The 11 th International Conference & Exhibition For The Roll-on/Roll-off Marine Transportation Industry, SVENSKA MASSAN GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN 20-22 May 1992 From May 20 to 22, the Svenska Massan Conference Center and Sara Gothia Hotel in Gothenburg, Sweden, will be hosting RoRo 92, the 11th biennial international conference and exhibition on Roll-on/Roll-off transportation concepts. Begun in 1976, the international conference was last held in Gothenburg in 1988 and in Trieste, Italy in 1990.
The main focus of RoRo 92 will be on future developments in ship requirements, ship types and designs, port systems, environmental concerns, new European RoRo waterways, advances in terminal and linkspan designs, new Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) regulations, and the latest in swapbody and cassette handling.
For over 15 years the exhibition has been firmly established as the leading international event for those involved in the Roll-on/Roll-off industry and an excellent business environment in which to promote their capabilities. The conference will bring together the views and exhibits of some of the leading executives from the various sectors of RoRo handling, shipping lines, ports, marine machinery and cargo equipment manufacturers. Some of the products and services that will be on display include: RoRo tractors and forklifts; skid safety items; cargo lashing gear; marine navigation equipment; RoRo ship and ferry designs; port layouts; marine machinery; container handling equipment and cranes; and ship management services. Participants from 40 countries are expected to attend RoRo 92.
The three-day program comprises 10 sessions under the following headings: Session 1 - MARKETS & NEEDS Session 2 - FAST RORO, THE FUTURE Session 3 - PORT FUTURES Session 4 - FOREST PRODUCTS Session 5 - SHIP DESIGN/ PROPULSION Session 6 - COASTAL & INLAND RORO Session 7 - LASHING & STEVEDORING Session 8 - TERMINAL DEVELOPMENTS Session 9 - SHIP SURVIVABILITY Session 10 -HANDLING & TRANSPORT The two opening sessions both address several key issues for the future of the business. The feasibility of several fast sea transport projects between Scandinavia and the European continent will be examined in the Fast RoRo Session, as well as the results of a major study carried out by Finland's Kvaerner Masa-Yards.
Pollution concerns and their possible solutions will be discussed during the Coastal, Inland RoRo and Ship Design & Propulsion sessions.
One of the keynote speakers of the conference will be the U.S. Navy's commander of Military Sealift Command, Vice Adm. F. R. Donovan.
Based on the experience gained by coalition forces during the Gulf War, Admiral Donovan will discuss the critical contribution made by RoRo merchant vessels to the allied supply effort and the importance of maintaining a sufficient number of modern RoRo vessels.
A major highlight of RoRo 92 will be the gala dinner and reception hosted by Stena Rederi AB and the Swedish Shipowners Association on board the STENA DANICA. The luxury ferry will cruise through the beautiful Gothenburg Archipelago to Frederikshavn, Denmark, and back.
For additional information on registration and attendance, contact: RoRo Secretariat, 2 Station Road, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1QP U.K.; telephone: (from U.S. - 011) 44-923-776363; fax: (011) 44-923- 777206.
Day 1: Wednesday, 20 May 9 a.m. - RoRo 92 Registration & Exhibition Opens 2 p.m. - RoRo 92 Conference Opens Session 1: MARKETS AND NEEDS The RoRo Market And Its Continuing Importance To Merchant And Military Needs - M. Sclar, senior consultant, DRI/McGraw-Hill, Lexington, U.S.A Vehicle Shipments In A Turbulent World - N. Kurten, executive vice president traffic & marketing, Wallenius Lines AB, Stockholm Italy's Coastal Sea-Roads. Starts Moving In June With The First Of Five New RoRo's - G. Migliorino, vice president strategic planning, Finmare, president, Viamare, Genoa RoRo Tonnage. The Ship Of Choice For "Desert Storm" - Vice Adm. Donovan, Military Sealift Command, Washington, D.C.
Session 2: FAST RORO - The Future?
Really Fast Freight RoRo Ships Could Change The Market. Are The Economics Feasible? - K.
Levander, senior vice president ship design, Kvaerner Masa-Yards, Turku, Finland The ACOUASTRADA High Speed Design Of Car Carrying RoRo - A. Sculati, head of project, Rodriquez Cantieri, Navali SpA, Messina, Italy Large Catamaran Designs Could Provide The Optimum Solution - P. Wintzer, vice president, Sweden Ship Invest, Sweden End of First Day's Conference Welcome Reception from the City of Gothenburg Day 2: Thursday, 21 May Session 3: PORT FUTURES (parallel with Session 5) Scandinavian. Continental Trade Traffic Development With Special Reference To The Transit Function Of The Port Of Hamburg - H. L. Beth, Hamburger Hafen - und Lagerhaus AG, Hamburg RoRo. A Flexible Friend - J. McNab, chief executive, Port of Tilbury, U.K.
Session 4: FOREST PRODUCTS (parallel with Session 5) Using A New Flat/Cassette System For Door-To- Door Forest Products Logistics - J. Ebeling, vice president transport systems, Jaakko Poyry Consulting Oy, Vantaa, Finland Cassettes Bv Rail. Opening Up A New Discussion - (speaker to be announced) Protecting And Lashing Of Paoar Rolls And Other Cargoes. A New System - J. Finell, technical development, Wisapak, Jakobstad, Finland A Forest Product Terminal Operator's View: Today's Requirements. Misconception Versus Reality?
-S.T.Cass, managing director, Crescent Wharves Ltd., and N. Hempstock, assisting managing director, Hayes Marine Services Ltd., Chatham, U.K.
Session 5: SHIP DESIGN AND PROPULSION (parallel with Sessions 3/4) Design Of A Low Emission Propulsion Plant For A Ferrv-P. Furu, manager, technical sales support, Wartsila Diesel, Oy, Finland MS "Aurora" (The World's Most Environment-Friend- Iv RoRo Ferrv) With SCR Emission Control Operating With Urea - C. Schoug, fleet manager, SweFerry, Helsingborg, Sweden Trailer Vessels For The 21 st Century. The Efficient Use Of Computerized Design - P. Rosholm, managing director, Kvaerner Ships Equipment AB, Gothenburg High Performance Freight Ferries For The English Channel - J. Gollenbeck, member of the board, Schichau Seebeckwerft AG The Practical Application Of Utility Analysis To RoRo Ship Design: Pavload Handling Potions Related To Costs - D. Byrne, managing director, Transmarine Ltd., U.K.
RoRo Designs For U.S. Strategic Sealift (NAVSEA) W. Stuart, president, Stuart Marine International Inc., Houston, and B. McCormick, Alabama Shipyard Inc., Mobile Session 6: COASTAL AND INLAND RORO (parallel with Session 7/8) Danube RoRo: Cost-Effective And Environmentally Friendly Alternative To Overland Transport - B.
Christov, U.K. manager, SOMAT International Road Transport, Sofia, Bulgaria Car Logistics Bv Inland Waterway. The Environmental Solution - W. M. van Wijngaarden, managing director, Nedlloyd Rijn-EnBinnenvaart, Rotterdam New RoRo Possibilities On The Trans-Eurooean Waterway - N. Gosztonyi, transport consultant, (including adviser to Hungarian Government), Switzerland New Possibilities For RoRo Traffic In European Coastal Shipping - P. Struijs, executive director shipping, Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands A New Short-Sea Shipping Concept To Reduce Costs - A. Sjobris, MariTerm AB, Gothenburg Session 7: LASHING AND STEVEDORING (parallel with Session 6) Cargo Care. ATraining Proeram For Safe Stowage And Securing Of Cargo And Its Influence On RoRo Safety-P. Andersson, MariTerm AB, Gothenburg Session 8: TERMINAL DEVELOPMENTS (parallel with Session 6) Computerized Traffic Management At Large Ferrv Terminals-L. Roueche, manager of planning and research, British Columbia Ferry Corporation, Canada Planning & Development Of New RoRo Facilities For Sealink Stena Line - D. Wignall, port civil engineer, Sealink Stena Line, Harwich, and K. C.
Fear, Posford Duvivier, Peterborough, U.K.
Seven New RoRo Terminal Projects On Irish Sea Routes (Both Conventional And High Speed) Encouraged Bv EEC Funding For Cross-Channel Transportation-M. B. Lohn, director, L.G. Mouchel & Partners Ltd., Weybridge, U.K.
Double-Deck Linkspans To Suit All RoRos. Including Brittany Ferries. SuperFerries And The New High Speed Catamarans - J. Rose, managing director, Marine Development Ltd., Scotland End of Second Day's Conference - Official RoRo 92 Reception and Dinner hosted by Stena Rederi AB and the Swedish Shipowners Association aboard the STENA DANICA super ferry sailing between Sweden and Denmark.
Day 3: Friday, 22 May Session 9: SHIP SURVIVABILITY (parallel with Session 10) Conversion Of Existing Passenger Ferries To Meet The New SOLAS Stability Regulations - C. Lloyd, deputy managing director, BMT Cortec Ltd., Wallsend, U.K.
The New Subdivision Regulations: Application And Effect On Current RoRo Design - S. Rusas, principle surveyor, Det norske Veritas Classification A/S, Oslo A Report On The SOLAS 90 Amendments (From The April 1992 Session Of The IMP Maritime Safety Committee) - R. Sundstrom, head of ship construction and equipment division, Maritime Safety Department of the Swedish Administration of Shipping and Navigation, Norrkopping Location And Extent Pf Flooding. A Dynamic Analysis - D. Vassalos and 0. Turan, department of ship and marine technology, University of Strathclde, Scotland Session 10: HANDLING & TRANSPGRT (parallel with Session 9) Future Reduction Of Diesel Exhaust Emissions For Material Handling Equipment - P. von Braun, senior product engineer, Volvo Penta, Gothenburg Simple Solutions For Swaobodv Handling Of RoRo Vessels - A. Ivarssen, CCH AB, Sweden Using Swaobodies For Multi-Modal JIT Logistics - S. Wells, general manager transport, TNT, Netherlands New RoRo System For Steel Products - (paper to be confirmed), NKK Corporation, Japan Using Cassettes In The Steel Industry - R. Engstrand, distribution manager, SSAB Oxelosund, Sweden Recent Advances In RoRo Technology - W. Lister, Listavia International Consultants Ltd., U.K.
1 p.m. - Close of Conference 4 p.m. - Close of Exhibition
Read RORO 92 in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of May 1992 Maritime Reporter
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