Shaft A l i g n m e n t Was Topic At P h i l a d e l p h i a Section SNAME M e e t i ng

Some 70 members and guests attended the recent meeting of the Philadelphia Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers held at the Engineer's Club in Philadelphia.

Following opening announcements by section chairman K.

Gyswyt, the nominating committee presented its slate of officers for next season as follows: chairman, James J. Hibbits, General Electric Company; vice-chairman, Thomas P. Campbell, Sun Ship; s e c r e t a r y - t r e a s u r e r , Dean S.

Champlin, Selby Battersby & Company ; member of Executive Committee, Mr. Gyswyt.

The chairman then turned the meeting over to Gerald C. Swens- son, meeting coordinator, who introduced Albert W. Forrest Jr. of Sun Ship, co-author of the paper titled "Shaft Alignment Using Strain Gages." A detailed description of the strain gage shaft a l i g n m e n t procedure was presented, including a comparison between bearing reactions obtained using strain gages and hydraulic jacking.

The author discussed the various gage configurations available for measuring bending moments, and gave estimates of the resulting error in bending moment. A simplified p r o c e d u r e was presented to calculate bearing reactions for the measured moments.

Gage site requirements to produce a d e t e r m i n a t e system were established, and a method outlined to establish bearing reaction error bounds for a combination of gage configurations and sites.

The interest in this subject was evident by the varied opinions of the discussers, who were: Frank Graham, Philadelphia Gear, Inc.; Bud Thoma, Transamerica Delaval, Inc.; and George Laing, General Electric Company.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 34,  May 1980

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