![Logo of March 1983 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News](https://images.marinelink.com/images/magazines/w100/MaritimeReporter-198303-page1.png)
A PREVIEW The Second Annual National Maritime Show and Maritime America Conference will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center on March 29-31, 1983.
Over 90 manufacturers and suppliers of marine-related equipment will display their range of products and services at the Baltimore facility. The convention center provides 115,000 square feet of unobstructed space for exhibitors as well as 23 meeting rooms — all under one roof.
The center is located in Baltimore's revitalized inner harbor.
The area contains many restorations of buildings and is within convenient walking distance of restaurants, shopping areas, and major hotels.
The show is organized by Industrial Presentations, Inc., of Houston, Texas, one of the major independent show management concerns in the U.S. The company is linked to the internationally renowned Europort Group which organizes shows such as Europort, Amsterdam; Asia Marine, Singapore; and Shipasia, Hong Kong.
A three-day conference will coincide with the exhibition.
Keynote speaker at the opening general session on the morning of Tuesday, March 29, will be Hon. George A. Sawyer, Assistant Secretary of the Navy- Shipbuilding and Logistics. This session on "How the Navy Buys Its Ships" will also be addressed by Stuart Adamson, vice president- technical marketing, Todd Pacific Shipyards; Timothy J.
Colton. vice president-marketing, Pennsylvania Shipbuilding; and James M. Temenak, marketing manager-new construction, National Steel and Shipbuilding Company.
Lead speaker and moderator at the afternoon general session on March 29 will be Edwin M. Hood, president of the Shipbuilders Council of America. Mr. Hood is retiring from that post effective June 30 this year. Other speakers at this session, titled "Outlook for Shipbuilding and Shipping," will include Harvey Fritter, vice president-regulatory affairs, Trans Freight Line, Inc.; and John Le Boflfe, president of INTSEA International Ltd.
Concurrent sessions will be held on Wednesday, March 30. A morning session, "Propulsions and Fuels I," will hear papers by Eugene Pentimonti, vice president- engineering, American President Lines Ltd.; Dr. M.K. Eberle, assistant vice president-research and development, Sulzer Brothers; and Dr. Rolf Glasfeld, manager, Advanced Engineering Department, Quincy Shipbuilding Division, General Dynamics.
The other morning session on March 30, "Business Outlook: Future Demand for U.S.-Flag Tonnage," will be addressed by Julian H. Singman, president, Maritime Institute for Research and Industrial Development (MIRAID) ; Peter Luciano, executive director, Transportation Institute ; and Robert Lowen, president, International Organization of Masters, Mates and Pilots.
The "Propulsion and Fuels II" session on the a f t e r n o o n of March 30 will feature presentations by David Royle of Det norske Veritas, Oslo; Thomas N.
Pratt, Engine Design Section, Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corporation; David N.
McArthur, marine engineer, Skinner Engine Company; and Michael E. Berg, chief chemist, Ferrous Corporation.
The parallel session on the afternoon of March 30 is titled "Business Outlook: Financing, Leasing and Insurance." Speakers will be Donald J. Andrews, vice president, Shipping Department, First Boston Corporation; Randee Day Ammon, vice president, Shipping Department, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company; Robert Lavinghouse, marine finance manager, Armco Industrial Credit Corporation; and Thomas A. Fain, president, American Institute of Marine Underwriters.
One of the sessions on the morning of March 31 will be devoted to "Electronics: Communications and Ship Management." Speaking at this session will be Charles Dorian, director, international liaison for maritime services, COMSAT Corporation; James H. Keyte, materials management specialist, Sun Transport Inc.; John Dumbleton, deputy program manager, Office of Advanced Ship Operations, Maritime Administration; and Roger Drissel, senior engineer, ARINC Research Corporation.
The other March 31 morning session is titled "Shipping Hazardous Cargoes." Addressing this session will be Timothy Berkell, v i c e president-fleet manager, Stolt-Nielsen, Inc.; Capt. A.E.
Henn, USCG, chief, Marine Technical and Hazardous Materials Division, Office of Merchant Marine Safety; Sam V. Trachina, vice president, Great American Insurance Company; and a speaker to be announced from National Cargo Bureau, Inc.
The conference will conclude with a single session on the afternoon of Thursday, March 31.
Speakers on the topic "Electronics: Navigation and Shipboard Computers" will include Max Carpenter, special projects director, Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) ; Rear Adm. Richard A. Bauman, USCG, chief, Office of Navigation, U.S. Coast Guard; and Peter Ebbutt, president, Ocean Motions Company. Following this session conference delegates are invited on a tour of the MITAGS facilities at nearby Lithicum Heights, Md.
"HOW THE NAVY BUYS ITS SHIPS" Hon. George A. Sawyer, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Shipbuilding and Logistics, keynote speaker.
Stuart Adamson, VP-Technical Marketing, Todd Pacific Shipyards.
Timothy J.V. Colton, Vice President- Marketing, P e n n s y l v a n ia Shipbuilding.
James M. Temenak, Marketing Manager-New Construction, National Steel and Shipbuilding Co.
Tuesday, March 29, 2-4 p.m.
"OUTLOOK FOR SHIPBUILDING AND SHIPPING" Edwin M. Hood, President, Shipbuilders Council of America.
Harvey Fritter, VP-Regulatory Affairs, Trans-Freight Lines, Inc.
John LeBoffe, President, INTSEA International, Inc., "Export Prospects for Smaller U.S. Shipyards." Wednesday, March 30, 10-12 a.m.
"PROPULSION & FUELS I" Eugene Pentimonti, VP-Engineering, A m e r i c a n President Lines.
Dr. M.K. Eberle, Sulzer Brothers, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Dr. Rolf Glasfeld, Manager, Advanced Engineering Dept., Quincy Shipbuilding, Div. General Dynamics.
Wednesday, March 30, 10-12 a.m.
(concurrent session) "BUSINESS OUTLOOK: FUTURE DEMAND FOR U.S.-FLAG TONNAGE" Julian H. Singmar, President, Maritime Institute for Research and Industrial Development.
Peter Luciano, Executive Director, Transportation Institution.
Robert Lowen, President, Masters, Mates and Pilots.
Wednesday, March 30, 2-4 p.m.
"PROPULSION & FUELS II" David Royle, Det norske Veritas.
Thomas N. Pratt, Engine Design Sect., Electro-Motive Division, General Motors Corp.
David N. McArthur, Marine Engineer, Skinner Engine Co.
Dr. Michael E. Berg, Chief Chemist, Ferrous Corporation.
Wednesday, March 30, 2-4 p.m.
(concurrent session) "BUSINESS OUTLOOK: FINANCING, LEASING & INSURANCE" Donald J. Andrews, Vice President, Shipping Dept., First Boston Corp.
Randee Day Ammon, Vice President, Shipping Dept., Morgan Guaranty Trust Company.
Robert Lavinghouse, Marine Finance Manager, Armco Industrial Credit Corp.
Thomas A. Fain, President, American Institute of Marine Underwriters.
Thursday, March 31, 9-11 a.m.
Liaison for Maritime Services, COMSAT Corp.
James H. Keyte, Materials Manager Specialist, Sun Transport Inc.
John Dumbleton, Deputy Project Manager, Office Of Advanced Ship Operations MarAd.
Roger Drissel, Senior Engineer, ARINC Research Corp.
Thursday, March 31, 9-11 a.m.
(concurrent session) "SHIPPING HAZARDOUS CARGOES" Timothy Berkell, Vice President, Fleet Manager, Stolt-Nielsen, Inc.
Capt. A.E. Henn, USCG, Chief Marine Technical & Hazardous Materials Division, Office of Merchant Marine Safety.
Sam V. Tranchina, Vice President, Great American Insurance Co.
National Cargo Bureau (speaker to be announced).
Thursday, March 31, 2-4 p.m.
RADM. Richard A. Bauman, Chief, Office of Navigation, U.S.
Coast Guard.
Peter Ebbott, Ocean Motions Co.
Tour of Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies.
Read SECOND ANNUAL NATIONAL MARITIME SHOW in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of March 1983 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from March 1983 issue
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- Newport News Lifts 890-Metric-Ton Assembly Onto Carrier Roosevelt -Largest Ever For Naval Vessel page: 8
- Todd Houston Accepts Delivery Of New Drydock From Bender page: 8
- ITC O f f e r s Brochure D e s c r i b i n g Its N ew H e a v y - L i f t Vessel page: 8
- J.C. Leighton Elected Executive V P Of Raymond Kaiser Engineers page: 9
- Krupp MaK Diesel Moves To New Headquarters For North American Operations page: 10
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- N e w Firm W i l l A d v i se M a n u f a c t u r e r s O n H ow To Sell To N a vy page: 10
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- N e w S h i p b u i l d e r s Council P r e s i d e n t Selected page: 11
- Tacoma Boat Delivers Fourth Tractor Tug To Foss page: 12
- Southwest Marine Purchases Computerized Drydock And Major Shipyard page: 12
- 1983 RTCM ASSEMBLY page: 12
- New Puget Sound Section Of MTS Elects Officers page: 13
- Halter Marine Delivers Second Of Four Supply Boats To Point Express, Ltd. page: 14
- $121-Million Contract Awarded To Davie For Gulfspan-Class Ferry page: 16
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- Moore McCormack Completes Sale Of Cargo Liners page: 17
- New Brochure Contains Raytheon Radar Comparison And Offer Of Free Life Vests page: 17
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- Maritime Technology For A Changing World page: 18
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- CRC Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary —Brochures Available page: 19
- Todd Reports Increase In Sales And Earnings page: 22
- Newport News Reports Fourth Year Of Higher Operating Income page: 23
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- LeCompte Named General Manager Of Bethlehem's Great Lakes Division page: 25
- Wesley Wheeler Appointed U.S. Representatives For Hapag-Lloyd Shipyard page: 26
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- Petronas Commissions Its First Proet-Built Jackup page: 26
- Honeywell Forms New Undersea Sensor Group page: 27
- Castelvecchi Named Corporate Purchasing Agent At Ships Supply page: 27
- Thomas M a r i n e Delivers 24-Foot Survey Boat To N . Y . - N J . Port Authority page: 27
- Charles Lynch Elected AIMS Board Chairman page: 28
- Heerema Group Acquires Big Inch Marine Systems page: 28
- D o r a n - A l a b a m a O f f e r s Free Brochure O n Propellers A n d Repair Services page: 28
- S a l w i c o O f f e r s L i t e r a t u re O n S a l - G l a s Protective P r i m e r l e s s M a r i n e C o a t i n gs page: 29
- Minority-Owned Shipyard Organized In Portland page: 30
- Alio International Rubber Appoints Robert Salter As Sales Manager page: 30
- New Raytheon RAYPATH ARPA Meets IMO Requirements —Brochure Available page: 31
- William Law Elected To Board Of Twin City Barge page: 32
- American Lohmann Offers Free Literature On Marine Gearboxes page: 32
- CAB Develops Portable Steel Grit Recovery System —Free Literature Offered page: 32
- Bell Halter Begins Production Of First LCAC For Amphibious Forces page: 32
- M.A.N. To Build Three Floating Cranes With Voith-Schneider Propulsion page: 33
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- Tideland Signal Names Two New Vice Presidents page: 52
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- Honeywell Names Holman Vice President & General Manager, Marine Division page: 54
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- Farrell Reports $35-Million Turnaround — Sells Four Ships To U.S. Lines page: 67
- New Sofec CALM-Plus Terminal For West Malaysia —Literature Available page: 70
- Coastal Iron Works Installs 2,500-Ton-Capacity Steel Floating Drydock 'Mr. Pat' page: 82
- Microphor Europe GmbH Formed In Europe By Microphor And German Firm page: 83