTREPO United Technologies Corp.
Sikorsky Aircraft Div.
Stratford, CT 06497 Jacksonville Stanley V. Jones (904) 246-5741 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN Drawer T Mayport Naval Station (Code 420) Jacksonville, Florida 32228 HAWAII Pearl Harbor Ivan A. Holm (808) 471-3661 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 1410A, Box 400 Pearl Harbor, HI 96860 LOUISIANA New Orleans Frederick W. Brown, Jr.
(504) 361-2584 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 425) New Orleans, LA 70142 Bath MAINE Lloyd F. Coombs Jr. (Code 410) (207) 443-6611, Ext 3115 Phillippa H. Dexter (Code 412) (207) 443-6611, Ext 2236 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN 574 Washington St.
Bath, ME 04530 MARYLAND Laurel Robyn Salawitch (301) 953-7100, Ext 7571 NAVPLANTREPO (Code COC-2) Johns Hopkins Rd.
Laurel, MD 20707 MASSACHUSETTS Boston James F. Donnelly (617) 451-4613 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 420B) 495 Summer St.
Boston, MA 02210 Lynn Charles I. Lamson (617) 594-5304 NAVPLANTREPO General Electric Company Aircraft Engine Group 1000 Western Ave., Bldg. 4-45 Lynn, MA 01910 Pittsfield Neil B. Siegel (413) 494-3266 NAVPLANTREPO (Code SPG005) 100 Plastics Ave.
Pittsfield, MA 01201 MINNESOTA Minneapolis Louis G. Nosan (612) 571-9201, Ext 2097 NAVPLANTREPO 4800 East River Rd.
Minneapolis, MN 55421 MISSISSIPPI Pascagoula John F. Lord (601) 769-4467 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 424) Pascagoula, MS 39567 MISSOURI St. Louis John E. Harriman (314) 232-2381 NAVPLANTREPO McDonnell Douglas Corp.
P.O. Box 516 St. Louis, MO 63166 NEW YORK Bethpage Lt. Cdr. Stephen (516) 575-2617 C. Nyland, SC, USN Mark Weiner (516) 575-3413 NAVPLANTREPO Grumman Aerospace Corp.
Grumman Data Systems Bethpage, NY 11714 Brooklyn Tony Trozzo (212) 8 3 4 - 2 2 7 7 / 2 2 78 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 433) Flushing & Washington Aves.
Brooklyn, NY 11251 Great Neck Marjorie D. Seaman (516) 574-2987 NAVPLANTREPO (Code COA) Sperry Corporation Great Neck, NY 11020 New York Horace F. Burr (212) 264-8172 Office of Naval Research 715 Broadway, 5th Floor New York, NY 10003 PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia vacant at press time (215) 755-4201 Philadelphia Waval Shipyard Industrial Management Dept.
(Code 1411) Philadelphia, PA 19112 SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston Richard E. Stanley (Code 412) Janet G. Lietha (Code 418) (803) 7 4 3 - 3 8 6 3 / 3 8 34 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN Naval Base, Bldg 76 Charleston, SC 29408 TEXAS Dallas H.M. Johnson (214) 266-3911 NAVPLANTREPO Vought Corporation P.O. Box 225907 Dallas, TX 75265 UTAH Magna lla Rae Peterson (801) 250-5911, Ext 2744 NAVPLANTREPO (Code SPLB-712) Hercules Aerospace Division P.O. Box 157 Magna, UT 84044 VIRGINIA Newport News Kyle R. Duffie (804) 380-4136 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 402) Newport News, VA 23607 Portsmouth Lemuel D. Foxwell (804) 3 9 6 - 7 6 6 4 / 7 7 68 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 410), P.O. Box 215 Portsmouth, VA 23705 WASHINGTON Seattle James L. Rancipher (206) 527-3471 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN 7500 Sandpoint Way, N.E.
(Code 425.2) Seattle, WA 98115 WISCONSIN Sturgeon Bay W.J. Komorske (414) 743-4453 SUPSHIP, Conversion & Repair, USN (Code 400), 61 North 2nd Ave Sturgeon Bay, Wl 54235
Read DIRECTORY U.S. NAVY BUYING OFFICES in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of November 1984 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from November 1984 issue
- USS Iowa (BB-61) page: 4
- Saint John Shipbuilding Appoints Snyders VP And Manager, Shipbuilding Div. page: 5
- Greller and Belt Promoted At Ashland Petroleum page: 5
- Western Gear Relocates Corporate Headquarters To South Milwaukee page: 5
- Veson Computer Systems Offers Free Literature On Shipping Programs page: 6
- Webb Institute To Hold Annual Alumni Banquet page: 6
- Giannotti Awarded Contract For Ocean Thermal Study And Conceptual Design page: 6
- McLean Urges American Shipping Community To Remain Competitive page: 6
- Allen Named Director Of MDTSCO Washington Operations Divison page: 7
- Flint & Mercer Named Senior Vice Presidents For Eller & Company page: 7
- C. Plath And Racal Marine Controls Sign Cooperation Agreement page: 7
- Sandusky Offers Brochure On Centrifugal Castings page: 7
- MarAd Awards $4,250,848 In Contracts To Improve Productivity of U.S. Yards page: 8
- Braden Winch Marketing New Planetary Hoist page: 8
- Killian Named VP Of H.O. Penn Power Div. page: 8
- Watterworth Appointed Vice President-Operations For General Steamship page: 8
- Oil Content Monitor Offered By Salwico page: 9
- Drew, DHL In Agreement For Worldwide Port Fuel Evaluation Servic page: 10
- B&W And Flight Safety Form New Joint Venture Training Company page: 10
- Hoch Promoted At Comsat TeleSystems page: 10
- WABCO Forms Worldwide Parts And Service Network page: 10
- Rothermel Named Sales Vice President For Comsat TeleSystems page: 11
- Bay Shipbuilding Awarded $l 80-Million Contract To Build Three Containerships For Sea-Land page: 11
- Cable Splicing System Lowers Shipbuilding Costs page: 12
- Evans Appointed Vice President of ODECO page: 12
- U.S. NAVY SHIP OVERHAUL MARKET First Update — Changes As Of October 1984 page: 12
- Literature Available On Sperry's New Deepwater Navigation System page: 14
- Literature Available on New Ultra-Long-Stroke Diesel From M.A.N.-B&W page: 14
- 21 New Members Elected To ABS page: 15
- Mitsubishi Kakoki Offers New Products For Solving The Fuel Quality Problem page: 18
- Promotions Announced By Consolidated Grain page: 18
- Alden Introduces New Facsimile Transceiver page: 20
- Brown Named Director Of Marketing For Seaward International page: 20
- IMODCO Awarded Contract By Esso Suez For Mooring Terminal Offshore Egypt page: 22
- WABCO Introduces New Pneumatic Control Valve page: 22
- Moody-Tottrup Brochure Available On Offshore And Marine Industry Services page: 24
- CEC Awarded $2.5-Million Contract For Ship Unloader page: 24
- Mirrlees Blackstone Moves Into New Houston Facility page: 24
- Siwertell Develops New Design For Floating Bulk Transfer Station page: 26
- Richards & Associates Named Representative For Asea Marine's Line page: 26
- Nichols Brothers Boat Builders Christens Second Passenger Catamaran page: 28
- ABS Elects Gillies Vice President page: 28
- Racor Offers Literature On Its N e w Spin-On Fuel Filter/Water Separator page: 29
- Airco Introduces New Pulsed Welding Systems page: 29
- Bender Delivers Tour Boat 'Amarya' To Nigerian Government page: 30
- Sperry Introduces New 340-mm Radar, New Autopilot, And 'Marinized' PC page: 30
- Meyer Werft Launches One And Delivers Another Passenger Ship For Indonesian Inter-Island Service page: 32
- Twin Matson Container Barges Christened At McDermott Shipyard page: 32
- Renk Offers Reference List Of Marine Gear Units Used In Naval Vessels page: 32
- Aegis Cruiser "Valley Forge' Christened At Ingalls Shipyard page: 33
- Racor Offers Literature On Its Self-Regulating Diesel Fuel Line Heater page: 33
- Renk Offers Literature On RCF Generator Gears page: 33
- Alexander Industries Named Agent For Clow/Greenberg page: 33
- Kidde Offers Free Brochure On Total Fire Protection page: 33
- The Angel Of Competition page: 34
- Mctgnavox Introduces Civil Global Positioning System page: 36
- IMODCO Awarded Contract By Esso Suez For Mooring Terminal Offshore Egypt page: 36
- Eastern Marine Signs Contract For Passenger/Auto Ferry page: 37
- Blount Marine Yard Completes High-Speed Commuter Vessel page: 41
- Free Eight-Page Brochure Available From Racor page: 41
- Browning Named Contracts And Sales Vice President For Sonat Offshore Drilling page: 42
- Valmet Delivers First Of Four Supply Vessels To Soviet Union page: 42
- MarAd Submits Final Rule For Governing Evaluation Of Bids page: 43
- New Krupp Atlas ARPA Gets British DoT Type Approval page: 43
- Wartsila Turku Yard Delivers Big Catamaran Crane Vessel To USSR page: 44
- 92nd SNAME Annual Meeting Third International Maritime Exposition page: 46
- Dyvi Heavy Lift Vessel Busy Transporting Semisubmersibles page: 47
- RFD Survival Liferaft Line Gains Davit-Launch Approval page: 47
- Peck & Hale Offers Container Lashing System Literature page: 62
- AMMCO Enters License Agreement With Damen Shipyards Of Holland page: 64
- New Pipe Connecting System Reduces Costs page: 64
- Bender Christens And Launches Cruiser "Pilgrim Belle' page: 66
- New Literature Sheet Describes Simpson's Seaworthy Panel Products page: 68
- Continental Maritime Gets $18-Million Navy Contract For Crane Ship Conversion page: 68
- Three Offshore Service Fleets Plan Merger Into New Company page: 71
- Regency Introduces New Marine Transceiver page: 71
- Hydranautics Awarded Contract By Marathon Oil For Rig-Skidding Systems page: 71
- Western Gear To Build And Sell Rademakers Epicyclic Transmissions page: 72
- New Integrated Navigation & Command System From Krupp Atlas Elektronik page: 74
- Harbormaster Offers Free 8-Page Brochure On Propulsion Units page: 74
- Korea's Samsung Shipyard Offers 24-Page Brochure On Facilities, Capabilities page: 74
- Tl Has A New Fleet Management System To Improve Vessel Operating Efficiency page: 77
- N e w Bulletin M a k e s Small S t a n d a r d Heat Exchangers Easy To Select page: 78
- Paul King Appointed Division Manager For Sonat Offshore Limited page: 78
- Deutsch Metal Offers Free Pyplok Catalog page: 78
- New Brochure Describes John Crane Maintenance Training Center page: 80
- Gulf Oil Offers Free Full Color Guide To Marine Lubricants page: 80
- Farmer Named Worldwide Operations Manager For Sonat Offshore Drilling page: 82
- Ferrous Announces FMS, System For Administering Catalyst Into Fuel Oil page: 82
- New York Port Engineers Meeting Hears Paper on Computer Uses page: 83
- Cummins Introduces New Premium Grade Lube Oil For Diesel Engines page: 99
- Devoe Marine Announces Management Appointments page: 100
- ABS Publishes Its First Guide For Certification Of Thrusters page: 102
- SKF Steel Introduces New Simplified Coupling page: 103
- Holmatro Offers Brochure Showing Full Product Line page: 103
- Gladding-Hearn Delivers 76-Foot Offshore Lobster Boat page: 104
- Marine Engineers Shipyard Gets Contract To Build Schooner page: 107
- GM Engines Pass Offshore Tilt Test—Literature Available page: 112
- Flexaust Announces A Major Improvement In Its Product Line page: 113
- Design Manual Available On Teleflex Remote Mechanical Valve Actuator page: 113
- Lisnave Will Continue Technical Support To ASRY In Bahrain page: 119
- Du Pont Offers Free Brochure On New "Offshore Maintenance Painting Service' Program page: 119