![Logo of July 15, 1986 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News](https://images.marinelink.com/images/magazines/w100/MaritimeReporter-19860715-page1.png)
Report O n The N e w M a g n a v ox GPS Positioning & N a v i g a t i o n System
The new MX 4400 GPS Positioning and Navigation System from Magnavox is accurate, compact and housed in a sealed enclosure. The MX 4400 is designed to a wide variety of today's commercial GPS positioning and navigation requirements.
Magnavox reports the MX 4400 is a full-featured two-channel C/A code receiver.
Magnavox has designed the portable MX 4400 system both for use with the current interim GPS constellation and with increasing utility as more satellites are deployed. GPS is the extremely accurate satellite navigation system being developed by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Once in full service, GPS will provide continuous position fixes anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day.
Seven GPS satellites are currently in operation. There will be 18 active satellites once the system is fully operational.
The two-channel receiver provides continuous GPS navigation, without interruption, whenever sufficient satellites are available. The MX 4400 can navigate with as few as two visible satellites when an external atomic frequency standard is interfaced and altitude is known (sea level) or determined from the receiver's altimeter. This capability extends the number of hours per day that the MX 4400 receiver can be used. To provide navigation during GPS coverage gaps, the MX 4400 will automatically dead reckon using inputs from external speed and heading sensors.
Magnavox plans to introduce software in 1987 to permit the MX 4400 to accept GPS differential corrections in the standard RTCM SC- 104 format. The differential inputs will result in enhanced dynamic accuracy in real time.
The MX 4400 is housed in a sealed, waterproof case assuring dependable operation, even in harsh environments. In order to provide continuous, optimum navigation and positioning information, the system employs an 8-state Kalman filter which evaluates and weighs satellite data. A 16-bit numerical coprocessor provides position, speed and heading updates every 1.2 seconds.
The system has the capability of providing GPS data to integrated survey systems such as the Magnavox Series 5000 Geophysical Survey System.
Applications for this easy-to-use system include marine survey and navigation, rig positioning, land navigation and positioning, search and rescue operation, and GPS test and evaluation. The MX 4400 will be available for delivery in October of 1986.
For free color literature describing the new MX 4400 in detail.
C i r c l e 5 1 on R e a d e r S e r v i c e C a rd
Read Report O n The N e w M a g n a v ox GPS Positioning & N a v i g a t i o n System in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of July 15, 1986 Maritime Reporter
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- Falmouth Shiprepair Moves Ahead Again With Major N e w Agreement page: 6
- Nippon Kokan To Market Titanium-Clad Steel Plate Produced By Hot Rolling page: 6
- Freeport Shipbuilding Delivers Passenger Vessel To Nassau Cruises page: 7
- Franklin Promoted To Vice President At McDermott Marine page: 7
- M e y e r W e r f t Y a r d Delivers Luxury Cruise Ship ' H o m e r i c ' To H o m e Lines page: 30
- Coast M a r i n e Celebrates 4 0 - Y e a r A n n i v e r s a r y W i th Successful Ladder Drop Test page: 30
- Bailey Announces Sales Management Appointments page: 31
- Free Brochure Details Delaval's OEM Overhaul Of U.S. Navy Equipment page: 31
- S N A M E Lakes/Rivers Section Holds Spring M e e t i n g In Louisville page: 32
- S t a n d a r d - C : Low-Cost Satellite Communications Terminal page: 32
- Port Of Portland Reports Soaring Imports Of Cars From Japan And Korea page: 34
- Miller Electric Offers New Diesel Welding Generator page: 34
- S.S. White Offers Free Brochure On Flexible Reach Rods page: 35
- NASSCO Appoints Janice S. Shanklin page: 35
- Lorenz, Trotter And Waldorf Named To Zapata Board Of Directors page: 35
- Sea-Land Unit Restructured — B a k e r Appointed Vice Chairman And COO page: 36
- Goltens Uses Diversity To Seek New Markets page: 36
- ACBL Rechristens Three N e w l y Acquired River Towboats page: 36
- Marathon LeTourneau Awarded Contract For Platform Rig Project page: 36
- MTCR Introduces N e w Shipboard E n g i n e e r i n g T r a i n i n g Systems page: 37
- Sanborn Named President Of Sonat Marine Inc. page: 38
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- W a r t s i l a Diesel Introduces A N e w Compact V 8 Engine page: 39
- Sembawang Diversifies Into Salvage And Towing page: 39
- Cat Pumps Introduces Corrosion-Resistant Line page: 39
- Report O n The N e w M a g n a v ox GPS Positioning & N a v i g a t i o n System page: 40
- Tenn-Tom Development Conference Scheduled For October 22-24 In Knoxville page: 40
- Pekka Laine Appointed Managing Director Of New Wartsila/Valmet Company page: 40
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- Marathon LeTourneau Awarded Contract For Platform Rig Project page: 41
- Honda Will Use U.S.-Flag Central Gulf Lines Ship To Transport Cars To U.S. page: 41
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- National AirOil Introduces Portable Burner Ignitor page: 45
- Royal Caribbean Orders Three More Vessels page: 45
- ANADAC Awarded Navy Support Services Contracts Totaling $4 Million page: 49
- N e w Rental Program For M a g n a v o x Equipment O f f e r s W i d e Selection page: 49
- Allison I m p l e m e n t s Performance, M a i n t e n a n c e , Reliability Improvements In M a r i n e Gas Turbines page: 50
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- COMAR Offers Free Catalog On N e w Marine Products page: 53
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