V a l m e t ' s N e w A u t o m a t i on System O r d e r e d For T wo Product C a r r i e r s At H y u n d ai
A research project by the Royal Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, "Ship of the Future," has led to an active cooperation between shipowners, suppliers, shipyards, and research institutions in the field of ship automation. The results of the project will now be implemented onboard two new ships being built by Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea for L. Gill-Johannessen & Company of Oslo.
In tough international competition—in the final round from Japan—Valmet Automation a.s. of Spikkestad, Norway, won the contract for the automation systems. This was made possible through close cooperation with the Oslo-based Data-Ship a.s. Together, the two firms were able to offer a systems package representing the most technically advanced applications available on the international market.
The Valmet system components are wellproven standard products. What is new in the ship automation field for the L. Gill-Johannessen ships is the actual system concept, i.e., internal data communication between sub-systems; extensive utilization of an advanced, microprocessor-based process control system (Valmet's Damatic); and an advanced administrative computer system with programs for maintenance, spare parts, purchasing, reporting, harbor information, and accounting.
The powerful data net to which the sub-systems are connected facilitates extensive data communication internally onboard the ship, as well as externally via the ship's satellite communications system.
The data net and the administrative computer system are being supplied by Data-Ship a.s. For a number of years this company has specialized in administrative computing for shipping, onboard as well as ashore. It has also participated actively in the development of data communications ship/shore.
Valmet's Damatic Marine Systems (DMS) will monitor and control the propulsion machinery and power supply, as well as the loading and discharging processes.
The process control system is based on the industrial version of DMS, which is already operating in 150 major industrial plants.
When DMS was introduced in the marine market about a year ago, it embodied something genuinely new in the field.
Valmet has now obtained contracts for installations aboard 12 ships, of which seven are being built in South Korean yards. Three installations have already been delivered. The installations aboard the L. Gill-Johannessen ships are characterized by a high degree of utilization of the technical potential for a system of this type, and are considered to be a breakthrough for advanced process control systems for ships. Using the Damatic system, the crew can monitor and control, via color screens, a number of processes that traditionally require between seven and 10 separate automation systems, with resultant operation and maintenance problems.
Valmet Automation is said to be the only company, internationally, that has obtained type approval for a so-called "multi-function automation system" by a classification society (Det norske Veritas) for this kind of system.
For further information and free literature on Valmet's shipboard automation systems, C i r c l e 5 4 on Reader Service Card
Read V a l m e t ' s N e w A u t o m a t i on System O r d e r e d For T wo Product C a r r i e r s At H y u n d ai in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of April 1984 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from April 1984 issue
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- B r o g a n A n d Sundaresan P r o m o t e d At MTL page: 6
- Bestobell Mobrey Promotes Houba And Bowerman To Sales Executive Posts page: 7
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- N a v y Seeks Comments On I m p r o v i n g Pump Specifications page: 7
- Tokyo Marine Services Is Active Worldwide — Color Brochure Available page: 8
- Richard Faber Promoted To Marine/Military Sales Manager At Aeroquip page: 8
- N a v y Awards $822 M i l l i o n To Ingalls For Construction O f LHD-1 Assault Ship page: 8
- Washburn & Doughty Announces Signing Of Three Vessel Contracts page: 9
- N e w Division Formed At G e n e r a l Electric H e a d ed By W . J . C i m o n e t ti page: 9
- Board Approves Spin-off Of Sea-Land Service To Reynolds Shareholders page: 10
- Thomas Patterson Named President-General Manager Of Coastal Iron Works page: 10
- Desco M a r i n e Delivers Its First Boats Built O f Steel page: 10
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- French Named Chairman And C EO At NASSCO—Vortmann Is President page: 18
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- ASNE Day '84 page: 48
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- V a l m e t ' s N e w A u t o m a t i on System O r d e r e d For T wo Product C a r r i e r s At H y u n d ai page: 51
- Propellers '84 Scheduled For May 15-16 At Cavalier Hotel In Virginia Beach page: 64
- Lingaas Named Senior VP For Cruise Operations At Holland America Line page: 69
- AIMS Endorses New Marine Firefighting Training Program page: 70
- Promotions Announced At Marine Transport Lines page: 70
- Worthington Offers New Cast Iron Pump Line — Literature Available page: 71
- Management Appointments Announced By Crowley's Caribbean Division page: 71
- OTC 84 page: 72
- Elinca Systems To Be Installed On Five Tankers Of Chevron Shipping Fleet page: 81
- Philadelphia Resins Offers New Bulletin On Its Wire Rope Socketing System page: 81
- New Lighting Systems Catalog Now Available From Rig-A-Lite Company page: 82
- FMC Introduces Two New Crawler Cranes And Heavy Lift Attachments page: 82
- Free Bulletin Describes Complete Line Of Kohlenberg Airhorns page: 87
- McDermott Delivers Two Caterpillar-Powered Supply Vessels To Tidewater page: 88
- New Anti-Corrosion Paint Pigments Unveiled By BP page: 89
- Westinghouse Secures U.S. Patent On Self-Protecting Sensing Cell Electrodes — Literature Available page: 89
- Tuneable Hull Plate Reduces Propeller-Induced Noise/Vibration page: 93
- Tracor Marine Awarded $6-Million Contract To Convert AT&T Cable Ship page: 94
- Nationwide Boiler Awarded $1.8-Million Navy Contract To Upgrade Steam Plants page: 95
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- Meeting Of SNAME Great Lakes/ Great Rivers Section Discusses Fuel Additives And Hull Springing page: 98
- Drew Ameroid5 Marine Introduces Four Additions To Product Line page: 98
- Chugoku Introduces New Antifouling Hull Coatings — Literature Available page: 107