Magnetrol Offers Brochure On Electronic Liquid Level Transmitters

Magnetrol International, Inc. of Downers Grove, 111., a leading manufacturer of a broad range of level and flow control products and technologies, has available a free color brochure on its Modulevel EZ Series electronic level transmitters.

These advanced two-wire instruments utilize Magnetrol's buoyancy- magnetic coupling principle to detect and convert liquid level changes into a stable 4-20 milliampere output signal. The magnetic coupling bond between the level-sensing element and output electronics greatly simplifies mechanical design and construction.

The vertical configuration of the transmitter reduces instrument weight and simplifies installation, and the electronics enclosure may be easily positioned to face any direction.

For further information and a free copy of the brochure, Circle 87 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 43,  Apr 1984

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Maritime Reporter

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