Elinca Systems To Be Installed On Five Tankers Of Chevron Shipping Fleet

U.K.-based Elinca Ltd. of Sheffield recently won a major order to install its systems, which control marine fouling and corrosion in ships' seawater systems, on five VLCCs owned by Chevron Shipping Company. The tankers to be protected are the Howard W. Bell, C.W. Kitto, Chevron London, Burnaby, and South America. Installation is expected to be completed in the spring of this year.

These installations will add to the considerable list of Elinca systems presently operating throughout the world. These include installations on drillships, jackups, and semi-submersibles, as well as other shipboard installations.

Elinca uses the electrolytic principle to protect pipelines and other seawater systems by means of a low impressed current fed from an automatic control panel to specially alloyed, sealed anodes fitted in pairs in suitable locations. In this case, the usual sea chest-located anode assembly has been adapted to a housing above the sea chest, and the "treated" water is then piped from the housing into the sea chest, to flow throughout the system. Anodes are also located in the scoop and on inspection doors in the condenser.

For additional information on the Elinca systems, Circle 90 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 81,  Apr 1984

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