The occasional sinking of ships and capsizing of offshore structures, especially in hostile, frigid environments, are reminders that the perils of the sea are still with us. In many of these disasters, official investigations have found that hypothermia (low body heat) was the primary contributing cause of death for some of the victims, who might have been saved if they had been wearing protective exposure suits when they were in the icy waters.
On February 7, 1984, the U.S.
Coast Guard published a final Rule in the Federal Register that will require offshore drilling rigs and certain other vessels operating in frigid waters off the outer continental shelf of the United States to carry survival suits for workers to wear if they are forced to abandon the platforms because of an accident.
This Rule becomes effective 180 days after the publication date.
The ME I EN editors asked manufacturers and suppliers of shipboard safety and survival equipment to tell us about their latest developments in products and services.
The review that follows is based on the replies that had been received up to press time.
FOR MORE INFORMATION If you wish to receive additional information on any of the products described in the following review, please circle the appropriate (immediately after the company name) number(s) on the Reader Service Card in the back of this issue. If you wish to receive information from all of the manufacturers and suppliers of safety and survival equipment included in this review, Circle 30 on Reader Service Card A L A S K A DIESEL ELECTRIC Circle 3 1 on Reader Service Card Suitable for use as emergency fire-fighting equipment, Alaska Diesel Electric, Inc. markets the Northern Lights® EP-41 portable gasoline-powered pump. With a dry weight of only 18% pounds and rubber-gripped, balanced carrying point, the unit is easy to tote to an emergency site. CDI ignition gives quick starts and reduces maintenance by eliminating contact points.
The EP-41's advanced engineering combines heavy-duty features with light-weight materials. The cast aluminum engine block of the 2.2-hp, air-cooled engine is heavily gusseted for strength, and has an integral cylinder liner of hardened steel. Cooling fins and a crankshaft- mounted fan efficiently dissipate heat.
The die-cast aluminum pump housing saves weight and stops corrosion. An open type impeller insures smooth operation even in muddy water.
Optional equipment available includes: kit with 10-foot suction hose, 25-foot discharge hose, nozzle, and fitting; kit with 25-foot suction hose, 25-foot discharge hose, nozzle, and fitting; and an adjustable hose nozzle, lVu-inch Lexan, fog to straight steam. The pump can deliver 80 gpm at 59 spi.
A N S U L FIRE P R O T E C T I ON C i r c l e 3 2 on Reader Service Card Ansul Fire Protection is a division of Wormald U.S., Inc., part of the Wormald International Limited Group of companies. Ansul is a manufacturer of quality fire protection products and systems that are marketed through a network of more than 500 independent, authorized Ansul distributors throughout the world. Ansul also develops, manufactures, and supplies fire protection equipment to Wormald group companies worldwide.
Among the marine fire protection equipment and systems offered by Ansul are Halon 1301, carbon dioxide, twin-agent hand hose line, and Ansulite AFFF (Aqueous Film-Forming Foam) fire suppression systems, as well as smoke detection systems.
Ansul offers Halon 1301 fire suppression systems comprised of certain hardware and software elements that are designed and organized to provide a total integrated system. The Halon 1301 system can generally be divided into the following subsystems: Halon 1301 agent and agent storage modules; system operation and control; agent distribution; and technical documentation. These systems are designed in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Standard 12A, "Standard for Halogenated Extinguishing Agent Systems," and listed by Underwriters Laboratories.
Ansul also offers Halon system designs in accordance with marine and offshore regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Det norske Veritas, U.K. Department of Energy, U.S. Geological Survey, International Maritime Organization, and the Norwegian Maritime Directorate.
The Ansul high-pressure carbon dioxide fire suppression system is designed for central storage of the agent as a liquid in pressurized cylinders. The cylinder valve re- leases the CO., into fixed piping, terminated with specially designed discharge nozzles in the protected space. Several types of manual and automatic controls are available for actuation of the system. These C02 systems are also designed to meet the rules and regulations and all the agencies mentioned above for the Halon systems.
Twin-agent fire protection refers to the "twin-attack" capabilities of dry chemical and foam fire-extinguishing agents. These Ansul systems consist of separate 'Purple-K' agent and Ansulite AFFF agent storage tanks, nitrogen cylinders to pressurize the tanks and expel the agents, hose lines to deliver the agents to the twinned nozzle assembly, and manual and/or pneumatic actuation devices,
Read SURVIVAL AT SEA in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of April 1984 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from April 1984 issue
- Ames And O'Donnell Named Regional Directors For Maritime Administration page: 4
- Saint John Shipbuilding Upgrades Its CAD/CAM For Big Frigate Program page: 5
- C h e v r o n Selects Elinca System For 5 Ships — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 5
- Transamerica Delaval Ends Its Technical Assistance Agreement With IMO AB page: 6
- Lykes Sign Letters O f Intent To Build Six C o n t a i n e r s h i ps page: 6
- B r o g a n A n d Sundaresan P r o m o t e d At MTL page: 6
- Bestobell Mobrey Promotes Houba And Bowerman To Sales Executive Posts page: 7
- Successful T r a n s p o r t Of Biggest-Ever D e c k Structure C o m p l e t e d By N e p t u n / NC page: 7
- N a v y Seeks Comments On I m p r o v i n g Pump Specifications page: 7
- Tokyo Marine Services Is Active Worldwide — Color Brochure Available page: 8
- Richard Faber Promoted To Marine/Military Sales Manager At Aeroquip page: 8
- N a v y Awards $822 M i l l i o n To Ingalls For Construction O f LHD-1 Assault Ship page: 8
- Washburn & Doughty Announces Signing Of Three Vessel Contracts page: 9
- N e w Division Formed At G e n e r a l Electric H e a d ed By W . J . C i m o n e t ti page: 9
- Board Approves Spin-off Of Sea-Land Service To Reynolds Shareholders page: 10
- Thomas Patterson Named President-General Manager Of Coastal Iron Works page: 10
- Desco M a r i n e Delivers Its First Boats Built O f Steel page: 10
- C y b e r n e t I n t r o d u c e s N ew V H F - F M R a d i o t e l e p h o ne — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 10
- NKK Super Semi-Submersible Rig Designed For D e e p Sea O p e r a t i o ns page: 10
- St. Augustine Trawlers Delivers 600-Passenger Ferry For Mexico page: 11
- Joint S N A M E / C I M E M e e t i n g Discusses Heavy Lifts And Drydock O p e r a t i o ns page: 11
- Caterpillar Announces New Marine Diesel Engine Application Guidelines page: 12
- Transfer Vessel Coal M o n i t o r One Christened In N e w Orleans page: 12
- T a m p a S h i p y a r d s A w a r ds B a b c o c k & W i l c ox $ 1 . 4 - M i l l i o n C o n t r a ct page: 12
- Los Angeles S N A M E Meeting Discusses Floating Breakwater page: 12
- NKS Heavy Forging And Facility Nears Completion Casting In Mexico page: 13
- N e l s o n N a m e d President O f M . R o s e n b l a t t & Son page: 13
- Fishing Vessel C o n f e r e n ce T o Be H e l d M a y 1 0 - 1 2 In M e l b o u r n e , F l o r i da page: 13
- Product Planning Manager Named At American Standard/Heat Transfer page: 14
- First Vessel Enters N e w Floating Drydock At H a l i f a x Shipyard page: 14
- John H a s t i e S t e e r i n g G e ar P a r t s / S e r v i c e A v a i l a b le In U.S. F r om J e r e d Brown page: 14
- Bell Aerospace A w a r d e d $ 1 0 2 M i l l i on To Build Six M o r e LCACs For U.S. N a v y page: 14
- Kienitz And Flahaut Promoted At Pott's Inland Waterways Division page: 15
- French Named Chairman And C EO At NASSCO—Vortmann Is President page: 18
- DoD Implements Initiative For Cost Effectiveness Of Contract Requirements page: 18
- N a v y A w a r d s E-Systems $ 4 . 7 - M i l l i o n C o n t r a ct page: 18
- I o w a M a r i n e Delivers Towboat Betty Edwards To M o r r i s H a r b o r Service page: 18
- MTL Announces Promotions page: 18
- M . A . N . - B & W Diesel Introduces N e w Engine page: 19
- S i g m a A w a r d e d M SC C o n t r a c t For 4 0 Bilge O i l y W a t e r S e p a r a t o rs page: 19
- Hampton Roads S N A M E Reports O n Ship Production Committee page: 19
- Incinerator Ship Apollo One Launched At Tacoma Boatbuilding page: 20
- M o r r i s G u r a l n i ck Elects R i c h a r d s on V i c e President page: 20
- W e l d e d B e a m A d ds C u s t o m T e e S h a p es T o P r o d u c t Line page: 21
- Marathon-Built Rowan Gorilla I Now Drilling Offshore Nova Scotia page: 22
- SURVIVAL AT SEA page: 22
- Bay-Houston Appoints Four Executives page: 24
- Alden Introduces New Whip Antenna For Radiofax — Literature Available page: 24
- Marine Travelift Introduces Another New Model In Its Boat Hoist Line page: 25
- Norwinch And MTT Unveil New Shipboard Crane — Literature Available page: 25
- Tanker Owners Federation Will Study Oil Spill Clean-Up For U.S. Navy page: 27
- TeleSystems Opens Maritime Sales Offices In New York And Los Angeles page: 28
- Amot Controls Introduces New Sensing Switches — Literature Available page: 28
- Sonat Exploration Names Executive Vice President page: 29
- Drew Ameroid Unveils New Fuel Additive — Literature Available page: 29
- Thornton Named President Of Martime Capital, Inc. page: 30
- Raymond International Expands Offshore Services To U.S. West Coast page: 30
- Airco Introduces New Pulsed Welding Systems — Literature Available page: 31
- C l o w / G r e e n b e r g O f f e rs B r o c h u r e O n Bronze V a l v e s A n d Fittings page: 31
- U n i r o y a l D e l t a Fender Systems P r o t e c t Pier A n d Ships A t N O R S H I P CO page: 31
- Wynholds Company Will Provide Computer Systems For Maersk Line Ships page: 32
- Parkway Adds Improved Features To Its Ocean Jacket Buoyancy System page: 32
- Three Navy Patrol Boats Delivered By Swiftships page: 32
- T r a i l e r M a r i n e T r a n s p o rt A w a r d e d $ 7 . 7 - M i l l i on M S C C o n t r a ct page: 33
- WABCO To Market New High-Torque Air Motor — Literature Available page: 34
- Hempel's Introduces New Antifoulings — Literature Available page: 34
- RORO84 Nice, Frace _ May 9 -11 page: 34
- Navy Repair And Overhaul Market page: 36
- Burness C o r l e t t / S e a w o r t hy O f f e r Unique R O / R O / T a n k e r Design page: 36
- S e m i n a r M a r k s O p e n i ng O f W a r t s i l a O f f i c e In V a n c o u v e r , B.C., C a n a da page: 36
- X a n t h o s N a m e d Sales M a n a g e r For Renk's B e a r i n g s D i v i s i on page: 37
- Puget S o u n d S e c t i o n / A S NE H e a r s P r e s e n t a t i o n O n E x p l o s i v e B o n d i ng page: 37
- Big 1 9 8 4 M R O C a t a l og N o w A v a i l a b l e F r om R e l i a n c e Electric page: 37
- K o c h - E l l i s C o m p l e t es N e w R O / R O F a c i l i ty — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 37
- A S E A STAL A n n o u n c es C o r p o r a t e N a m e C h a n ge page: 37
- I M E M e e t i n g Discusses Use Of Epoxy Resins In Ship M &R page: 38
- B u l k f l e e t I n c o r p o r a t ed C o n s o l i d a t e s Under N e w N a me page: 38
- L a r i m e r N a m e d Chief E n g i n e e r i n g P l a n n i n g/ C o n t r o l M a r i n e t t e M a r i ne page: 38
- S N A M E S t a n d a r ds A n d S p e c i f i c a t i o n Panel To M e e t M a y 1 7 - 18 page: 38
- Ba l d t I n t r o d u c e s N ew W o r k b o a t C o n n e c t i n g Link — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 39
- N e w York S N A M E Hears Paper On Computer-Based Preliminary Design page: 39
- Unique Lobster Boat Miss Julie D e l i v e r e d By G l a d d i n g - H e a rn page: 40
- o d d S e a t t l e To Refit T w o C o n t a i n e r s h i ps For Lykes Bros. page: 40
- John C r a n e O f f e rs F r e e Brochure On End F a c e Shaft Seals page: 40
- Furuno Unveils Low-Cost Color Video Plotter — Literature Available page: 42
- MarAd To Host Fleet Management Conference April 25-27 In Chicago page: 42
- a c k u p S a b i n e V A r r i v es A b o a r d D a n Lifter page: 42
- G e n s t a r Uses N o v e l T e c h n i q ue T o Launch P e t r o b r a s D r i l l i n g Rig page: 42
- Spring Meeting Of Great Lakes/Great Rivers SNAME Scheduled For May 17 page: 43
- Magnetrol Offers Brochure On Electronic Liquid Level Transmitters page: 43
- Sperry Awards Sanders $10-Million Contract page: 46
- T e x a s Instruments Unveils N e w Loran C N a v i g a t or — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 46
- Lord M a r i n e Fenders A re M a n u f a c t u r e d In 2 2 Sizes — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 46
- Joint SNAME/ASNE/MTS Meeting Hears Paper On Offshore Platforms page: 47
- ASNE Day '84 page: 48
- T r i m b l e N a v i g a t i o n I n t r o d u c es The M o d e l 3 0 0 L O R A N C o m p u t er — L i t e r a t u r e A v a i l a b le page: 51
- V a l m e t ' s N e w A u t o m a t i on System O r d e r e d For T wo Product C a r r i e r s At H y u n d ai page: 51
- Propellers '84 Scheduled For May 15-16 At Cavalier Hotel In Virginia Beach page: 64
- Lingaas Named Senior VP For Cruise Operations At Holland America Line page: 69
- AIMS Endorses New Marine Firefighting Training Program page: 70
- Promotions Announced At Marine Transport Lines page: 70
- Worthington Offers New Cast Iron Pump Line — Literature Available page: 71
- Management Appointments Announced By Crowley's Caribbean Division page: 71
- OTC 84 page: 72
- Elinca Systems To Be Installed On Five Tankers Of Chevron Shipping Fleet page: 81
- Philadelphia Resins Offers New Bulletin On Its Wire Rope Socketing System page: 81
- New Lighting Systems Catalog Now Available From Rig-A-Lite Company page: 82
- FMC Introduces Two New Crawler Cranes And Heavy Lift Attachments page: 82
- Free Bulletin Describes Complete Line Of Kohlenberg Airhorns page: 87
- McDermott Delivers Two Caterpillar-Powered Supply Vessels To Tidewater page: 88
- New Anti-Corrosion Paint Pigments Unveiled By BP page: 89
- Westinghouse Secures U.S. Patent On Self-Protecting Sensing Cell Electrodes — Literature Available page: 89
- Tuneable Hull Plate Reduces Propeller-Induced Noise/Vibration page: 93
- Tracor Marine Awarded $6-Million Contract To Convert AT&T Cable Ship page: 94
- Nationwide Boiler Awarded $1.8-Million Navy Contract To Upgrade Steam Plants page: 95
- Full-Color Worthington Brochure Covers Specs Of Redesigned Pumps page: 95
- MSC Awards Biospherics Contract For 40 Oilarms — Option For 40 More page: 96
- Meeting Of SNAME Great Lakes/ Great Rivers Section Discusses Fuel Additives And Hull Springing page: 98
- Drew Ameroid5 Marine Introduces Four Additions To Product Line page: 98
- Chugoku Introduces New Antifouling Hull Coatings — Literature Available page: 107